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  1. Let's also look at WWI to see how a major world event supported by Bible prophecy came completely and unexpectedly out of the blue. Everything was fine until Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated. Suppose that Christians hypothetically in 1814 clearly understood Bible prophecy and had faith a global war was going to start in 1914. Would they have been able to read political events, follow elections and coronations and see just how the stage was being set for a world war? No. Until the assassination and the choices made at that moment there was no sign, no hint, no news report that suggested such a momentous change. There were no war mongers in power. No nasty world leaders that seemed full of hate. *** w92 5/1 p. 4 1914—The Year That Shocked the World *** “The spring and summer of 1914 were marked in Europe by an exceptional tranquillity,” wrote British statesman Winston Churchill. People were generally optimistic about the future. “The world of 1914 was full of hope and promise,” said Louis Snyder in his book World War I. https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=1992320&srctype=wol&srcid=share&par=10 *** re chap. 18 p. 106 par. 6 Earthquakes in the Lord’s Day *** In 1980 statesman Harold Macmillan, reflecting on the peaceful start of the 20th century, said: “Everything would get better and better. This was the world I was born in. . . . Suddenly, unexpectedly, one morning in 1914 the whole thing came to an end.” https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=1101988018&srctype=wol&srcid=share&par=9 Suddenly. Unexpectedly. That's my understanding of how Jehovah's one thought and the start of the great tribulation is going to be. There will not be any signs or events or politicians that we will point to and see how Jehovah will maneuver them. We won't see how the stage will be set. This topic is 329 pages of people trying to see how Jehovah is or will maneuver kings and nations into doing his will. The thing is, Jehovah does not need any previous set up by world powers or UN resolutions or brink of nuclear war or Trump or Putin or any politician to be in place before giving them his one thought. Jehovah could act suddenly and unexpectedly. That's how I see it.
  2. I've never been both. Not too many people have been both. One of the two? Yes.
  3. That is fair. As I shared above, Jesus said it was harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom than a poor one. Of course, that would also be true for all situations, no? Some homosexuals have an easier time to change than others. Some heterosexuals have a harder time than others.
  4. Because the media has convinced us this is so. Because, as seen in the media, there is no struggle, no pressure in regards heterosexual attraction. Of course, the world's standard, even among church goers and homophobes is that heterosexual activity before/without marriage is normal and acceptable. Because homophobia is a real thing with sometimes violent consequences. Nobody has ever been lynched, beat, or drug behind a car because they wrte heterosexual. Straight bashing is not a thing but I would be confident in saying some Witnesses have engaged in gay bashing even if only in word. Because no Witness ever says "ew, they are in an unmarried heterosexual relationship? Gross! I would never want to be in the same restroom with that person. Feeling differently about a homosexual couple than a heterosexual couple is understandable. Heterosexual sex is how we were designed. All a heterosexual couple need do in order to be approved by Jehovah is get married. A homosexual couple does not have that option. Their relationship must end if they ever want Jehovah's approval. It is harder for a homosexual to become a Witness than a heterosexual. Yes, both must resist immoral urges and desires, but the homosexual must reject the entire lifestyle. While not directed at homosexuals, Jesus did say it's harder for some to come to Jehovah than others. (Matthew 19:24) 24 Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&pub=nwtsty&srctype=wol&bible=40019024&srcid=share
  5. While this is an online community of Jehovah's Witnesses, let's not lose sight this is a social media site. It is not a necessity to be here and if anyone chooses to not be a member of this website that does not make them spiritually weak. We have a lot of good friends here online and we have wondefiu upbuilding conversations and online association. It's just our spirituality is not dependent on a website like this one.
  6. Sounds like the same as you. Windows 11 HP laptop with JW Library Android Samsung S22 Edge phone Android Samsung Galaxy Tab Chrome web browser on wol.jw.org On the android devices I do not see the gem icon next to the Bible book name. I do see the icon on Chrome. However, when I open the Bible chapter I do not see the study notes in the side panel like I did previously. All I see now on the tablet is the marginal references. When I tap a verse it calls up the research guide information. Not even seeing the study notes online at wol.jw.org is a mystery. That should affect everyone.
  7. I've checked several times to make sure I'm using the correct Bible. And both phone, tablet, and my wife's phone? Plus my laptop and wol.jw.org?
  8. I no longer have any study notes on my android phone or tablet. Everything is updated. All I have are the cross references and the research guide links. I do not see them on my Windows 11 laptop, nor on wol.jw.org What did I do?
  9. There's your problem right there 🤣 I'm kidding. OK, not much as many a truth is said in jest. Fanfic, especially today, is going to be influenced by the fans writing it. Fans that do not answer to editors or what the audience will purchase with money. There are plenty of good Trek novels out there from before the LGBT days. There are plenty of stinkers, too 🤣. Of course, this doesn't help if you've alr read all of them. I like that suggestion about comics. Might find quality digital downloads for a reasonable price. There are some gems in the fanfic world, but you gotta be patient and have endurance in looking for them. I do like some fan films like Continues and their 11 episode series on YouTube. Same with a few others like Star Trek Exeter.
  10. How long did it take to shoot down that Chinese "weather balloon"? There are laws in place that prohibits the US military from engaging in armed response in civilian territory without authorization from Congress. The only exception is immediate and imminent threat. Yes, the military has more latitude when operating in the bounds of a military base. So, if the drones had bombs or guns, then they could be shot down. Since they don't, the military needs authorization before acting.
  11. Whereas the most plausible theories I heard are either foreign incursions from a country with resources like China or Russia. Or it could be a pro-US organization hired to test US military responses to such a potential threat. They shut down the airspace around Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio because of a drone incident this past Friday
  12. Oh, you know which ones. They were spotted over in Carbon Creek. https://youtu.be/nlyW-yL-6NA?si=2bTJcUlqZoTfbFp5
  13. No, but I think it's interesting the vast amount of sightings are in western countries such as western Europe and North America. I think there is likely a correlation there of some kind. Now, what that correlation is I don't know. It's interesting these are the countries with nuclear weapons, mass media, free speech, and democracy. It's not logical advanced aliens that seek anonymity and refuse to make legitimate contact with humanity would spend most of their time flying over the countries that have the best chance and ability to detect them and potentially shoot them down. Years ago, like 12 or 15 years ago I was listening to an AM Radio political pundit and he was talking about this drone that flew over his house. His conclusion, based on no proof, was this was a government drone spying on him. Why he either dismissed or never thought it was a neighbor playing with a new toy boggles the mind. Nope, his conclusion, at least the one he wanted his audience to hear, was it was the government spying on him. If the incident even happened. Funny how people will reach a conclusion that fits their agenda or preconceptions without ever bothering to find corroboration.

Shawnster last won the day on December 18 2024

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About Shawnster

  • Birthday 11/24/1971

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    My mother was contacted by the Witnesses when I was 3 years old.

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    Science fiction, especially Star Trek and Star Wars; motorsports, specifically IndyCars; visiting wineries; playing cards

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