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When do we.........will there be ?

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Study editions will be sometime after January.  I'm not sure how long after January, but that's what they said at the meeting.  First thing we'll be able to get is the larger print version of the 2013 Bible.  This larger version will have NO NEW CONTENT, just larger print than in the Annual Meeting release of the Bible.


I sure hope we get at least an updated ePub with the new scriptures for the Draw Close book before we study it. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Study editions will be sometime after January.  I'm not sure how long after January, but that's what they said at the meeting.  First thing we'll be able to get is the larger print version of the 2013 Bible.  This larger version will have NO NEW CONTENT, just larger print than in the Annual Meeting release of the Bible.


I sure hope we get at least an updated ePub with the new scriptures for the Draw Close book before we study it. 




I was told by the elders in my congregation that the Large Print version of the 2013 Bible will not be out until June 2014, so I already put my order in.

Edited by Musky
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Am so glad that the large print will be out in 2014, my eye's can't take the small writing in our new grey bibles!   YIKES!   I have to get a magnifying glass so I can read the verses.   It's so hard for me to hold up the bible and share with the householder, and am trying to get his/her eyes on it and read it.  So since I have an excellent partner, I ask them to read the scripture to the householder.  That really helps out and sometimes I work with friends who have those tablets where they can download JW.ORG or WT Library.  Really helpful stuff.  But am longing for the LARGE PRINT, so I can use that to study with, and take to my meetings. 

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So, I have started studying the Draw Close book for the first time (I was "out" when it was introduced). I love it already--it is very well written by someone who knows how to present the information so as to pull your heartstrings!!!!!


It feels like a personal gift from Jehovah--like he is talking straight to my heart.  :heart:  The CO talked about "falling in love" with our God Jehovah--that's what this book is doing all over again!


What do you like about the book (I'm only in Chapter 2).

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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the letter our congregation received said large print in Feb. or March 2014


might see the Study Edition of Bible in the fall 2014

Where is the foundation for the thinking/concept of a "Study Edition" coming from? ...  what might it contain that our new RNWT doesn't already have?   ...  my understanding is just current size now and large print by March. - These are the most up to date, complete 21st Century Bibles ever ... what more could be needed?   ...    

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Where is the foundation for the thinking/concept of a "Study Edition" coming from? ...  what might it contain that our new RNWT doesn't already have?   ...  my understanding is just current size now and large print by March. - These are the most up to date, complete 21st Century Bibles ever ... what more could be needed?   ...

Extended footnotes like the reference bible has.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Where is the foundation for the thinking/concept of a "Study Edition" coming from? ...  what might it contain that our new RNWT doesn't already have?   ...  my understanding is just current size now and large print by March. - These are the most up to date, complete 21st Century Bibles ever ... what more could be needed?   ...    


Wider margins for note taking were mentioned too.

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Where is the foundation for the thinking/concept of a "Study Edition" coming from? ...  what might it contain that our new RNWT doesn't already have?   ...  my understanding is just current size now and large print by March. - These are the most up to date, complete 21st Century Bibles ever ... what more could be needed?   ...    


The Study Bible gives us more tools to work with. When looking at different ground to cultivate, more tools help us be more effective. We would prefer to research with the high tinsel strength of the FDS brand over the imitations. To me it's like being prepared with extra oil. I don't want to be caught with a question and fall short on enlightenment. 


By way of example, tonight I was studying with one of my grandsons and was looking for a text. Without the superscriptions it took longer to find what I was looking for. I almost lost my audience attention in the offing. If, on the other hand, one has total recall, there would be no need for such references. Some of us need more help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found out tonight there will be new electronic editions of the Draw Close book before the end of the year but no printed ones because it takes months or even years to do. Only thing changed is new understanding of chapter 1.


Interesting. I look forwarded to seeing the change. I just looked it over and it still looks good to me :)


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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This was sent to me by a brother from his website.


There is a revised version of the Draw Close to Jehovah book on JW.org. And it IS  linked to the Revised NWT. It can be downloaded in EPUB, MOBI and PDF + HMTL format at jw.org.

This revised version has quite a number of changes in the text. The book was released in 2002 and has been revised in December 2013.  We can imagine there must be changes. 

As the book will not be reprinted at this time elders are advised to use the electronic version when on the platform conducting the Bible Study. Readers too need a pad/tablet. Otherwise the study sections must be printed and used on the platform.  The old book must not be used on the platform during the study. 

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Other than the change in the understanding of Jehovah's name any other changes?

We have a lengthy discussion of the revised Draw Close book over here...



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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