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Exodus, Gods and Kings - New Trailer

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*** nwt p. 1693 Glossary ***

Apostasy. This term in Greek (a·po·sta·siʹa) comes from a verb literally meaning “to stand away from.” The noun has the sense of “desertion, abandonment, or rebellion.” In the Christian Greek Scriptures, “apostasy” is used primarily with regard to those who defect from true worship.—Pr 11:9; Ac 21:21; 2Th 2:3.


*** w11 7/15 p. 15 Will You Heed Jehovah’s Clear Warnings? ***

“Apostasy” is a standing away from true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion, abandonment.


*** w90 2/1 p. 12 Identifying “the Man of Lawlessness” ***

Rebellion Against True Worship

13 Paul said that this man of lawlessness would develop along with apostasy. In fact, the first clue Paul gave as to the identity of this lawless class is that “the day of Jehovah [when Jehovah destroys this wicked system of things] . . . will not come unless the apostasy comes first.” (2 Thessalonians 2:2, 3) But what is meant by “apostasy”? In this context, it does not mean just a lapse or a falling away due to spiritual weakness. The Greek word here used for “apostasy” meant, among other things, a “defection” or a “revolt.” Several translations render it as “rebellion.” William Barclay’s version states: “That day cannot come until the Great Rebellion has taken place.” The Jerusalem Bible calls it “the Great Revolt.” Therefore, in the context of what Paul is discussing, “apostasy” means a revolt against true worship


In light of the above references, in order for something to be "apostate," it must originate from someone who at one time was a servant of Jehovah but rebelled against the Organization.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Seems it's official then! Lol Its not APOSTATE!

Just not worth my time viewing! IMO ☺

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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From first learning of the Truth I was instructed that those movies were not conveying the Truth and they were not good to watch, therefore I don't.

It's as if reading/listening the lies that they tell.

Was I instructed wrongly?

Because from what this tread is about it's as it's okay to view such lies about the Truth. Might as well go sit in on a sermon at a church. IMO!



How do you know that this kind of stuff is not stumbling for others, even confusing!To some!

Follow the slave lead and put link about stumbling others with lies about the Truth.

Why when others speak their minds you pounce on them? It is about what is Truth!

This contents of the movie has to do with lies about the Truth. Maybe this discussion should have been keep private and not put out in public.




Bro. Morris said it plainly, "we  will have to face jehovah with our decisions",  don't be mad at him he was only the messenger of what the slave was speaking on!!!
You all can say what you want, quote what you want to too look as if you are doing the right thing, say all those remarks of this and that.
I still don't see any quotes from the slave about stumbling others just to have it our way. I don't know how to link articles that's why i don't. But to each it's own.
I will not be commenting anymore because woe to whomever differ from what is being spoken of.  Oh my, you can't disagree and speak your take on the matter without being pounced upon with statements as what has been stated.  Why! Don't tell me, i already know so don't say it! I will seek peace and leave it all alone, i am done with it, bye bye!



We enjoy your proper viewpoint Charlotte, you don't water down the truth and we also miss and admire your strong stand for the truth.

Edited by timpin
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Seems it's official then! Lol Its not APOSTATE!

Just not worth my time viewing! IMO ☺


Yeah, that's how I feel about all of these movies. None of them will be right or accurate to the Bible unless it's produced by the Slave.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I have been going back and forth on seeing this movie.  There is a part of me that really wants to see it, but there is also a part of me that doesn't.


I know it's a Hollywood Film so I do not expect it to be accurate.  Some things that bothered me though were comments made by Christian Bale. He called Moses "barbaric and schizophrenic"  He also said he read the koran and some other stuff to understand who Moses was, but he never mentioned reading the bible.


Also, the director Ridley Scott said in an interview he was Agnostic and knew nothing about Moses as he was raised in a secular, non religious household.  He said he wanted the story to focus more on Moses Military Background rather then the religious aspect or message from the bible.  He also hired a writer who is an Athiest to write the movie.


So, based on all of this, I really am beginning to think I won't see it.  I am still undecided though and may decide to see it.  I doubt though that I will go to the theater and see it.  If I decide to watch it, I'll probably wait to watch it at home.


 I do not think calling it an apostate film is accurate though either.  


Thanks for the detailed reviews from the ones who have given them, it's much appreciated as I still am deciding if I am going to see it or not.  Appreciate the help.

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From what I gather from Wtlib publications I will assume that Zipporah, being a decendant of Abraham, and familiar with the circumcision issue, she had some knowledge of Jehovah. I also would like to assume that Moses, who knew/familiar of the good examples of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Bad example of Esau marrying non followers of Jehovah), Joseph in the choosing of marriage mates, she didn't have a shocking appearance as is portrayed by your picture.


