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Passion of the Christ movie

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With the recent garbage of the movie Noah that is just out, I started wondering about another movie that I purposely have avoided but was wondering if it had any resemblance to some truth, the Passion of the Christ.  It was done by Mel Gibson, I think in the early 2000’s.  Does this also fall into the same category as the Noah movie as far as being at the totally absurd..?

Edited by Harpman
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ive never seen this film but wondered if this film would get over some of the suffering that jesus went thru on our behalf, i think our literature always erm... makes the illustrations more palatable than it wouldve been , his body wouldve cut bloody and bruised beyond belief...

but one of these films portrayed Jesus as having a girlfirend or having a relationship or something.. not sure if it was this one? if so, i wouldnt want to see it. anybody know? 

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  On 3/31/2014 at 7:48 PM, stuagu said:

ive never seen this film but wondered if this film would get over some of the suffering that jesus went thru on our behalf, i think our literature always erm... makes the illustrations more palatable than it wouldve been , his body wouldve cut bloody and bruised beyond belief...

but one of these films portrayed Jesus as having a girlfirend or having a relationship or something.. not sure if it was this one? if so, i wouldnt want to see it. anybody know? 


Might be the Last Temptation of Christ - never seen it nor do I want to.

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We live in a time period of being able to access information in seconds. We need to be informed about the content of what will be watching. Most of the movies that are based on Scriptures have mistakes and liberties taken with them. Satan is shown as androgynous being in this movie. Go to reliable sources for accurate reviews. Here is a link with some interesting information: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2004/marchweb-only/040301passion.html


Any entertainment we eventually chose can be answered by 1 Cor 10:31 "Therefore, whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory" RNWT.

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I have in the past watched that film. It hammered home to me what Jesus went through and had me floods of tears. Considering this was while I was still wandering in the mire of this system it was a powerful film.


However today I would point out that it is excessively (realistically) violent. Do we really need to see the absolute brutality to understand what Jesus had to endure? Or see in graphic detail what Jehovah had to watch for real!


Do we need to see a brother tortured, or see forensic photographs to understand what persecution some have to suffer today with all the gory details?


It is an extremely hard film to watch that glories in the details. Should you watch it??? Not for me to tell anyone what to do. It is rated 18 here in the UK and R in the US


A quote from another review. "The movie is 126 minutes long, and I would guess that at least 100 of those minutes, maybe more, are concerned specifically and graphically with the details of the torture and death of Jesus. This is the most violent film I have ever seen." http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-passion-of-the-christ-2004

Edited by Mykyl
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Thank you for letting us know what it vcontained...

I Felt a bit like you were barking at me /us rather than having a conversation in brotherly love so perhaps something to work on ?

Anyhow... Christian love to all


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The brutality of the movie leaves you only remembering that. I think that was the point of it really. I don't think the story deviated too much from the world truth of the event. I wouldn't recommend or see it again. The memorial talks where they help you form pictures in your mind about what he went through is enough.

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  On 3/31/2014 at 10:23 PM, stuagu said:

Thank you for letting us know what it vcontained...

I Felt a bit like you were barking at me /us rather than having a conversation in brotherly love so perhaps something to work on ?

Anyhow... Christian love to all


I am not sure who that comment is for. If it is for me then I apologize if that's how it made you feel..

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  On 3/31/2014 at 7:30 PM, Harpman said:

With the recent garbage of the movie Noah that is just out, I started wondering about another movie that I purposely have avoided but was wondering if it had any resemblance to some truth, the Passion of the Christ.  It was done by Mel Gibson, I think in the early 2000’s.  Does this also fall into the same category as the Noah movie as far as being at the totally absurd..?


Hi John. I watched this film back then, and have watched it a few times afterwards.


Although it contains some inaccuracies as well as some scenes completely alien to the Scriptural record, it's very respectful with the character of Jesus, that is, it doesn't present Jesus having an affair, or any of the other insulting suggestions that have been presented in other movies. The story is narrated from an openly Catholic viewpoint, so most of the scenes or details that are not from the Bible are taken from Church tradition (such as the prominent role of Mary, Jesus' face remaining impressed in Veronica's cloth, Judas persecuted by remorse, and the like).


