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The Coming Dollar Collapse

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There’s an interview I came across from a reputable source that discusses plans to collapse the dollar. It’s the sort of information that’s hard to talk about, because if it’s wrong, you can damage your reputation, but 2 different sources have chosen to take that risk, and I thought it would be of particular interest to the friends. What it reveals is that things will turn bad really fast, as there will be gas and food shortages, and people will have their bank accounts emptied. It discusses the intention of the current administration to destroy America in order to bring about global governance, and they are preparing for revolution and civil war. This isn’t an article that’s been circulating on the web, but as I mentioned it was through a reputable source that I came across it. What I wonder is how do you prepare for this?



For corroboration, see




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Topic moved to News and Current Events since this topic is not about spiritual/scriptural upbuilding or encouragement.

I looked at a couple of the links. Neither site appears to be a completely neutral or unbiased website. Both sites appear to be more toward the nationalistic/conspiracy theorist mindset.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I checked them out, too, and thoroughly agree with Shawn. They are posted on conspiracy theory type websites, and interesting only so far as they confirm that this system is completely messed up and people are "faint out of fear" because they see no way out.

On the OTHER hand, we know from Jehovah's word exactly where all of this is headed. So, the worse it gets, the more we should lift up our heads because our deliverance is near! I, for one,will be so GLAD when this beautiful, mal-treated earth and its inhabitants are back in the hands of the rightful owner, Jehovah!

Thank you, mother hen: stay in the middle of the congregation and stay strong! :squeeze:

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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It does make me want to update my go bag, though! Made me feel like I'm not nearly as prepared as I should be for disaster! :no:

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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I checked them out, too, and thoroughly agree with Shawn. They are posted on conspiracy theory type websites....Thank you, mother hen: stay in the middle of the congregation and stay strong! :squeeze:

Thank you, Judy. It's certainly not a time to be slacking off! (Ecclesiastes 3:4) The other day we were doing the round robin out in service, and while we were waiting in the car somehow this sister started saying how she couldn't tell the difference between her left shoe and her right shoe. She said they both looked the same to her, and so she liked to get the kind with velcro straps so she could tell which foot they should go on. (I think she has a touch of autism). We kind of thought that was funny, but the thing is, a child can usually figure out the difference between the two shoes. So it made me think, could there be a difference between conspiracy theorists and alternative media (as they like to be called), or should they be lumped into a one size fits all?

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I'm not sure there is such a thing as an unbiased source other then the Bible. All media sources are owned and run by some of the largest elite families in the world not to mention Satan's grasp obviously has control over all aspects of the world today. It's a troublesome thing when you realize that most of these families are huge supporters of the United Nations, such as the Rockefeller's whom funded both the League of nations and the United Nations, including donating the property for the United Nations. Of course it doesn't end there they being the same members of political groups that are constantly talking about a global financial system in which the United Nations is the "global tax collector and police".

You can actually read about their little plans in several books they have written, NGO's , website and reports like the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Report 2009 and the Sustainable Development program. It's always surprised me how how arrogance can get in the way of reason and critical thinking (scriptural). Here they openly seek public support for global events only a couple of which is financial shutdown and eugenics and yet Satan has blinded them even when it's put in their faces. At other times you can see (even brothers) have issues with not knowing what they don't know but believing they are "on top of it" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

I don't know how true that information actually is Karina however, it's something they talk about openly at UN meetings several times in the last two years. In fact it wasn't too long ago that one of the UN's biggest supporters (Ted Turner) mentioned on CNN that he thinks "the United Nations should be the world police" http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/25/ted-turner-military-suicides-outnumbering-combat-deaths-is-good/

Of course it should be no surprise to ANY one of Jehovah's witnesses that the United Nations has been behind the movement for a "one world religion" for years.

Arthur Balfour - who was a member of Horts apostles (Hort and Westcott) was also the president of the S.P.R. and also became the Prime Minister of England and was instrumental in the setting up of the League of Nations.

Balfour not only headed the S.P.R., (Society for Psychical Research) he also created a group called "The Synthetic Society" whose goal was to create a "one world religion". He and Frederic Myers of the S.P.R created "The preamble of all religions."

Balfour was in charge of writing the original charter of the League of Nations much of which formed the basis for the United Nations.

Alger Hiss - Hiss and Joseph E. Johnson wrote much of the UN Charter patterning it after the Constitution of Russia and the communist Manifesto.

~ David Allen Rivera, Final Warning' a history of the New World Order 1994. p. 167

The Constitution of the U.S.S.R. is almost identical to the Constitution of the UN.

