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EXTREME allergies

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I had bad seasonal allergies & allergic to pet dander (we have a cat) Have always taken a once daily pill (generic for Zyrtec) which brought little relief. 

When Flonase nasal spray became over the counter a few years ago I added that, and saw drastic improvement! Allergies almost completely gone. So I stopped taking Zyrtec, and I started to feel it come back, so I just kept taking both. I get generic of Zyrtec once daily pill & generic for Flonase, 2 puffs in each nostril every morning. I get both at Costco (Kirkland brand), but Amazon has generic also, or any other store. I recently started doing 1 puff of saline nasal spray first, because I read it kind of primes your nose before taking Flonase. My allergies have been much more under control for the past 6 years on this regiment every single day. You can get generic Zyrtec in a bottle with 365 pills. Every once in a while I'll have a little bit of a flare up & I may need to take a Benadryl in the evening. But it is nowhere near as bad as it was before I started taking Flonase. Previously I was having bad allergy attacks weekly. I hope that helps & you can find some relief!

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2 hours ago, Amygdala said:

Have you tried to explore testing for yeast allergy? Lots of interesting info out there.


I have not.  Not sure if that would be relevant to me since mine acts up with high pollen & the beginning of sugar mill processing (which is putting smoke & no doubt chemicals in the air)



33 minutes ago, ecok said:

My allergies have been much more under control for the past 6 years on this regiment every single day.


I can get mine "under control" as well with all that kind of medication.  But my point is I'm trying to avoid meds.  I'm trying to find out what I need to do to get my body to chill out naturally and more permanently.  Preferably without taking something everyday.  :no:


Meds will impact your liver or kidneys or microbiome in negative ways.  So that's really what I'm after.  And alternative solution or thought-process.

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6 hours ago, computerwiz said:

with high pollen & the beginning of sugar mill processing (which is putting smoke & no doubt chemicals in the air)



About 15 years ago here in Germany, I was diagnosed with every single allergy imaginable. Even the doctor didn‘t believe I had anything, until both of my arms swelled up from the various allergen tests. I actually never really took note when I lived in Canada, except I only noticed that when I lived in the west coast, I often dealt with congestion, and often took anti-histamines. When I moved to the east, my congestion somehow cleared up. The only thing I could think of was the difference living between more nature (lots of pollen) vs. the heart of downtown in Toronto and not as much of it. Also, my eating habits were very different in Toronto as I lived mostly vegetarian, low-carb, which unknowingly to me at the time, kept my allergies under bay.


Fast forward to finding out about my various intolerances at the doctor‘s office, I was given a list of foods to avoid that contained the same pollens (grass, trees, etc.) as the ones I had been diagnosed with. It was eye-opening to see what foods I had to avoid during high pollen season. which is usually from April - August here. I had to avoid all these yummy breads and milk products here, as well as even certain vegetables and fruits. The alternative was that I could take a cortisol shot. The choice was clear to me. So I went gluten and lactose-free, and avoided certain vegetables during allergy season. That was 15 years ago. Since then I literally cured my own problem without having to go on cortisol shots, nor having to take anti-histamines. 


But it takes awhile to get out all of the allergens and clean up your system. Over the years I found out what other horrible intolerances I have (shellfish, spinach, caffeine, even apple-cider vinegar!) that come out fiercely as hives, horrible gastric pains, or cystic acne on my face. The body will tell you when it‘s suffering. Inflammation is the number one sign that your body says that you are hurting it with a toxin. At one point, my doctor told me I had to avoid all fructose for 6 months because I wasn‘t aware that my lactose-intolerance was causing, in turn, fructose-malabsorption and had up to that point making my own yogurt and eating lots of delicious quark that is available here. So one intolerance led to another. So after 6 months of abstaining from fructose and lactose foods, I slowly introduced fructose again into my diet, but stayed lactose-free.


You can try a test and avoid a certain food(s) for a week, for eg. going gluten-free. If it is your allergy intolerance, you will perhaps even notice after 1 or 2 days that your symptoms will start to improve. If you notice no improvement, then most likely that is not the cause of your allergy.


Sadly we live today in an environment where the foods we eat are not of the same quality as centuries before, or full of chemicals that the body can‘t metabolize or digest. Add to the mix an inherited constitution, then it‘s no wonder that many people suffer with allergies today.

Edited by Amygdala

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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On 10/1/2024 at 11:44 PM, Amygdala said:

You can try a test and avoid a certain food(s) for a week, for eg. going gluten-free. If it is your allergy intolerance, you will perhaps even notice after 1 or 2 days that your symptoms will start to improve. If you notice no improvement, then most likely that is not the cause of your allergy.


