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Skin Care and Make Up

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Anyone advice for those of us with darker skin? I'm 17 and have JUST started getting into makeup (started wearing at 15 though). My mom has been helpful with tips involving foundation, but I need help with other things too. My face has a lot of acne scars, mostly on my cheek bones, which are basically black spots against the regular brown color of my face skin (is that a phrase?). I've tried a few natural solutions (like lemon juice and baking soda) but it hasn't helped much. I've used these to try to brighten my complexion too. I'm comfortable with having dark skin, it's just that I want it EVEN and not dark brown in some places, chocolate in others. I would love to look like these women with even skin or the right foundation: http://madamenoire.com/444167/women-with-darker-complexions/

Anybody know any natural solutions to this that work? It at least what's the best type of foundation to solve this problem? I use both liquid Covergirl True Match in cocoa C8 and powder (forgot the name, but I know it's in sable) to avoid shininess. They work well but I still feel that it's not really bringing my face out without being a different color than my skin.

Edited by JayMusicGirl
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I've found regular exfoliation helps to keep the hyperpigmentation (correct terms for the darker spots) to a limit with dark skin. There are any number of inexpensive yet gentle exfoliant products available on the market. I currently use a Clarisonic brush to help exfoliate. One caution, There is no need to buy anything super expensive. If you like I can even recommend DIY masks to make and try that help.

Additionally, make sure you use a decent moisturizer with an minimal SPF 15. Spending lots of time in the sun without proper protection also tends to make the hyperpigmentation stand out further.

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  On 9/13/2014 at 2:41 PM, MzT said:


I've found regular exfoliation helps to keep the hyperpigmentation (correct terms for the darker spots) to a limit with dark skin. There are any number of inexpensive yet gentle exfoliant products available on the market. I currently use a Clarisonic brush to help exfoliate. One caution, There is no need to buy anything super expensive. If you like I can even recommend DIY masks to make and try that help.

Additionally, make sure you use a decent moisturizer with an minimal SPF 15. Spending lots of time in the sun without proper protection also tends to make the hyperpigmentation stand out further.

Thanks so much for the advice! I'd love to hear what DIYs you have. Also, what moisturizers would you recommend? I've been looking into BB creams because they have the SPF, moisturize and are tinted, but I haven't gotten any yet because I don't know which one is best and which works well for darker skin.

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Hi. First I'll like to warn you sisters about these "beauty" models. While I wouldn't dare say they're not beautiful, I will say this: a lot of their "beauty" comes from a technology called photoshop. Photoshop can turn an hundred year old woman into a gorgeous 30 yr. old in seconds with just a click. Then too thse models have professional makeup artists do their faces and can make acne a has-been...temporarily. I'm not against makeup, skin care, etc. But before we get bent outta shape and start believing advertisers promises based on a models sparkling skin, and jump to empty our wallets based on their claims, I figured I'll put this here. Now, for my personal regimen:

I do not use soap on my face, it's drying. Instead I use an Oil of Olay cleanser every night, then the plain moisturizer. Then, every morning, I splash cool water on my face to wake it up. About once wkly, I crack an egg, beat it, and apply it to my face as a mask for a few minutes, rinse. Also, about once wkly, I after the egg mask, I use pure, extra virgin oil from Trader Joe's as a deep moisturizer. Actually, anytime I feel like it , I run in the kitchen, pour a few drops on my hands, apply it and off to bed. In the morning, my face is glowing.

As far as diet is concerned there's nothing like eating well. Apart from my chocolate and cheese addiction, I really try to eat well. I don't eat meat (personal decision), accept if I'm at a gathering or something but that's not every week. Otherwise, it's all fruit and veggies, my favorites being blueberries, bananas, and peaches (I'll go out on a limb for them, pay whatever is necessary for the best). And don't forget the water. Oh! And proper elimination is sooo important to help flush the poisons out of the system. With that in mind, I just love smacking my lips on raisins mixed with walnuts...perfect! And again: don't forget the water, even if you don't feel thirsty.

Now for the makeup. Right now I'm stuck on Sephora's products (who knows what it'll be next year, lol). Loreal is good, but so is Black Radiance. But as far as eye liners are concerned, sisters please, there's nothing like my .99 dark chocolate pencils at the beauty supply shop.

