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Unconfirmed reports she is a sister ~ MISSING

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so so so sad....

And how could a fellow brother do this atrocity?

Keep in mind that Judas was once a brother - unfortunately, living in the last days, things won't be getting better for any of us. Getting close to Jehovah is all we can do.

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dont yu think pornography was involved? look at all the cases of girls being murdered and bottom line is pornogrphy isnt that what jesus said about looking at another woman with intent isnt that why it is being emphasies in talks and wt how many brothers are addicted with this stuff and look at the outcome

She was murdered then, don't you think watching violence was involved?

We cannot be sure of that, but it would not be a surprise.

Someone addicted to pornography may fantasize on how to practice the things he watched. Moreover there are also some abhorrent forms of pornography, as we have read recently in the study edition of the WT, that include depraved sex mixed with violence. Filling the mind of such things is equivalent to poison our mind and heart.

We do well to listen to the advices of the FDS

Absolutely agree.

...absolute rubbish...

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We do not know what has led to this terrible act of violence – however what we do know is that Jehovah has warned us through his organization on what can be the consequences, if you let yourself be poisoned by watching pornography and/or violence.

We in Europe have been devastated as well to hear what has happened in Gresham, and have sent our condolences and heartfelt feelings to the husband, parents and the family.

However, I’ve been shocked to read a few comments posted on news web pages reporting on this case, and on what revengeful thoughts people wilfully utter in regards to the suspected brother. It are certainly (and hopefully) non-witnesses that have written such comments, and in one way I can understand them. But as we as Jehovah’s witnesses have also been shaken by this shocking cruelty that has happened, we should think about what feeling we let come up in our heart.

I feel so sorry for the wife of the suspect, she must be going through the worst time one can imagine – as this deed will always be linked to her as well, albeit she is most probably completely innocent. Our prayers should go to her as well .

However cruel this deed was, we should also think about our suspected brother – Jehovah might have lost a sheep (probably already some time ago) there… and we should also hope and pray that our brother finds his way back to the flock, and that he repents from his whole heart.

He will for some time, and probably is already suffering the consequences of what he has allegedly done. But that will not stop Jehovah, nor should it stop us from taking him back in case he wants to come back.

After all, Jehovah's beloved son died for all of us.

Think about Manasseh (http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2012845?q=manasseh&p=par#p19)

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Beautiful :crush: and you are so right.

The true test of Christian qualities is during times like these. It is easy to love the lovable. I hope he gets the discipline he needs to return - if possible.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Here is a link to a letter written by Whitney Heichel's mom. Tears flowed as I read it as I see the power of everyone's prayers to Jehovah on this families' behalf and the strength He gives to those who worship and trust in Him. I cannot imagine the pain she, as a mother, has had to endure this week, and yet she is thinking of others. So heartwarming!


Proverbs 16:3  "Commit to Jehovah whatever you do and your plans will succeed."



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Here is a link to a letter written by Whitney Heichel's mom. Tears flowed as I read it as I see the power of everyone's prayers to Jehovah on this families' behalf and the strength He gives to those who worship and trust in Him. I cannot imagine the pain she, as a mother, has had to endure this week, and yet she is thinking of others. So heartwarming!


This is how Jehovah's spirit operates on his people. The letter of this sister is teaching us a lot.

"If you get hold of the head of a snake, the rest of it is mere rope"

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Here is a link to a letter written by Whitney Heichel's mom. Tears flowed as I read it as I see the power of everyone's prayers to Jehovah on this families' behalf and the strength He gives to those who worship and trust in Him. I cannot imagine the pain she, as a mother, has had to endure this week, and yet she is thinking of others. So heartwarming!


This is how Jehovah's spirit operates on his people. The letter of this sister is teaching us a lot.

Although that lovely letter made me cry I am happy because I have been begging Jehovah to comfort her family and give them strength. Our God is a wonderful father, He does not abandon his own.

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just wondering, why would a young sister give a inactive or even an active brother a ride alone? i remember reading that supposedly he was waiting outside her door to ask her for a ride. was this his explanation of how he got in the car with her? or is he lying and really forced his way into her car?

