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San Diego, USA..stadium is rent free!

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Yes, Jehovah does provide for us so well! This mid-week meeting, it was announced that the city of N'Orleans, (this is how it is pronounced) was waiving the charge normally pad by any compnay, or organization, for police aid in traffic, etc. Thousands of Jehovah's dollars put to better use for promoting the Kingdom Good News!

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The article is three years old, so I'm not sure the rental arrangements are still the same.


This may be the last year we get Qualcomm though. The city of San Diego is pushing to tear it down and redevelop the area. It's prime real estate and since the Padres have their new (newer) stadium, Qualcomm just doesn't bring in enough revenue to justify keeping it. 


The branch has been enlarging nearby assembly halls planning on using them for the regional conventions once that happens. It is also one of the last, if not the last "outside" venues left in the U.S and with the advent of video screens, an outdoor stadium is problematic. 

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I remember Dodger Stadium. It took real devotion to attend during the hot months. The indoor conventions are quite the improvement.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk

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Tomorrow we clean Qualcomm and then 3 weekends of RC's. No tents this year or large covers. So everyone will need sunscreen for sure!

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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They're enlarging the Escondido Assembly Hall? That must be exciting! I don't remember how many it holds, around 4,000 perhaps, but I guess they would have to have a lot of regional conventions since Qualcomm would hold over 30,000 with the English and Spanish combined.


Jewel, are there 3 weekends of conventions? Are they allowing umbrellas? I don't think anyone should be sitting in the sun for three days and about half the seats are in the sun. The shade moves, too!

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They are enlarging the escondido assembly hall plans are under way :)

The RC is in English this coming weekend. We may take individual umbrellas but may be asked to put them down. Wear hats and sun protective clothing and sunscreen. The following 2 weekends are in Spanish. Normally we have one assembly one side Spanish the other English.

It will be amazing to have all English 30,000 approx and then 2 assemblies for our dear Spanish brothers.

What a loud shout of praise there will be here:) We can hardly wait! We just need to plan ahead for the weather :)

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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Actually, Escondido is finished from what I have been told. It was just remodeled and reopened in the past few months and we have already had our CA there after the remodel. They "Enlarged" it by removing the tables in the cafeteria and packing as many seats in there as they could and adding a video screen so the stage in the main auditorium is visible. I have heard that they have land very close to the existing Escondido hall and plan to build another assembly hall there.


They either have done or will do the same to the Norco and Mira Mesa assembly halls. The intention is to divide the regional conventions up between those three in years to come. We of course will need several convention dates to make up for the same number that Qualcomm holds.

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I heard they were adding to it as the property adjoining is ours as well but I may be wrong ... It is a beautiful assembly hall for sure. I'm sure Musky knows more than I do :)

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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I heard they were adding to it as the property adjoining is ours as well but I may be wrong ... It is a beautiful assembly hall for sure. I'm sure Musky knows more than I do :)

I don't think I do :)


I'm not sure if the property we own is right next to the existing assembly hall, but I know it's very close by. I will find out and post the location when I do.

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I can't wait to see Norco. That's the assembly hall I'm assigned to and have been going to since I was a kid (31 now.) When we were there in February for Circuit it was pretty tore up. But I guess it's almost done. I need to get an update. We have our next assembly there in September.

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That is the same article that started this thread and it's three years old and i believe the "free rent" was only for that year (2011) But I am not certain.



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