As someone pointed out above it is a hard movie to see. The Greatest Man book gives quite a detailed explanation of the sufferings Jesus was subject to, this movie shows them onscreen. On the other hand, I loved the dignified way Jesus is portrayed. I specially liked the flashbacks where he is shown as a young man joking with his mother and also at the last supper, where he is shown as a happy, loving, kind, heartwarming man, very far from the traditional Catholic image of a mystical starving loony with long greasy hair bubbling nonsense with his eyes fixed somewhere in the distance. The Jesus in that movie is exactly the Jesus I know and love.


I also liked the way other characters are portrayed, such as the Pharisees and priests, and Pilate. When you see the way they act, Pilate's way of handling the situation makes more sense. I liked his face of surprise when Jesus, a humble Jew, speaks to him in Latin, although of course the Bible doesn't say he did.


It's true we don't need to watch the torture Jesus suffered in order to appreciate his sacrifice, and I understand perfectly why many would prefer to avoid this movie. On the other hand, I don't think it's objectable either, since those details are specified in the Bible. I remember some brothers were upset after they saw the movie (I remember one in particular complaining that Jesus is killed on a cross, but what did he expect?), but personally I found it upbuilding and moving.

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  On 3/31/2014 at 10:39 PM, cvillarrubia said:

Hi John. I watched this film back then, and have watched it a few times afterwards.

Although it contains some inaccuracies as well as some scenes completely alien to the Scriptural record, it's very respectful with the character of Jesus, that is, it doesn't present Jesus having an affair, or any of the other insulting suggestions that have been presented in other movies. The story is narrated from an openly Catholic viewpoint, so most of the scenes or details that are not from the Bible are taken from Church tradition (such as the prominent role of Mary, Jesus' face remaining impressed in Veronica's cloth, Judas persecuted by remorse, and the like).

As someone pointed out above it is a hard movie to see. The Greatest Man book gives quite a detailed explanation of the sufferings Jesus was subject to, this movie shows them onscreen. On the other hand, I loved the dignified way Jesus is portrayed. I specially liked the flashbacks where he is shown as a young man joking with his mother and also at the last supper, where he is shown as a happy, loving, kind, heartwarming man, very far from the traditional Catholic image of a mystical starving loony with long greasy hair bubbling nonsense with his eyes fixed somewhere in the distance. The Jesus in that movie is exactly the Jesus I know and love.

I also liked the way other characters are portrayed, such as the Pharisees and priests, and Pilate. When you see the way they act, Pilate's way of handling the situation makes more sense. I liked his face of surprise when Jesus, a humble Jew, speaks to him in Latin, although of course the Bible doesn't say he did.

It's true we don't need to watch the torture Jesus suffered in order to appreciate his sacrifice, and I understand perfectly why many would prefer to avoid this movie. On the other hand, I don't think it's objectable either, since those details are specified in the Bible. I remember some brothers were upset after they saw the movie (I remember one in particular complaining that Jesus is killed on a cross, but what did he expect?), but personally I found it upbuilding and moving.

I share your opinion on the movie... I found it curious that it wasn't in english, though I don't remember what was the language used...
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  On 3/31/2014 at 11:12 PM, jayrtom said:

I share your opinion on the movie... I found it curious that it wasn't in english, though I don't remember what was the language used...


The language is Aramaic (which is likely the language Jesus and the apostles spoke), except when the Roman soldiers of Pilate speak in Latin.


I found it funny when the captain of the soldiers calls them "idiots". You don't understand a word of what he's saying and then you hear "i-dio-tas" perfectly clear. :D  For some reason that Latin word survived with few changes in most European languages, including English.

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  On 3/31/2014 at 11:24 PM, cvillarrubia said:

The language is Aramaic (which is likely the language Jesus and the apostles spoke), except when the Roman soldiers of Pilate speak in Latin.