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From a friend on Facebook

We have a rather large family in our congregation, one of which is a very sweet, young sister named Whitney. She married a brother in the congregation next to ours a year and a half ago and left our congregation for his. I had gone over part of her baptism questions with her five years earlier, and we became good friends. This year, Whitney turned 21 years old, her husband Clint, 29 years old. Let me try to recount the events here since Tuesday, October 16th.

Tuesday, October 16th: Whitney got up as usual to go her job at the local Starbucks coffee shop – she had the 7:00am shift. She said good bye to her husband at 6:45am and left for work, a drive of only a couple of minutes from their apartment. At8:30am her boss called Clint wanting to know if Whitney was sick, as she had not come to work. Clint immediately knew something was wrong. He tried calling her several times on her cell phone. There was no answer. He called her parents, thinking that she may have stopped by to see them for something, but they had not seen her either. After trying to call her several more times, Clint calls the police at 10:00am to report her missing. They can’t do anything till a person is missing for 24 hours. So Clint calls one of the elders. He is at a local coffee shop. After Clint tells the elder the situation, the elder asks him which bank they go to. It happens to be the one right across the street from where he is. He goes to the bank to see if there are any unusual activities on her account. He knows personally one of the bank officers, so privacy rules are dropped and they look into her account. Sure enough, someone has filled up with gas miles away, using Whitney’s credit card. Clint and the elder rush to that gas station, and after explaining the situation, are allowed to view the security tape for that time frame. There is her vehicle, with a man’s arm sticking out of the driver window, pulling away. By now, all the circuit knows something is very wrong. An elder with search and rescue experience now starts putting together teams of brothers and sisters for an organized search pattern of the area. Within hours, there are hundreds of volunteers from our local congregations. Some congregations even cancel their meetings to participate in the search.

Wednesday, October 17th. The police can now begin their search and are brought up to date with what the Brothers have already discovered. One of the teams finds a jacket in a park some 12 miles away. Clint identifies it as belonging to Whitney and gives it to the police. Another team finds her vehicle in the local Wal-Mart parking lot, tires full of mud & the passenger window smashed. Some children playing in a field find a cell phone. They later recognize the picture on the cell phone as the same lady being shown on TV and turn it in to the police. Police begin the first of twice a day TV updates with Clint and Whitney’s mother and father, appealing to the public for help to report and sightings. It now becomes the lead story on all TV stations in the city.

Thursday, October 18th. One of our elders (Scott, her uncle) is in the car group that decides to search the road that leads up toLarch Mountain, in the Cascade Mountains. They stop at aisle marker 10 where they spot tire marks on the side of road, some broken glass and a bent up license plate lying in some tall grass. It is Whitney’s license plate! Scott knows the county sheriff, and immediately calls him. The sheriff drops everything and speeds to the mountain. The road and mountain is immediately closed off, the brothers told to go home. The FBI and the local police begin the search of the mountain.

The TV news conferences meanwhile continue.

The family just can’t sit still, so they decide to organize the friends in the congregations to go up to the mountain and feed the authorities breakfast, lunch and dinner. The authorities are amazed to see the parents there feeding all these people and comment how they have never seen a people so organized and so giving of themselves. We are prepared to continue doing this for however long it takes.

Friday, October 19th. An arrest is made. It is a neighbor of Clint’s and Whitney’s, living just several doors down from them. Why, he even has gone to some meetings at their Kingdom Hall! He confesses everything. The authorities find where he hid Whitney on Larch Mountain. He apparently lay in wait for her to come out of her apartment to her car at 6:45am. He then forced her into the car, as he had a gun. He has her drive to a remote location where he sexually assaults her and shoots her four times, killing her. Everyone, from family to congregation to the overall community is devastated.

It is announced on TV that the Kingdom Hall is going to have an open house the next Friday (October 26th) from 12:00 to5:00 pm for any who wished to meet the family and express their condolences. This is announced as their lead story on all TV stations every night the entire week. Newscasters actually learned to properly pronounce “Jehovah’s Witnesses” (instead of Jehovah’s or Jehovah’s witness, etc.) The Starbucks where Whitney worked has been turned into a memorial, as local people start leaving flowers in front of the coffee shop. On tonight’s TV news, one week later, they commented that this is the largest flower display of emotion in Portland’s entire history. People in the territory step out from their doors and are hugging the brothers and sisters in field service, and are asking why does God allow things like this to happen? Twelve new Bible studies were started by a car group just this morning!