I may have to do something like that.  It's just hard to do in this fast paced world.


Seems either I'm adapting (finally) to the smoke from grinding season.  Or just pollen has eased up enough (down from 10 to 8) that my system is finally chilling out.  So far I've only needed a little bit of natural anti-histamines today to be good.  So thankful!!


But just a couple days ago I was literally losing my mind dealing with my allergies.  I was not in a good place.  :nope:  But I'm much better right now.



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A strictly grain and sugar free, meat based low carb low inflammatory diet is when I started having relief from allergies. Dairy generally doesn't help, particularly if you're gluten sensitive to the cross reactive proteins. I still eat some cheese nowadays, but I haven't had significant issues with allergies or sinuses since I removed the two worst offenders.

Edited by Myew
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On 10/1/2024 at 10:47 PM, computerwiz said:

I can get mine "under control" as well with all that kind of medication.  But my point is I'm trying to avoid meds.  I'm trying to find out what I need to do to get my body to chill out naturally and more permanently.  Preferably without taking something everyday.  :no:



Hey, this isn't my personal experience it is my husband's but I witnessed it first hand.


The history (which I didn't witness first hand as it's his childhood, but he has told me)


My husband always had extreme allergies. His Mum couldn't breast feed him for various reasons and she started him on formula after a very short while. He was allergic to cow's milk - it runs in his family - immediately he had awful eczema all over him, which would bleed so badly that his cot sheets were covered in blood each morning. The doctors recommended his Mum wean him early and feed him solids. She did this and he bloated up massively as his poor gut couldn't handle it and the eczema didn't stop. Now Doctors know more about immature gut etc. He had to be slathered in steroid cream daily. This kept the eczema at bay but asthma started (they now know this can happen if you suppress one allergic reaction with steroids it can come out as a different body reaction). Gradually the eczema subsided but the asthma took over in earnest, along with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. He was constantly streaming and wheezing and was on a non-stop stream of antihistamines and asthma pumps from then on. 


I met him when I was 16 and he was always in some form of allergic reaction. It was worse in the summer with pollen, in the autumn with spores etc and anywhere damp - streaming and blocked intermittently, wheezing, full asthma - you get the picture. we just accepted this was him and carried on the medication and regular check up.


Until around 20 years ago, when he started to see a Naturopath. She treated him with homeopathy and gradually his symptoms disappeared. This is where I saw things first hand.


This is how she explained her approach to him. I know I have said this to you before - on the root canal therapy thread, but I don't expect you to remember all I say coz I can go on a bit! 🤣


She said Imagine an iceberg with loads of things frozen in to it. It is floating in the water and the water level determines if you can see the items frozen in the iceberg or not.


The iceberg represents our inherited predisposition to health issues. We all have different junk frozen into our iceberg - migraines, chance of cancer, mental health issues etc.  


The water level is our health status. You top up your water level through active health choices, eating well, exercise, looking after your mental health, reducing stress, looking after yourself spiritually etc then the things frozen into your iceberg slip below the surface and your heath improves.


So in my husbands case, allergies and in fact extreme reactions of all kinds, emotional and otherwise, are frozen in to his iceberg.


She treated him monthly with individually prescribed remedies that she chose based on his physical, emotional and mental state. She told him not to stop his prescribed medication (which by this stage wasn't really helping much anyway) but to take her remedies alongside them. She prescribed "emergency" remedies to help with his asthma and rhinitis, which he was to take as and when needed, along with monthly "constitutional" remedies which were aimed at his over-all wellbeing.


Gradually we noticed he needed his antihistamines and blue inhaler less and less. The bouts of sinusitis subsided. Eventually he was off all medication bar her remedies. He decided to try eating some dairy, to see what the result was. He tolerated it very well. Now he eats dairy in recipes often, but does drink oat or soya for tea and coffee etc. This is because he still feels a clogged up feeling in his throat if he drinks whole milk. This is a vast difference to before.


His seasonal allergies are still there slightly, but not enough for him to take an antihistamine. He just takes homeopathic emergency remedies if he is at all troubled by symptoms.


Here's the thing. She said "I can't cure you, it's not something that can be cured, but I can strengthen you so that your body knows what to do for itself. Remember though that if anything makes your tide go out (makes the water level drop) your symptoms will return until you can raise your water level again".


This is exactly what we have observed. If there is stress, or grief. If there is anxiety or if he has an physical accident. If something poisons him or he is exposed to some other bodily stressor - the water level drops and out the top of the water line pokes his allergies. 


