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Flu Jab Anyone !!

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I had the flu jab for the first time this year.... in early October.. and guess what I am sure I have the flu, I feel just awful, anyone else got the flu even after having the jab ?

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I very seldom get the flu, and if I do, it's not bad and doesn't last long. But the three times in my life that I got a flu shot were the times I got a very bad case of the flu!

My doctor talked me into the shots twice and then had to treat me after for the flu. After the third time, he advised me not to get a flu shot again, ever. He said he shouldn't advise that but he felt I was one of "those people" that the "dead" enzymes from the flu shot will trigger the flu. I have read pros and cons about this and claims that this is not possible, but for me, three times was enough, I believe it and haven't gotten a bad flu since.

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Well I got it from my husband... he of course had 'Man Flu' :lol2: maybe its just a heavy cold then ? then the type when your skin hurts and you feel like your drifting around the room !!

That is dead interesting Musky its obviously possible to get it anyway :(

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Well I haven't had any flu shots. I have observed friends who have and my father and grandfather straight after they have had the shots they have had major flu's and so I tend to go a little natural. Like Echineacea forgive my spelling. & Horseradish with garlic and fenugreek and vitamin C's You can get these at a herbal shop and they do work well along with ginger tea. When I have had the flu Mum makes we call it Nana's soup.. Its made from chicken carcass etc..That's good medicine..Hope you get better soon Annie..As for the MAN Flu I don't think there is a remedy for them. I will keep searching..LOL

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I haven't had the flu since I began getting flu shots about 12 years ago. Before that, I got the flu just about every year. This year, two of my adult sons never got their flu shots. I don't think they remember what it was like to have the flu, because if they did, they would have gotten them.

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What about people who get a seasonal flu vaccine and still get sick with flu-like symptoms?

There are several reasons why someone might get flu-like symptoms even after they have been vaccinated against the flu.

People may be exposed to an influenza virus shortly before getting vaccinated or during the two-week period that it takes the body to gain protection after getting vaccinated. This exposure may result in a person becoming ill with flu before the vaccine begins to protect them.

People may become ill from other (non-flu) viruses that circulate during the flu season, which can also cause flu-like symptoms (such as rhinovirus).

A person may be exposed to an influenza virus that is not included in the seasonal flu vaccine. There are many different influenza viruses that circulate every year. The flu shot protects against the 3 viruses that research suggests will be most common.

Unfortunately, some people can get infected with an influenza vaccine virus despite getting vaccinated. Protection provided by influenza vaccination can vary widely, based in part on health and age factors of the person getting vaccinated. In general, the flu vaccine works best among young healthy adults and older children. Some older people and people with certain chronic illnesses may develop less immunity after vaccination. However, even among people who tend to respond less well to vaccination, the flu vaccine can still help prevent influenza. Vaccination is particularly important for people at high risk of serious flu-related complications and for close contacts of high-risk people.

And My favorite, the ingredients to a flu shot!!!!


Type of Ingredient

Preservatives Thimerosal (only in multi-dose vials of flu vaccine) To prevent contamination

Adjuvants Aluminum salts To help stimulate the body’s response to the antigens

Stabilizers Sugars, gelatin To keep the vaccine potent during transportation and storage

Residual cell culture materials Egg protein To grow enough of the virus or bacteria to make the vaccine

Residual inactivating ingredients Formaldehyde To kill viruses or inactivate toxins during the manufacturing process

Residual antibiotics Penicillin, sulfa drugs To prevent contamination by bacteria during the vaccine manufacturing process

I work at Doctor's offices, the egg protein comes from embryonated chicken eggs. This is one of the reasons I don't get the flu shot.

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You certainly cannot get the flu from the injection itself. It is dead virus which is used.

You almost certainly have a heavy cold (as I have at the moment), but not the flu.

And where did you get your Doctorate? LOL :laugh:

LOL - I don't inquire into my doctor's dietary routine!

My wife gives the flu injections.

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I work in a hospital specifically the pharmacy. I get the flu shot every year because I go into sick people's rooms and I don't want to risk it. Every year get told "you can get the flu from the shot, it's a dead virus..." Every year I know people who get the flu within 24 hours of the shot. This year a co worker and i got the shot at the same time, the next morning I got the call to come and fill in for her she had the flu. Who know!!!

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I had the flu jab for the first time this year.... in early October.. and guess what I am sure I have the flu, I feel just awful, anyone else got the flu even after having the jab ?

I have never had the flu jab - I have never (that I can remember) had the flu either. In fact, I've never had a vaccine in my adult life. I am against all vaccines for myself and my family for personal, philosophical, and health related reasons. After my oldest son almost died from his first vaccine reaction (after the doctor assured me they were safe) none of my 4 children (now adults) have ever been vaccinated and my husband was only vaccinated in the military over 40 years ago.

I was raised using alternative/complementary medicine... herbs, natural healing, and homeopathy. These things have continued to serve us well. After my son almost died I spent 35 years of researching the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and I'm happy with my choice. There are significant risks and contraindications in getting immunized, something we learned almost too late. No one knows the long term consequences of getting toxins and bacteria injected directly into our bodies and they certainly have not been proven safe. Many years ago I was a research assistant in a project that documented vaccine reactions in children. Later that research resulted in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). After interviewing many families who had lost their children in death to vaccine reactions or became severely retarded or autistic after getting immunized, it's hard for me to believe they are safe for everyone. Just because someone doesn't have a reaction immediately doesn't mean they are safe - they may develop something later in life and not connect the dots. But don't let my personal experience change your decisions to have the flu jab if you want it. Please be my guest. I wish you all the best.