Wednesday, October 24th: We gave the Service Meeting over to the family as they explained to us many of the goings on within the police department. The Chief of Police has said that it is obvious that “God is with you people”, and the stories of how the evidence was so quickly found by the Brothers and Sisters and all came together so quickly, there is little doubt as to who was helping! The family made a comment at the end of our meeting which really set the tone for everything that followed the days to come, “The devil made a BIG mistake when he attacked this family. We are determined to turn this tragedy into a victory for Jehovah and give our community the biggest witness it has ever received.”

Thursday, October 25th. Someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the Kingdom Hall parking lot for the public memorial on Friday. A floral shop calls and asks if they can donate flowers to the event. They fly in on special order thousands of dollars worth of floral arrangements from Hawaii and fill the Kingdom Hall. The Society got involved and had the circuit and district overseers come and serve Clint’s congregation this week – the district overseer also gave the private memorial talk on Saturday. The friends were frantically working to prepare food for the Friday event, but we didn’t have a clue how much food we would need. There was now enough food for 1,400 people. But was that enough? The brother in charge offered a prayer to Jehovah with the group, and as they said “Amen” the telephone rang. It was the manager of Wal-Mart saying he wanted to donate 4,000 sandwiches. Then the telephone rang again and again – from Albertsons and Safeway also wanting to make donations of food.

Friday, October 26th. All the departments have been put together. Outdoor parking attendants. Indoor parking attendants. Greeters. Food service. Sound. Restroom monitors. Cleaning crew. Literature. Press (TV & newspaper). The clouds were dark and low, 80% chance of heavy rain predicted. A Brother said, “With all of Jehovah’s direction and support this week, he isn’t about to let it rain.” Sure enough, it didn’t rain that day! The family gathered to the front of the Kingdom Hall to greet our guests. At 12:00pm we were ready and opened the doors. A line soon formed out the door, down the driveway and down the street. At 5:00pm the line was still out to the street, so the local meetings had to be canceled for that evening. Finally, the last person was welcomed in just after 7:00pm. Starbucks employees came with three large boxes filled to the top with money they had collected to help the family with funeral expenses. Strangers came with gifts of flowers, cards and money. It was indescribable, an incredible experience for all of us. We were all ecstatic and exhausted! Two cartons of Bibles and a carton of Teach books had been placed. I was amazed how people who came that didn’t even know Whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family. But the family was doing just fine, as they would often say, “they were basking in the arms of Jehovah”. They were hugging and giving comfort to our guests! The brothers in charge of taking count gave up when they reached 2,400 people. So many were coming in, they simply couldn’t be counted. But we estimate that there were between 3,000 and 4,000 people that came.

Saturday, October 27th. This brings us down to today. We had a simple, private memorial service where only the family, Clint’s congregation and my congregation was invited. So were the police department and any Starbucks employees. All others were literally turned away, and shown the tent out in the parking lot if they wished to stay. The district overseer gave a very good half hour talk. Sitting arm in arm with the family was the chief of police and a number of other officers, and the mayor came too. I think we about hugged the life out of them. But we have clearly won them over and think the world of Jehovah’s Witnesses now. The chief of police said that the next time someone goes missing in Portland, he is going to call on Jehovah’s Witnesses. For this simple, private service, we had an attendance of 840. Not bad. The service was concluded with a very tearful singing of song #111, “He Will Call”.

Now, if you don’t mind I am going to bed. I am absolutely exhausted. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and that I send this with lots of love. Alan

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Even here on the other side of the world we heard of this awful event but how heartwaming to hear of the positive results coming from such a terrible happening. Also the events today re the terrible hurricane over there. The wise ones who follow the brothers instructions re "go bags" will know Jehovah looks after us if we stick close. We are certainly living in "difficult times hard to deal with."