The hair (how come no one's mentioned the hair?). For years since 1996, I've gone to the barber shop for a cut, one of those short do's. With my heritage showing through my hair especially, it was quite something. But since "my man" left just like that, without any warning (sob sob), and a relacement didn't work out, I now have it in a very short "natural" and I will admit I do like it. Stick a flower or two in it from the dollar store and it's fabulous! Oh! I use c olive in it to, wkly but other than that just a product called "As I Am. Oh! I was trying to remember the name of the natural whike writing. It's called "Twist Outs."

Nails (again, how come no one's mentioned the nails?).

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(Something happens as this is being typed and I lose sometimes the paragraph, it's not the site).

Anyway, the nails. I'm notorious for neglecting my nails I must admit so basically I keep clear on them, unless I'm trying to impress some brother. Lol, lol. Not serious. Wait. Am I? Probably. Ok I'm serious. Lol, lol. No, I'm not, hmmmm...

Toe nails. Ummm, let's not go there. And finally...

The body. Yes, the body. Work it! Yes exercise is one of the best things you can do as part of your beauty regimen. It brings a glow to your face, makes you feel good, sleep better, and not talk about shedding pounds or ounces even. Which ones? Forget what these celebrities making more money sonsoring their own products or another's products say. Walking is by far the best, always has been, always will be. Brisk walking though not merely the pioneer strut, lol. Can't join a gym? Fine, you don't have to. Can't afford barbells? Fine, you don't need those too. Just grab a heavy book, and work it. You can use a broom handke too. And don't forget warming up and the stretches. Can't stand up long? Fine, do it from a chair, or even the bed. The thing is to get your body moving. Start slowly and as you gain strength, you'll be surprised how much youcan do and feel proud of yourself too. Personally, I think walking up a flight of stairs is great but walking down them is just, if not almost as good for moving those knees. Talk to your doctor first thiugh. I have heart failure but exercising is literally saving my life, with my cardiologist's permission of course, and my drugs of course. Ugh.

Well, have we covered the basics? No.

Last but not least, a fine relationship with Jehovah is the greatest beauty regimen of them all. Have you seen beautiful women yet their faces show all kinds of wear and tear? Yes, they spend countless amounts of money and time to their bodies yet their faces show, through all the makeup, their inner misery. There us a real fountain of youth and it's a fine relationship with one who promises a real life fountain of youth we will see very soon. And when we reflect that, not only on our faces but in our words, attitudes, etc, that's when real beauty shines. It's no wonder that Jehovah says to not let concentrate so heavily on our external beauty, but rather let be that of "a quiet and mild spirit."

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I didn't mention nails because I wasn't sure if anyone looked talking about nails or not. Lol. I taught myself how to do nails just as well as when I used to pay to get them done. Tons of YT videos on basic manicure technique and tools.

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So, for the next few posts, I will "explain" different types of terms you will see on MANY beauty products on the market and provide basic DIY homemade versions.

First up, GLYCOLIC acid.


Glycolic Acid 


Glycolic acid is the most popular alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA). It can exfoliate skin cells by breaking down the “glue” that holds skin cells together. Along with lactic acid, glycolic acid is an effective and well-researched AHA. 

For your own quick, cheap and effective glycolic acid mask, mix a tablespoon of white (granulated) sugar or brown sugar with a bit of honey or your favorite oil (i.e.: grapeseed, jojoba, Vitamin-E, avocado, etc.) and apply to your face. Leave on 7-10 minutes, then wet fingertips and massage mask onto face, rewetting your fingertips frequently, then rinse face with lukewarm water. 

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Next up, LACTIC acid.


Lactic Acid 


Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that exfoliates cells on the surface of skin by breaking down the substance that holds skin cells together. It may irritate mucous membranes and/or cause irritation if used in concentrations that are too strong. It is also used to hydrate and smooth dry, flaking skin. 

For your own quick, cheap and effective lactic acid mask, here is a recipe:

• 1 tablespoon milk 

• ½ tablespoon yogurt (or 5 drops of lemon juice) 

• 2-3 drops of olive or almond oil 

• ½ tablespoon of orange peel powder (or cornmeal) 

Mix ingredients together and apply to freshly cleansed face. Leave mask on for no longer than five minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

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Last is the biggie, SALACYLIC acid. (Aka aspirin)

Like nearly everyone who has tried the plain aspirin mask, I was completely astonished by the immediate results I saw and it has been a regular part of my skincare routine since that time. My personal version featured crushed aspirin mixed with a little water and some honey to “bind” it so the flakes wouldn’t rain down from my face while the mask was beginning to dry. 