I found it funny when the captain of the soldiers calls them "idiots". You don't understand a word of what he's saying and then you hear "i-dio-tas" perfectly clear. :D For some reason that Latin word survived with few changes in most European languages, including English.

That's exactly the Portuguese word for idiots "idiotas" :)

I find interesting that characteristic of Mel Gibson. He also used a strange language on a movie about the incas (I think it was that people)... Also a very graphic movie but extremely realistic

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I end up in tears every Memorial, because of the pain Christ went through. Then thinking about his Father watching him go through it. No thanks. Do not think I want a portrayal of what Christ went through, however close they stick to the bible, in my memory bank.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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   I personally saw the movie when it came out back in 2004. I believe I well remember reading the reviews on

it at that time. Many were estatic that " finally we had a really realistic and historically accurate movie about

Christ's passion and death. " Also a number of them said it was a  very realistic and graphic portrayal of what

Jesus suffered, and for that reason it had earned an R rating. I still decided to go. My reasoning was I wanted

to see a "historically accurate portrayal" of what Jesus went through for us. In so doing I thought it would in-

crease my appreciation for all that both Jesus and Jehovah had done. So I went.

  Like one other brothers who has commented here too and who saw it, it graphic to an excess. Like him I too

cried through many of the scenes and it left me feeling sick. Also, I unfortunately during the course of my live

have encountered  demonic presence. ( part of this came on some of my jobs ). Once you have experienced

it the feeling of their presence is unmistakable. And I can remember feeling it several times in the movie. It was

this and its graphic nature that caused me finally to get up and leave.

  As a result I now was interested in doing more background research on the movie. In doing so Iearned that

Mel Gibson, a Catholic, had turned to the works of a Catholic mystic named Catherine Ann Emmerick. She was

what is known in the Catholic Church as a Stigmatic. That means she received on her body by "miraculous"

means the 5 wounds Christ he experienced in his impalement. ( 2 in his hands, 2 in his feet, and 1 in his

side ). After that she began to have visions, which at the encouragement of church officials, she began to

write down. This took place in the late 18th and early 19th century. One of her works was entitled the   "Dolor-

ious Passion of the Christ ". It is this work that Gibson turned to when he was producing the script for the movie

to "flesh out" parts of the drama were he felt the Bible accounts were incomplete. The Catholic Church does

not officially recognize the works of Emmerick, but Traditionalist Catholics do, of which Gibson is one. Here is

a website explaining what I just related if any want more details. Beliefnet., " Another Scriptwriter for Mel Gib-

son's Passion. " http//www.beliefnet.com.faiths/christianity/2004/02/another-script.

    But there is another facet of this movie that needs to be taken into consideration. In making the movie, both

Mel Gibson and the actor Jim Caviezel went to mass everyday to remain " spiritually pure" while filming the

movie. Part of this for Caviezel meant carrying in his pocket certain sacred "amulets" that had ben blessed by

another Catholic mystic Padre Pio. and also sacred emblems he had brought back with him when he and his

wife visited a Catholic Shrine in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. There it is claimed by some Catholics that "Mary" is

appearing "miraculously" to her people. All this would go well to explaining why this movie is so graphically

violent, and why I felt demonic presence while watching the movie. The movie is the work of Satan and his

demons as they keep changing themselves into "angels of light" ( 2 Cor. 11:14 ) You can find confirmation

of this aspects of the movie here at. "Medjugorge Miracles" www/medjugorgeiracle.com/2010/08/actor-james-


    If you chose to read this article be prepared to understand how Satan appears, as Paul says, as an "angel

of light". Supposedly helping Caviezel grow in his love for God and making a self examination of himself. But

notice how this was accomplished.. By learning to pray the rosary, going to confession, attending Mass, and

by carrying around sacred relics in his pocket. So rather than gain the truth about God and the Bible he was

bound hand and chain to the Roman Catholic Church. And the article says, at the time the interview was given

in 2010, it was his sixth pilgrimage to Medjugorge. And this includes the times before he shot the Passion

which was released in 2004. Certainly our hearts are moved with compassion for such people who are

blinded by "Babylon's Mysteries ".