Straight away he knows what to do, the same homeopath still treats him and between them they usually get it under control again very quickly.


Sounds like a lot of money, right, going to a homeopath every month? Before he went he was having to take regular days off with his asthma, and as he is self employed this was costing us a lot in lost wages. Now he doesn't have to take any days off at all, in fact I can't remember the last time he was off sick. So she basically pays for herself!


I know this isn't a quick fix but it is a first hand story. If you want to know more you can DM me :)


Edited by Frances Bennett
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My brother had some allergies and went to a specialist that took his insurance. He ended up taking injections quarterly for a couple years. That seems to have done the trick as his symptoms were minimal while taking the injections and now seem to have subsided and he no longer needs the injections.




"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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On 10/3/2024 at 10:01 PM, Myew said:

A strictly grain and sugar free, meat based low carb low inflammatory diet is when I started having relief from allergies. Dairy generally doesn't help, particularly if you're gluten sensitive to the cross reactive proteins. I still eat some cheese nowadays, but I haven't had significant issues with allergies or sinuses since I removed the two worst offenders.


Very true. Great you got everything related to your health under control! I agree completely.


If you look at the majority of western diseases today, many of the gastric and intestinal, neural, circulatory, hormone, metabolic, heart, liver, and kidney diseases are related to the type of foods, or food behaviours a person has. Millions of $$/€€ are spent on drugs and medications every year. Sadly too, many find themselves in a vicious cycle they can’t get out of or change, because the foods that are tasty are normally high, ultra processed, fast, or sugar-filled foods. Plus kids were rarely taught in schools proper health and nutrition, and often this passes down through the generations. People today need to learn how the body works, how foods play a significant role in one‘s health and outcome. Everyone is inherently different, too, so being proactive about one‘s own health and pre-disposition through the food choices one makes can be the first step in internal healing and avoiding Big Pharma.

Edited by Amygdala

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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To clarify, all of my health issues are definitely not under control. Diet alone can't fix all the other factors (like dental) that I need fixed, or the functional medicine tests and treatments that I can't afford or find the motivation to save up for. Though I absolutely agree that diet is one of the biggest factors when it comes to our health and chronic illness. I also believe that we need to educate ourselves and take action to do what we can to better our bodies and health in order to serve Jehovah as fully as possible, but we also so very much need the Kingdom. I still need the Kingdom badly.

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2 minutes ago, Myew said:

I also believe that we need to educate ourselves and take action to do what we can to better our bodies and health in order to serve Jehovah as fully as possible, but we also so very much need the Kingdom. I still need the Kingdom badly.


We all need the kingdom, most certainly.


At the Bethel Selters, Germany, 3 days out of the week they eat vegetarian, 1 day meat, and the other day fish. Filled with lots of fruits and vegetables. I am not sure what it‘s like at other Bethels, but what a great way to keep the Bethel family healthy and fit, which is a great example.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I'm of a different opinion. 😼

(Nehemiah 5:18, 19) Every day one bull, six choice sheep, and birds were prepared for me, and once every ten days we had all sorts of wine in abundance... 19 Do remember me favorably, O my God, for all that I have done in behalf of this people.

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On 10/4/2024 at 4:33 AM, Frances Bennett said:

I know this isn't a quick fix but it is a first hand story. If you want to know more you can DM me :)


I was doing better, but then last night was rough again.  -_-  Curious to hear what kind of supplements/lifestyle changes the holistic doctor recommended to help your husband out.


On 10/4/2024 at 5:55 PM, Qapla said:

He ended up taking injections quarterly for a couple years.


I did injections for about a year until I realized I was miserable 6 out of 7 days during the best years of my life.  The improvement was negligible, if anything.  So I quit making myself miserable with the injections.  My wife had her own health challenges at the time, so I couldn't have both of us down either.




On 10/5/2024 at 1:07 PM, Amygdala said:

People today need to learn how the body works, how foods play a significant role in one‘s health and outcome. Everyone is inherently different, too, so being proactive about one‘s own health and pre-disposition through the food choices one makes can be the first step in internal healing and avoiding Big Pharma.


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27 minutes ago, computerwiz said:

I did injections for about a year until I realized I was miserable 6 out of 7 days during the best years of my life.  The improvement was negligible, if anything. 


In my brother's case, he got almost immediate improvement from the injections and, in the end, mostly solved his issues. However, as your results demonstrate, what works for one person does not work for all people.


Each person is different - exactly why the FDS cautions us against giving medical advice.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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