However, I was noticing that even after I used the aspirin mask, I had this stubborn patch of flaky skin near the top of my nose at the inner corner of my eye that for some reason just wasn’t coming off from the exfoliating action of the mask. I went into to research mode – hence the primer above on AHAs and BHAs – and discovered that while salicylic acid (aspirin) penetrate down into pores to de-gunk them, it didn’t really provide much in the way of removing the very top layer of dead cells in the skin’s surface. What I needed was either glycolic or lactic acid, which work to dissolve the “glue” that binds the skin cells together and that’s when inspiration struck! 

Why not create a mask that combined the benefits of both AHAs and BHAs into one mask or treatment? And – behold – my newest creation was born! If you love what the ordinary aspirin mask does for your skin, this new one will absolutely blow your bloody mind.... 

Recipe for Dr. Holland’s Super Brightening Super-Sonic Facial Mask 

What you’ll need: 

• Large bottle of plain/generic, uncoated aspirin 

• Clean, empty small jar or other similar container 

• Granulated (i.e.: white) or brown sugar 

• Lactic Acid Concentrate 

• Aloe Vera juice (may substitute plain distilled water, or strongly-brewed green and/or chamomile tea *made* with distilled water) 

• Aloe Vera Extract (may substitute Jojoba or any other oil of your choice) 

• French Green Clay (optional) 

• Honey (optional) 

What you do: 

• Fill jar with approximately 50 aspirin tablets; 

• Add just enough aloe vera juice/water/tea to completely dissolve the aspirin tablets into a smooth powder; 

• Stir in two teaspoons of sugar; 

• Add one-eighth teaspoon of Lactic Acid Concentrate (available from the Personal Formulator website); 

• Stir in one-fourth teaspoon of Aloe Vera Extract or oil and a splash of honey (if desired); 

• If desired, gradually add a portion of French Green Clay to mixture. I like to include the clay in my version simply because I have serious oil control issues so I need all the oil-absorbing help I can get! 

• Blend all ingredients by stirring thoroughly. If necessary, drizzle in a bit more oil or other liquid until your mask has reached your desired consistency. 

Note: the above-recipe yields approximately enough mask for a one month supply, however you *can* make a ‘single-serving’ size of the mask fresh each day by doing the following: 

Use only 2-3 aspirin, a pinch of sugar, a couple of drops of *whole milk* (this replaces the lactic acid concentrate above) in which to dissolve the aspirin, and one drop each of aloe vera extract or oil and honey. Mix it altogether in a small dish or the palm of your hand. 

How you do it: 

• Two to three times per week, apply thin layer of mask to entire face and neck, avoiding the eye contour area. 

• Leave mask on for 10-15 minutes, then moisten fingertips and gently massage mask into skin, rewetting your fingers often. 

• Rinse with lukewarn water, pat dry. 

• Followup with ACV Toner, then any serums or moisturizers as desired. 

Important Note: This mask can be drying for some users, so do not use more often than recommended, no matter how much you may be tempted by the miraculous reduction in red marks from previous breakouts! 

Also, it is a good idea to followup this mask by applying a nice, rich facial moisturizer after rinsing mask off and applying ACV toner. 

For extremely sensitive skin, you do not need to leave it on for as long as directed, or else you may cut back and use mask only 1-2 per week. 

I now use my Super-Sonic mask to exfoliate my face every morning. However, I’ve got very-thick, very oily skin that is only sensitive to certain products or ingredients very infrequently, so if you’re skin is more reactive or sensitive, I would only use this mask 1-2 per week, or about as often is you are able to tolerate using the plain “vanilla” aspirin mask.

Next time you do your aspirin mask, try mixing it with a little yogurt or heavy cream, even whole milk will do the trick, for a combo AHA & BHA mask that will completely knock your socks off!

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Not sure if someone in here already mention this, but just in case not, if you have pimples, use a slice of fresh lemon. Wash your face first, dry, and apply the slice of fresh lemon all over your face (caution, not in the eye's or eye lids), leave the lemon sticky residue for about 3 minutes (you can do this at your leisure) and then rinse off.  Your skin will be fresh as a baby's behind!  And eventually the pimples will disappear! 