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After reading about the mystic Catholics and stigmatists I wish I never even saw the movie now. That's absolutely abhorrent. No wonder the movie did so well. Talk about demon influences winning at the box office. In this system you never know who's producing what these days. Oh well... if it has to do with the Bible do research first, lessons learned.

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You see there are different opinions. :)


Personally, I don't think the fact that an actor in a movie is a devout Catholic who attends mass or worships idols makes that movie demonic at all. I don't mean to offend anyone but that sounds like the kind of language fundamentalist zealots use. Would it make a difference if that actor or director were an atheist or a Buddhist who practices yoga? Would it be different if he joined pagan ceremonies in Hindu temples, or belonged to Christian Science, or visited a medium or celebrated birthdays, pagan practices all of them? Is a movie only acceptable if all the staff working in it are average Protestant or average non-religious or all Witnesses?


I don't think we need to research the beliefs and practices of every actor in every movie in order to judge the movie itself. Being realistic, any movie that is not made by the Slave is a product of Satan's world and will contain some ideas we disagree with. And the same can be said of every tv program, magazine, book or song that is not prepared by the organization.


Of course, sometimes we know there's an agenda we strongly disagree with behind a certain movie. Some movies are made only to mock belief in God or to promote occultism or immorality. We certainly would want to avoid those. In this case, however, I think director Mel Gibson made a sincere effort to represent accurately Jesus and events leading to his death as recorded in the Scriptures, and I appreciate that. I can bear someone having different beliefs from mine and still enjoy the movie. I see why some would abstain from watching it, and that's fine. Everyone should always act according to their Bible-trained conscience, not the opinion of others.


David, I agree, a film about Jesus made by the Slave would be the best movie ever! :D Or one about Adam and Eve... Well I don't think that last one is ever going to happen. :lol:


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I just don't like the fact that the movie's story and inspiration is drawn from a known mystic Catholic and known stigmatists. That doesn't feel good to me personally. I don't care what they do in their spare time. I care where a story is drawn from though.

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Brother Carlos,


     I appreciate your opinion with regard to the movie. And yes there were redeeming aspects to the movie.

You make the point in your post that this is the Jesus that you believe in. And yes I think a real effort was made

by both Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel to move away from away from the traditional Catholic portrait of Jesus

as a frail and emaciated man to the man we know Christ have been.

    Yet much of the Mariology and other Catholic features of the film were drawn. from the sources that I de-

scibed. Since in the ministry we show people these things are unscriptural and part of the "mysteries" of

Babylon the Great, how can we be consistant with that and yet recommend this film to others.

    I mentioned an article on Jim Caviezel who told the story that his visits and the things he learned at Medugorje

gave him the strength to play the role of Jesus. This is where "Mary" has been appearing to Catholic "visionaries "

since 1981. The purpose of her messages is said to express her "love" for the Catholic people, as well as all

people, and to call them to renewed devotion to God and Christ. The messages say that God has permitted

Satan to enter into the Catholic Church and cause much corruption. But now through "Mary" he is calling them

to return to the pure Catholic Faith and thus by this means bring a worldwide restoration of Catholicism.

   To accomplish this she has given them five weapons to fight against the forces of Satan: They are ( 1 )

prayer - by means of the rosary, ( 2 ) fasting twice a week ( on bread and water ), ( 3) going to confession at

least once a month ( along with the traditional Catholic penance, ( 4 ) going to Mass at least once a week

and all of what they call "holy days of obligation" ( 5 ) doing good works. This probably would be the least

objectional of all because it would include any kind of social work, working in a hospital, volunteer work etc.

as well as thing to be a positive force for good in one's family. As I mentioned, when Satan transforms him-

self into an "angel of light" not all of the things he promotes are bad. In fact some are very good. That lays

the basis for the deception. But make no mistake about it, these apparitions are not from "God'. Even as we

know from our scriptural discussions.

   I also know it on a more personal level. I made mention that I have on a number of occations in my life had

the painful experience of sensing demonic presence in the place that I was. Most of these times  have occured

on various jobs I have done. Well I had one that comes straight to the point with regard to Medugorje.