Our prayers are with you. Agape, Phyllis

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Please give Alan a big hug from Australia . (I have tears rolling down my checks reading this post so sad yet so joyful of the over whelming response of the community ) thank him so very much (I know he must have been so emotionally drained) to tell us in such concise, well written way what really happened straight from the horses' mouth in these situations people tend to speculate on events it is so important to know the truth.:givehug:

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One news article said Jonathan Holt told police that he forced his way into her car at gun point. (IF you can believe the news)

If you read the long post above - it details what happened.

Yes, he used a gun to force his way in her car.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Thank you for this timeline. It is heartwarming to see the response of the brothers and sisters. A good witness to Jehovah's name was given.

Now the big question is, "WHY'. Did the perpetrator play sadistic video games. look at pornography or covet (desire) his neighbor's wife ? (Exodus 20:17)

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Thank you for this timeline. It is heartwarming to see the response of the brothers and sisters. A good witness to Jehovah's name was given.

Now the big question is, "WHY'. Did the perpetrator play sadistic video games. look at pornography or covet (desire) his neighbor's wife ? (Exodus 20:17)

He probably doesn't know himself.

"The heart is desperate - who can know it" (Jer 17:9) & Prov 18:1 "One isolating himself will seek [his own] selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth."

come to mind.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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so sad to hear the tragic news... thanks to Alan for letting us know what had happened. we lost one of our precious sister, and gained another 12 righthearted ones. satan sure is not winning. my heart goes out to the family and husband of our dear whitney. i've shared the news with members in our translation office, and during morning worship the brother who prayed, mentioned whitney's family in his prayer.

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I was totally enthralled by Alan's account of what happened regarding our dear sister. I have been coming back here to check on any updates since this thread first started. His detailed account helped me to picture what it must be like to be there dealing with it all. When I finally got to the end where he mentioned song #111 I completely gave way to uncontrollable sobbing.

I was overcome with a whole range of emotions that I haven't felt for a long time... Sadness, loss, but above all PRIDE!

To think: I too am one of Jehovah's people – I'm so proud of my brothers and sisters who were there dealing with this terrible situation so admirably, with strength and determination and unbreakable faith. Sacrificing their time, energy and resources for all to see, but out of their genuine concern. What an amazing witness this must have been. 4,000 people at the kingdom hall? that's unbelievable. What a turnaround from the reproach that could have been brought on Jehovah's name because of what was done by one of our own. What a distressing situation this must be for all who are dealing with it!

Jehovah is Great!

What an amazing God we have to be able to turn a tragedy such as this into what it has become. I have seen so much evidence recently of Jehovah's blessing on His people. I have personally been the recipient of it in recent times. I have seen his hand in so many ways lately blessing the ingathering work, I almost don't know where to begin.

Satan is upping the Anti that is clear to see, but Jehovah is ready to give an answer each time — AMAZING!

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I was totally enthralled by Alan's account of what happened regarding our dear sister. I have been coming back here to check on any updates since this thread first started. His detailed account helped me to picture what it must be like to be there dealing with it all. When I finally got to the end where he mentioned song #111 I completely gave way to uncontrollable sobbing.

I was overcome with a whole range of emotions that I haven't felt for a long time... Sadness, loss, but above all PRIDE!

To think: I too am one of Jehovah's people – I'm so proud of my brothers and sisters who were there dealing with this terrible situation so admirably, with strength and determination and unbreakable faith. Sacrificing their time, energy and resources for all to see, but out of their genuine concern. What an amazing witness this must have been. 4,000 people at the kingdom hall? that's unbelievable. What a turnaround from the reproach that could have been brought on Jehovah's name because of what was done by one of our own. What a distressing situation this must be for all who are dealing with it!

Jehovah is Great!

What an amazing God we have to be able to turn a tragedy such as this into what it has become. I have seen so much evidence recently of Jehovah's blessing on His people. I have personally been the recipient of it in recent times. I have seen his hand in so many ways lately blessing the ingathering work, I almost don't know where to begin.

Satan is upping the Anti that is clear to see, but Jehovah is ready to give an answer each time — AMAZING!

My thoughts and feelings exactly...

Thanks Dave for expressing that

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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Oh, Dave, you put my feelings into words. While I read the letter to Grumpy, I had to keep stopping because I was so emotional. We surely do have such am amazing God and He has taught us just how to deal with these losses. My heart breaks for the family and also for the sister who's husband committed this terrible atrocity.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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