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12 Dead in Paris Terror Attack

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Semi-related, here's a report and video of a pastor of christendom bragging about committing violence in Jesus' name.




“We were outside one day at youth group,” Dammann continues, “and he was just trying to push my buttons. He was just kind of not taking the Lord serious [sic].”

So I walked over to him and went BAM! Punched him in the chest as hard as I could. I crumpled the kid. I just crumpled him.

“Then I leaned over and said, ‘Ben, when are you going to stop playing games with God?’ I led that man to the Lord right there,” he concludes.


This is not at all uncommon, but these sorts of stories tend to go entirely unnoticed unless there's a video of the act or the admission, as in this case. And even this event hasn't been picked up by any major news outlets, since it doesn't fit the "if a pastor does it then it can't be illegal" narrative so often promoted in the American mass-media. 

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Semi-related, here's a report and video of a pastor of christendom bragging about committing violence in Jesus' name.




“We were outside one day at youth group,” Dammann continues, “and he was just trying to push my buttons. He was just kind of not taking the Lord serious [sic].”

So I walked over to him and went BAM! Punched him in the chest as hard as I could. I crumpled the kid. I just crumpled him.

“Then I leaned over and said, ‘Ben, when are you going to stop playing games with God?’ I led that man to the Lord right there,” he concludes.


This is not at all uncommon, but these sorts of stories tend to go entirely unnoticed unless there's a video of the act or the admission, as in this case. And even this event hasn't been picked up by any major news outlets, since it doesn't fit the "if a pastor does it then it can't be illegal" narrative so often promoted in the American mass-media. 

Stavro dear brother,  :)   let's do a simple test. Google word "extremists" and see the results ....  how many articles/results will be linked to ISLAM ??? and how many to other religions/problems similar to the ones that you are describing etc.

That story of a pastor is ugly but World leaders do not have meeting in February how to tacle "pastor" like situations but how to deal with "radical Islam" and terrorists ...  :ph34r: Radical Islam is a real problem in the world ...  almost 4 million people were protesting on the streets of France ...for  what ? Even sex abuse committed by Christendom priests did not move people to go on the streets and protest. What do you think dear brother ?

Array of world leaders joins 3.7 million in France to defy terrorism  http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/11/world/charlie-hebdo-paris-march/index.html
Edited by Gregexplore

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Stavro dear brother,  :)   let's do a simple test. Google word "extremists" and see the results ....  how many articles/results will be linked to ISLAM ???




While the number of attacks isn't as large as Islam, the ideology most certainly does exist.


Radical Islam is a real problem in the world


Only fifteen years ago, the term "radical Islam" was all but unheard of. It existed and was quickly growing in number, but it didn't enter the public eye until major attacks were carried out.


Today, radical Christendom is growing in number as well, but much like the early days of radical Islam, the crimes committed in the name of Christendom are woefully underreported, and will likely remain so until a major attack is carried out.


Babylon the Great is not Islam, it is not Christendom, it is not Hinduism, it is the "world empire of false religion". While the religions do have different 'mascots', they all serve the same god. And since their god has only one goal in mind, we should expect all of Babylon to eventually be striving for that same goal.

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ya   .....   tell that to this guy



And this one:-

Edited by Musky

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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Oh my word.  I just googled those phrases to see for myself.  These sound just as hate-filled as the Islamic State.  I'm almost speechless.  This begs the question as to why we aren't seeing radical "Christians" going on murderous rampages in the name of Jesus.  Maybe they will.  Like I said above, I don't recall radical Islam being so murderous before the mid 80s.  Perhaps it's only a matter of time.  


If that is the case, and we have to deal with radical "Christians" and radical Islamists killing each other, then a unified effort from the UN to bring about peace and security by ending the terror, and maintaining that peace and security by eliminating religion is a conceivable idea, isn't it?


Radical "christians" did go on a murderous rampage in the name of Jesus, it was called the crusades in the middle ages

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I just heard on CNN about the latest satirical drawing released? 


So - I googled and found the news writing!  I had no idea what the term "I am Charlie" meant!


within the article it states: Charlie Hebdo's lawyer Richard Malka told France Info radio:

"We will not give in. The spirit of 'I am Charlie' means the right to blaspheme."



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Thank goodness we have clear information from the Bible on neutrality, and the sure hope that Jehovah will soon undo this incredible mess soon.  I noted in a similar article to Cyre's above that the muslims in France condemn what happened last week, but do not feel that joining in with the "I am Charlie" solidarity campaign is quite right either.  One pensioner muslim man originally from Tunisia said regarding the magazine Charlie Hebdo:


"It set out to provoke people for its own amusement. It attacked their religion. Make fun of yourselves if you will, but leave others alone. The media is like a car: you need to have a licence to be on the road, otherwise you will be a danger to others. Charlie had no licence to put people's lives at risk with their provocations."



Which is exactly right, isn't it?  Where do you draw the line at freedom?  Does freedom of speech mean you can sprout obnoxious and inflammatory drivel?  And then not expect some sort of backlash?  No one of course would willingly incur a terrorism attack as has happened.  But it is not that this was entirely unforeseeable either, since the instability of this system has been particularly evident after 9/11.


Our God Jehovah tells us:


"You were called to freedom, brothers; only do not use this freedom as an opportunity to pursue fleshly desires, but through love slave for one another." Gal 5:13


"For though I am free from all people, I have made myself the slave to all, so that I may gain as many people as possible." 1 Cor 9:19


We are encouraged to be humble and look out for the interests of our brothers and sisters before our own. Phil 2:3,4


We don't do this perfectly yet, but isn't it a blessing that in these confusing times we KNOW what is the best way to act, a way that is wise and does not step on the rights of others.  To me it further strengthens my resolve to stick closely to Jesus' example and teachings.


“Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life" - John 6:68





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