~ Des Griffin - Fourth Reich of the Rich 1978 p.140

They have been talking about using a planned financial collapse to bring in a new world currency for years and years. Look at the dates on some of these quotes...

Jim Garrison - President of the New Age Gorbachev Foundation (In NY):

"We are going to end up with a world government. It's inevitable... There's going to be a CONFLICT, coercion and consensus. That's all part of what will be required as we give birth to the first global civilization."

Ruling Elite working toward World Government.," The daily Record (Oct 17, 1995, p.4

Robert Muller - Former assistant Secretary General of the UN also known as the "Prophet of hope" among UN members. "We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion' under a one-world leader."

~ The World's last Dictator 1995, p.81

I'm citing actual documents that can easily be found to encourage honest research over nearsighted labeling. It's so very easy to slip in to that if you forget that everything in this world... belongs to and was designed by Satan for you to stumble over and pushes the ideology that Jehovah himself is a "conspiracy theory" in this case it's called atheism.

"The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) has pulled together a draft of a constitution for World Government,"...

"Officially, it is know as 'A Constitution for the Federation of Earth.'"

~ Gary Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, 1992 p. 41

I'm always saddened when I see people use labels before they actually do any serious research on topics, especially my brothers and sisters. Of course - there is only one way to prepare for any disaster - get close to Jehovah, you wont make it otherwise.

Interesting post Karina...

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There’s an interview I came across from a reputable source that discusses plans to collapse the dollar. It’s the sort of information that’s hard to talk about, because if it’s wrong, you can damage your reputation, but 2 different sources have chosen to take that risk, and I thought it would be of particular interest to the friends. What it reveals is that things will turn bad really fast, as there will be gas and food shortages, and people will have their bank accounts emptied. It discusses the intention of the current administration to destroy America in order to bring about global governance, and they are preparing for revolution and civil war. This isn’t an article that’s been circulating on the web, but as I mentioned it was through a reputable source that I came across it. What I wonder is how do you prepare for this?

We know that Jehovah is the only one who will be able to save us when Armageddon obliterates Satan's wicked system of things. But how about the "Coming Dollar Collapse" occurring before Armageddon? How would we prepare for that? How would we survive that?

Oftentimes I see YouTube videos, or news items, about a coming worldwide collapse of the economic system. You know, an Econo-geddon. The end of the financial world as we know it. It sounds pretty scary, and you wonder how any of us would survive such a cataclysm until Armageddon destroys everything else perhaps years later. However, as has been pointed out in this thread, the only reliable source is the Bible. I have often thought about a global economic collapse happening before Armageddon actually strikes, and I wonder if that thought is actually in harmony with the Bible's prophecies.

Consider the fact that Ezekiel 7:19 states: "Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's fury." This speaks of our economic system being rendered useless "in the day of Jehovah's fury," not before it. People will see that their financial resources will not "be able to deliver them" when they come to realize that it is God they are up against. I would think that if the world economic system collapsed before Armageddon, then everyone will have already thrown their gold and silver into the streets. There would be nothing left to 'throw into the streets in the day of Jehovah's fury.' Where would Ezekiel's prophecy stand in that scenario?

Does that make sense?

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Ezekiel 7:19 states: "Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's fury." This speaks of our economic system being rendered useless "in the day of Jehovah's fury," not before it. People will see that their financial resources will not "be able to deliver them" when they come to realize that it is God they are up against. I would think that if the world economic system collapsed before Armageddon, then everyone will have already thrown their gold and silver into the streets. There would be nothing left to 'throw into the streets in the day of Jehovah's fury.' Where would Ezekiel's prophecy stand in that scenario?

The dollar collapse is needed in order to make way for a one world currency under a global government, and as Christopher so clearly pointed out, they've been planning this for years. It always seemed far off until they have suddenly moved towards gun control in the US. Once they have everyone's guns, there will be nothing to stop them. I always thought Ezekiel 7:19 refered to people in general throwing their silver into the streets, too, but apparently it has its fulfillment in Christendom.

w88 9/15 p. 13 Jehovah and his executional forces cannot be bribed. (Read Ezekiel 7:19.) … No, sinners in besieged Jerusalem could not escape adversity by bribery when God ‘judged them’ as covenant breakers. Similarly, during the imminent desecration of things Christendom holds sacred, she will not be able to bribe her way out of the execution of divine judgment upon her.

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Revelation indicates the commercial system will still be operating after Babylon,s destruction because they mourn her loss. We can't prepare for the disintegration of the world although the faithful slave has always given us counsel to not get into unnecessary debt.

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I am with you on this one Eric. It seems counter to Bible prophecy for the US to go down in flames - even economically - prior to Armageddon.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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