I don't want to further stray from the subject, and I think there's a good reason the slave choses to illustrate the biblical characters before the mosaic law the way they do... but you mention Isaac as an example. Thing is, when Isaac's servant found Rebekka, he gave her a gold NOSEring weighing half a shekel (5.5 grammes). That's roughly the weight of my wife's wedding ring.


What appears shocking to us was not at all uncommon, rebellious or unclean back then and is still considered aesthetic in other cultures today, in the Middle and Far East. Jehovah implemented the abstinence from things like tattoos among other Mosaic laws to make a clear distinction from the nations. This distinction was not established during the times of Zippora or Rebekka.


I'm just saying I thought it was refreshing not to see them as you would expect them after the Mosaic law.

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From the reviews I have seen on here I would just get annoyed at seeing Jehovah's friend being portrayed as barbaric and clueless with regards to what God was asking of him. That and Jehovah/Angel being portrayed as a child would annoy me even more. I would just come away from it being highly annoyed.

Each to their own I am not that desperate to see CGI effects. Think I would rather go for a meal with my wife. Thanks for helping me make my mind up though.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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Thanks for the review.  I saw Noah and I judge no one if they choose to go and enjoy the special effects and take the interpretation with a pinch of salt.    I know my personality and I know I will not be able to swallow Jehovah/Jehovah's angel being portrayed as a precocious child.  I do have a few questions though for anyone that has seen it


* Is the name JEHOVAH (or YAWEH) in the film (how does the conversation at the burning bush go?)


* Who is the person fighting in the battle scenes I have seen in the trailers (I take it it's Joshuah ... Moses was 80 and did no actual fighting, that I know of)


* And what are the fighting scenes (the Hebrews didn't actually DO any fighting until they had crossed the Red see and had to fight... I think it was the Amelekites...)


As for the idea of Hollywood movies being "apostate".  Although this is a misapplication of the word, having seen Noah I can say that we shouldn't under estimate the aims of Hollywood.  While most of the public (including some of us) simply see the entertainment industry as ... well providing entertainment in return for our money, it most CERTAINLY is being used to remodel modern thinking and is a subversive means to manipulate people's thinking.  The day a modern movie has people walking out of the theatre saying... "You know, that "Bible God" was really justified and got me wondering ... I think maybe I'll have a second look at Exodus" or "hmm, never really thought about it but, you know, Noah was kinda cool" .. I'll be more than happy to reajust my opinion.  As it is, bible characters are portrayed as mad, bad or delusional.  Miracles are "explained" away and all gods portrayed as fictional. Only the demons (spiritism) is presented in a positive light and yes, kids come out of theatres saying "whoah that was soooo cool, d'you think they're real?" "D'unno, I'm going to go on line and find out more about spirits...".  Result for Hollywood.  If they could slip in a transgender character for the kids, so much the better...


Please don't take this as an attempt to discourage people from seeing the movie, I just wanted to share my opinion on Hollywood/the entertainment industry in general (moderators feel free to move me if you think a new thread would be better) I still go to movies, watch thrillers dramas, listen to some modern music ... I'm just throwing this in the mix as I know all my brothers and sisters already watch these things aware of what is accurate or not and aware of the messages and themes of most movies; I just wanted to point out that imo Hollywood DOES have an agenda (promote spiritism, violence, homosexuality and coming to a screen near you soon transgender issues, and undermine anything associated with the bible)... 

Edited by sunshine
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* Is the name JEHOVAH (or YAWEH) in the film (how does the conversation at the burning bush go?)


Neither. I watched it in German, so I can't quote in English, but the end of the vision went something like

Moses: Who are you???

Child: That I am!



* Who is the person fighting in the battle scenes I have seen in the trailers (I take it it's Joshuah ... Moses was 80 and did no actual fighting, that I know of)


* And what are the fighting scenes (the Hebrews didn't actually DO any fighting until they had crossed the Red see and had to fight... I think it was the Amelekites...)