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  On 9/9/2014 at 3:50 AM, ivy said:

Brigette!! I finally bought a curler few days ago!! Can you please clarify the position where to apply my mascara? I am truly confused with what you say about tip top bottom underneath, etc... :perplexed:  :perplexed: Please, help me!! :help:  :help:

Normally when you apply mascara, you take the brush and brush the "bottom" of your lashes on your eyelid.  When you brush them, the brush goes up towards the tip.  So if you apply mascara to "top" of the lashes on your eyelid and then to the "bottom" of the lashes on your eyelid, it should curl them up and hopefully the curl will stay.  I'm only talking about the lashes on your eyelid, not the lashes on the bottom of your eye. 

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  On 9/14/2014 at 11:05 AM, MzT said:

I didn't mention nails because I wasn't sure if anyone looked talking about nails or not. Lol. I taught myself how to do nails just as well as when I used to pay to get them done. Tons of YT videos on basic manicure technique and tools.

I just started doing "gel" nails a few months ago.  The think I like about gel, is usually you only need to fix one nail here or there and it only takes a couple minutes and they are totally hardened and you can do anything afterwards!  I"ve tried Essie gel polish and Red Carpet and Sally's and I actually like Sally's a lot better!  It goes on as thick as regular polish (the others are very thin and take more coats, therefore more time).  I nails were growing like gangbusters till I decided to try using the Red Carpet polish again.  The polish is such a thin coat it didn't protect as well as Sally's.  I want to try Sally's new gel polish next that doesn't require a LED or gel light.  It's called Sally's miracle Gel I think.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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  On 9/19/2014 at 3:00 AM, shali said:

Normally when you apply mascara, you take the brush and brush the "bottom" of your lashes on your eyelid. When you brush them, the brush goes up towards the tip. So if you apply mascara to "top" of the lashes on your eyelid and then to the "bottom" of the lashes on your eyelid, it should curl them up and hopefully the curl will stay. I'm only talking about the lashes on your eyelid, not the lashes on the bottom of your eye.

Okay, I get it Brigette! So, you mean upper lashes...


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  On 9/19/2014 at 1:34 AM, allabord4jah said:

Not sure if someone in here already mention this, but just in case not, if you have pimples, use a slice of fresh lemon. Wash your face first, dry, and apply the slice of fresh lemon all over your face (caution, not in the eye's or eye lids), leave the lemon sticky residue for about 3 minutes (you can do this at your leisure) and then rinse off. Your skin will be fresh as a baby's behind! And eventually the pimples will disappear!

I gonna try it!!


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The main thing that scares me about gel nails is the removal process. I tried it and didn't like the soaked pad wrapped in foil then scrap off removal. I have "hard" nails and it seemed like the quick way to ruin my nails. I hope they have improved that part of the process.

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  On 9/19/2014 at 11:13 AM, MzT said:

The main thing that scares me about gel nails is the removal process. I tried it and didn't like the soaked pad wrapped in foil then scrap off removal. I have "hard" nails and it seemed like the quick way to ruin my nails. I hope they have improved that part of the process.

That was tricky for me too.  I buff more than just the top clear coat off like they say to before I soak them.  I leave the foil on for twice as long also.  I don't use one of those wooden orange sticks to scrap the polish off.  I have a metal manicure appliance that has a flat edge that I use and it works so much better and doesn't rough up my nails nearly as bad.  If you do one hand at a time, you can make little points at the tip of your fingernails with the tin foil and still type!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Okay, I can talk about nails.  I love the different styles and colours you can do them in.  When I started working as a solar tech though, having my hands in chemicals and in gloveboxes and needing my hands for repairing crucible holders etc., I stopped wearing the acrylics.


I would TOTALLY wear my nails like this.  




Now though, I can't justify the cost.  Mind you though, when it comes to being a servant of Jehovah, I know that presentation is very important, and I have to confess I've been looking down at my hands and nails and thinking - people could tell a lot about me by my hands.  They're dried out, hands are getting age spots and I have a crooked right pinky finger from a hockey puck hitting it!!! LOL


Come to think of it, I used to spend time and energy on my hair (always had a different style, cut, colour) when my husband and I first met.  I shocked the heck out of him by getting 5-6'' whacked off just recently.  He tells me he hopes on my list of 'Things not to do as a Senior' that boys hair cuts aren't on there.  I've always preferred long hair, but I have to say, when I was looking around the convention and seen 20 something girls with hair like mine, I thought hmmn, maybe I should style it a bit better.  



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