  I had been hired by a family in a nearby town to install a new front door ( I had a small construction company ).

While working on the door my banging caused something to fall inside. It was a cross that had been hanging on

the wall. so I picked it up and laid it on another table across the foyer. When the lady got home that night I told

what had happened. I will never forget her response. she said: " Thank you, thank you, you don't know what

that cross means to me. It comes from Medjugorge, Yugoslavia, where "Mary" is appearing to the children.

That hit me like a boulder. All day long I had experienced such depression, even to the point at times I felt

suicidal. What I had been experiencing was demonic harassment. In case any of you should be inclined to

doubt the correctness of my conclusions. the next day I reluctantly returned to finish the job. About 30 feet

from the door I walked into what I recognized as a demonic energy field. Then did they ( it, whatever ) con-

veyed this message to me: " We know that you know, and we are watching you. " This a reference I discerned

to the most destructive aspects that apostates use to destroy our faith and which had ensnared me too

for several years. This threat of "watching" me I have now discerned meant they would bring on me Job

like trials, to the extend Jehovah permitted. and so it has proved to be. Even my viewing of " the Passion

of Christ", along with numerous other trials going on in my life at the time helped produce my second stress

related heart attack and the end of my business of 18 years. Tell me that the demons have not been"watching

me" as they promised. But I know there is someone else who is also watching, who is so much greater than

they are, and who can deliver us, and will deliver us, IF we are faithful to him. I hope this gives you Carlos,

something to think about.



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    Yes, a demonic energy field and a conveyed message.  Any brothers or sisters on this forum who

have had to deal with demonic powers, whether in field service, or otherwise, will recognize what I am

talkng about. The Scriptures show that both angels and demons are spirits ( Heb. 1: 7, Eph. 6:12 ) These

spirit bodies appear to be composed of some kind of energy. This is my own experience, and  a number

of other brothers who had these experiences too. In addition it appears they have the ability to communi-

cate through some form of mental telepathy. And that is how I received the message I described in my

in my previous post. Right after I grasped what was happening I prayed to Jehovah and their presence

disappeared and I was no longer bothered by them the rest of that day.

    I told this story and the one of my having the heart attack after seeing the movie "The Passion of the

Christ" because that is how much the movie upset me. Along with some very difficult stress I was un-

dergoing at that time. Also just as I felt the presence of the demons on that job of mine that I described, I

also felt it in the movie. Normally I would not discuss online experiences like these. In fact a sister I used

know once asked Bro. Jararz about some demonic experiences that she had heard about. She wanted

to know if they were true. Bro. Jararz told her that they were, but we do not give a platform to the demons.

( compare Acts 16:16 -18 )

  But  I related this experiences to help Carlos see the truth of what he was  advocating.  While the movie

certainly had it's redeeming parts, and I believe both Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel acted in sincerity. Sincerity

alone does not count for much if you yourself have been deceived. As I detailed and provided the docu-

mentary evidence for any to check out if they wish. Mel Gibson's script was embellished from the writings

of Catholic mystic Catherine Anne Emmerick. Those who have done an in depth study of her writings say

this is the reason the film is so graphic and violent. These are her embellishments. Do we want to sit at the

feet of a Catholic mystic for the truth about our Lord ? And as far as Jim Caviezel, the actor who played

Jesus, can we detach his performance from the source of what he said gave him the strength to give

that performance. That was the inspiration he drew from the "visions of Mary" going on at Medugorje.

He in fact now makes regular visits to the Shrine. And what is the announced purpose of these visions ?

It is to turn all people back to the "pure faith " of the Roman Catholic Church. " Is that something you wish

to be a part of ? Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel do. And that is part of the motive that went into producing

the " Passion " to begin with. The Society has many times used the illustration. If a cup of water was 99%

pure and only 1% contained poison, would you drink it ? Sobering words when you consider the back-

ground and purpose of the "Passion".