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The three sickest times in my life (so sick you are disappointed that you wake up and aren't dead yet):

1. mumps

2. strep throat

3. flu in 1974

I had the measles and came thru it pretty well, but I was never as healthy afterward. I used to run faster than any girl in my 6th grade class, but after the measles my friend, Elaine, was faster. So somehow my health was affected but that was the only indication. I'm 69 now and can still run, but somewhere Elaine Caldwell is showing me up.

Anyway (she's finally getting to the point), I am a firm believer in shots, vaccinations and stuff, except for flu shots for me. I don't think they do much good generally. Maybe we older ones have already had everything icky. They say the flu bugs keep mutating though and will get us if we don't have shots. We will see.

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I've never had it myself. I like to go with natural means whenever possible. I've only had really bad flu once in life that I can remember. Otherwise I get the 24 hr bug once in awhile where I feel crappy and nauseaus but don't actually get sick. It could be bad food or something I guess.

Everyoone in my family has adverse reactions to it and I figure sinve I don't generally get the flu, I'll stay away from the flu shot. Iwill say that news people are saying this year is worse than 2003 as far as flu goes. I've known a lo

t of people who have had it this year and its a bad one. Thing about flu shot if you do get it, they can't predict the virus coming out. It seems to mutate itself into different creatures now and then.

Oh yeah. I kind of don't like needles either lol

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Sadly the hospitals where I live are being inundated by the flu. The one were I work and the surrounding area hospitals are overcrowded. My boss just went to an emergency meeting about this problem. Unfortunately it's the type a strain of the flu and this years flu shot didn't cover that one. So even if you got the flu set it won't help!

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You certainly cannot get the flu from the injection itself. It is dead virus which is used.

You almost certainly have a heavy cold (as I have at the moment), but not the flu.

And where did you get your Doctorate? LOL :laugh:

I'm not a doctor either but I ask my doctor less than a year ago why it is that every time I get a flu shot, I get the flu? He told me that it is one of two things. One, the shot does not cover all the flu strains out there and second is that the shot actually gives you a minor case of the flu with real flu symptoms and this is how you build up the antibodies to the more dangerous flue virus itself. This made since to me but who knows when every other doctor tells you something different. Years ago they used to give small pox shots and it gave one a small amount of small pox (as well as a scar) and thus an immunity to the disease.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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The type A strain of flu (my previous post) is making the rounds. It's wasn't in this years flu shot. The flu vaccine is a dead virus, the nasal spray is a live virus. Every year the vaccine changes, it covers the most popular virus's from last season (I think top 5 if I remember correctly). I am not a doctor but I work in a hospital pharmacy, right now this is the number one concern of hospitals.

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I get a flu shot when they first come out in early October (due to asthma). I got thru Oct, Nov, and even Dec without so much as a sniffle. Then our first week back at work in January, I catch a bad head and chest cold and have been off work for 4 days now. I've used so much kleenix, I think I should be buying the company's stock! Makes me wonder if my flu shot was really a preventative ... or did it's warranty just expire... LOL (cough cough aCHOO!)

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I get a flu shot when they first come out in early October (due to asthma). I got thru Oct, Nov, and even Dec without so much as a sniffle. Then our first week back at work in January, I catch a bad head and chest cold and have been off work for 4 days now. I've used so much kleenix, I think I should be buying the company's stock! Makes me wonder if my flu shot was really a preventative ... or did it's warranty just expire... LOL (cough cough aCHOO!)

Same here, Lisa. At least it isn't the flu (which, with my heart problems could prove fatal). A bad head cold makes you feel so wretched, doesn't it?

My wife has it too, and the chesty cough associated with it. She has the vaccination (and gives it to others) as she works in primary care in the NHS.

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Funny thing in my situation..Can't get the shot because my immune system is too weak. I have Chronic Bronchitis (COPD?) & asthma along with several other health problems so I will probably end up wearing a mask again this year O.O

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Lisa,

I heartily sympathize with you. My husband and I both had flu shots in Oct. & Nov. of 2012. Get them every year. We also both had the flu in Dec. 2012, which also spilled over into this year.

I understand how you felt. The coughing sneezing, fever, aches and pains all over. My husband's turned into pneumonia, a mild heart attack, and kidney failure..

My temp. stayed around 100-101.6. His went up to 103. I got my stethoscope and listened to his chest. It was loaded, all 5 lobes. I called an ambulance, & sent him to the hospital. He got there just in time. If he had stayed at home he would have died. I thought I was going to. Fortunately we recovered from the initial stage, but we are both still quite weak. Our daughter & son - in - law came down with it too. They caught it from us, when they came here to help out. She has not recovered yet.

I do hope you have succeeded in your recovery, & continually are progressing. I feel very badly for those who have lost loved ones, esp. those who lost babies & children, not to mention their mates.

I can't help but think of the horsemen of Rev. riding and spreading their destruction. But, that brings us closer to the New World, where such things will not be,

All thanks to Jehovah, and his Son. Our job right now is to preach and endure, which we are all striving to do.

I send my love to all,

Carol J.

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Because of my health problems, the Dr. says I need a flu shot and every year I get one. A few years ago, I forgot to get the shot and I got the FLU. I mean to tell you, I was sick enough to die. I was in the hospital for 4 days and I knew for sure why people died of the flu back in 1918. I never miss my flu shot any more. They did say on TV that it takes 2 weeks for immunity to build up after you get the flu shot so if one is sick right after the shot, you must have had the bug to begin with. Just my 2 cents on the subject of flu.

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