There are several battle scenes in the film. At the beginning, it is Moses, who in the film starts out as a  commander of a battalion of Egyptian troops and fights alongside Ramses. Later on, he spearheads a terror campaign against Egypt which results in further acts of repression. Finally, along with Joshua, he forms a battle line on the seabed of the Red Sea - totally pointless in the end because they neither slow the Egyptians down or anything else. It's just for the pure spectacularness of having two armies face each other. :huh:



As for the idea of Hollywood movies being "apostate".  Although this is a misapplication of the word, having seen Noah I can say that we shouldn't under estimate the aims of Hollywood.  While most of the public (including some of us) simply see the entertainment industry as ... well providing entertainment in return for our money, it most CERTAINLY is being used to remodel modern thinking and is a subversive means to manipulate people's thinking.  The day a modern movie has people walking out of the theatre saying... "You know, that "Bible God" was really justified and got me wondering ... I think maybe I'll have a second look at Exodus" or "hmm, never really thought about it but, you know, Noah was kinda cool" .. I'll be more than happy to reajust my opinion.  As it is, bible characters are portrayed as mad, bad or delusional.  Miracles are "explained" away and all gods portrayed as fictional. Only the demons (spiritism) is presented in a positive light and yes, kids come out of theatres saying "whoah that was soooo cool, d'you think they're real?" "D'unno, I'm going to go on line and find out more about spirits...".  Result for Hollywood.  If they could slip in a transgender character for the kids, so much the better...


I totally get your point. The Charlton Heston movies were misrepresentative, Aaronofsky's Noah seems like a wicked and fully planned attempt to sneak demonic ideas into people's minds.

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Bro. Morris said it plainly, "we  will have to face jehovah with our decisions",  don't be mad at him he was only the messenger of what the slave was speaking on!!!


You all can say what you want, quote what you want to too look as if you are doing the right thing, say all those remarks of this and that.


I still don't see any quotes from the slave about stumbling others just to have it our way. I don't know how to link articles that's why i don't. But to each it's own.



I will not be commenting anymore because woe to whomever differ from what is being spoken of.  Oh my, you can't disagree and speak your take on the matter without being pounced upon with statements as what has been stated.  Why! Don't tell me, i already know so don't say it! I will seek peace and leave it all alone, i am done with it, bye bye!

Charlotte, it clear that you have a conscience that is very finely tuned. We would probably all be better off if all of us had such a conscience. Unfortunately we all don't. You are right we will all have to face Jehovah for our decisions.

When we notice someone else's conscience is not as sensitive to certain things as our conscience is,, it's ok to talk about it,,maybe point out a few things (as you did), but unless there some clear cut wrongdoing,, it better to not be quick to take offense and react and respond as an offended person. You might view it as an adult who doesn't take to heart every thing a child foolishly says or does....because you know their just a child,, not yet mature. Give them time.

Everyone progresses at different rates. We cannot all be at the same place in our spirituality, at the same time. You have a finely tuned conscience....this is an opportunity to work on other qualities....love, patience, self-control, kindness, mildness.

If Jehovah doesn't look past our imperfections and foolish desires and other foibles, there will never be a "Great Crowd" surviving the end of this system. :)

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 It portrays Moses as feckless, arrogant, combative and clueless.



During the Watchtower article today, I kept thinking about the movie and you're absolutely right. During the film I thought to myself, "well, you never know what Moses was like when he was younger, I mean he did kill an Egyptian according to the book of Exodus.. so..."

The Watchtower study article mentioned that during his exile, he had a lot of time to work on himself and become a shepherd.


None of this character development takes place in the film, the Moses (at least during the first 98%) of the film "Exodus" can hardly be considered the "meekest of all men on the face of the earth"


The Insight book defines meekness as "A mildness of temper, without haughtiness or vanity. The mental disposition that enables one to endure injury with patience and without irritation, resentment, or vindictive retaliation."

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Sounds like a little of today's lesson.☺

13, 14. (a) What helped Moses to qualify for the assignment that Jehovah would give him? (B) Like Moses, what may we need to do?

13 Moses was keenly interested in Jehovah and His people. At 40 years of age, Moses thought that he was ready to help liberate God’s people from Egyptian bondage. (Acts 7:23-25) However, before Jehovah could give him that assignment, Moses needed something more. He needed to cultivate such qualities as humility, patience, mildness, and self-control. (Prov. 15:33) Moses needed training that would prepare him to endure the trials and hardships that lay ahead. A few decades as a shepherd would provide the training he needed to cultivate these godly qualities.

14 Did Moses learn from the practical training he received as a shepherd? Indeed he did! God’s Word says that Moses became “by far the meekest of all the men on the face of the earth.” (Num. 12:3) He had cultivated humility, which helped him to deal patiently with a variety of people and their difficult problems. (Ex. 18:26) Likewise, we may need to cultivate spiritual qualities that will help us to pass through “the great tribulation” into God’s righteous new world. (Rev. 7:14) Are we able to get along with people, including those whom we consider to be temperamental or overly sensitive? We do well to heed the words of the apostle Peter, who urged fellow believers: “Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers.”​—1 Pet. 2:17.

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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