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  On 4/1/2014 at 10:16 PM, GStorrs46 said:



    Yes, a demonic energy field and a conveyed message.  Any brothers or sisters on this forum who

have had to deal with demonic powers, whether in field service, or otherwise, will recognize what I am

talkng about. The Scriptures show that both angels and demons are spirits ( Heb. 1: 7, Eph. 6:12 ) These

spirit bodies appear to be composed of some kind of energy. This is my own experience, and  a number

of other brothers who had these experiences too. In addition it appears they have the ability to communi-

cate through some form of mental telepathy. And that is how I received the message I described in my

in my previous post. Right after I grasped what was happening I prayed to Jehovah and their presence

disappeared and I was no longer bothered by them the rest of that day.

    I told this story and the one of my having the heart attack after seeing the movie "The Passion of the

Christ" because that is how much the movie upset me. Along with some very difficult stress I was un-

dergoing at that time. Also just as I felt the presence of the demons on that job of mine that I described, I

also felt it in the movie. Normally I would not discuss online experiences like these. In fact a sister I used

know once asked Bro. Jararz about some demonic experiences that she had heard about. She wanted

to know if they were true. Bro. Jararz told her that they were, but we do not give a platform to the demons.

( compare Acts 16:16 -18 )

  But  I related this experiences to help Carlos see the truth of what he was  advocating.  While the movie

certainly had it's redeeming parts, and I believe both Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel acted in sincerity. Sincerity

alone does not count for much if you yourself have been deceived. As I detailed and provided the docu-

mentary evidence for any to check out if they wish. Mel Gibson's script was embellished from the writings

of Catholic mystic Catherine Anne Emmerick. Those who have done an in depth study of her writings say

this is the reason the film is so graphic and violent. These are her embellishments. Do we want to sit at the

feet of a Catholic mystic for the truth about our Lord ? And as far as Jim Caviezel, the actor who played

Jesus, can we detach his performance from the source of what he said gave him the strength to give

that performance. That was the inspiration he drew from the "visions of Mary" going on at Medugorje.

He in fact now makes regular visits to the Shrine. And what is the announced purpose of these visions ?

It is to turn all people back to the "pure faith " of the Roman Catholic Church. " Is that something you wish

to be a part of ? Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel do. And that is part of the motive that went into producing

the " Passion " to begin with. The Society has many times used the illustration. If a cup of water was 99%

pure and only 1% contained poison, would you drink it ? Sobering words when you consider the back-

ground and purpose of the "Passion".




I'm not saying anything about the other stuff because I honestly agree it's very questionable. The Passion of the Christ's origins is very very questionable. I just wasn't sure of a demonic energy field. It sounded like a force field from Star Trek or Star Wars. As in something that you cross and feel a physical resistance or change. Almost like magnetic resistance. I've heard that you can tell when their influence is present. Like going to a householder's door and they perform Satanic or Occults acts or they can't stand to hear Jehovah's name. I've heard of demons attacking people too. Literally choked and/or trying to suffocate the person. I've heard this multiple times. I just wasn't sure about an energy field in such the gravity or the air changes. I also wasn't sure about the telepathy either. Anyways, I've never had direct (I guess and that I know of) troubles with the demons. So what do I know?  :)  :)

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  On 4/2/2014 at 3:17 AM, xTHENKx said:

I just wasn't sure of a demonic energy field. It sounded like a force field from Star Trek or Star Wars. As in something that you cross and feel a physical resistance or change. Almost like magnetic resistance. I've heard that you can tell when their influence is present.


If demons can exert physical energy to move objects and attack people, then logically they could use that same power to stop people from walking in a certain direction. Of course they are restricted from materializing, implanting thoughts, and reading minds, but they can mimic all three by causing visions, subliminal whispers, and reading body language, and almost everything else is fair game.


When the movie first came out, some friends who saw it in the theater did relate similar experiences. That said, none of those who saw it on DVD reported any demonic presence or manifestation, so it's possible that the demons were attracted not to the movie itself, but to the rosary beads and other idols that some may have brought into the theater.


Whatever the case may be, I feel that if those in Christendom have made it an object of veneration, and the demons may have used it as an excuse to make themselves known, I'll take the safe route and stick with the book.

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