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Things that keep me awake at night...

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  On 7/23/2015 at 1:08 AM, Dash21 said:

The problem with getting a box of candy, is it's hard to stop with just one chocolate.

Solomon was wise..

Forest Gump was wise...


Hmmm...it makes you wonder...might keep me awake at night.. 

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  On 7/23/2015 at 12:16 AM, Tcvancoops said:

Oddly enough, I enjoy the sound of snoring.  I've never been told I snore, though I do sleep talk A LOT.  But if someone is snoring its awesome because then I sleep better.  I don't know why. 

As to what keeps me up at night, feeling lonely (having no friends and no mate) and thinking what makes me so horrible that I don't have anybody.  THAT keeps me up big time.  I know I should think about the people who care about me (Jehovah included) and not think so negatively of myself.  I just get in a funk and its hard for me to think about anything else until I worry myself to sleep aka my meds kick in.

Dear Sister Taylor, You have people here that care about you. Not sure if that will help on a sleepless night. When I was very small,my mother told me I used to sing at night. I think I still do, all though I don't sleep long enough to belt out a full tune. When is your convention?

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  On 7/22/2015 at 9:10 PM, trottigy said:


What would have happened if they had a kid BEFORE the sin?



That is why Satan acted before they did.


Because Jehovah could've punished the human couple, and transferred the authority and right to fill the earth, to the loyal, righteous child.

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I know having a marriage mate isn't the end of the world.  It's not a major priority in my life.  And I get comments all the time like, "Enjoy being a single sister!  Marriage isn't a fairy tale" and yadda yadda yadda.  Which I understand.  I was almost married once but it ended horribly. And I blamed a lot of the downfall on myself because it was my first boyfriend, and not really understanding what love was (since I was raised by an abusive mother).  And I know marriage isn't all lovey dovey happy fun times.  I am willing to work through the hard times because that's what makes a marriage stronger.  I don't NEED a mate, but I would absolutely love one.  But I really only think of it when I'm on issue of not really having any friends.

When I get in my funks I do start recording music since singing usually makes me feel better.  However, when I get super down I just lay in bed sobbing until I finally pass out. 

I think my convention is in October, but I might be wrong.  I never know these things until last minute anyway


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  On 7/23/2015 at 1:17 AM, Dash21 said:

That is why Satan acted before they did.


Because Jehovah could've punished the human couple, and transferred the authority and right to fill the earth, to the loyal, righteous child.


Here is another rhetorical question, how long was Eve alive before Satan acted? Did he wait for her to tell Adam she wanted children before he acted?


There isn't an answer, just something else to keep me awake at night...

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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@ Sister Taylor


Yes, all those kind expressions don't seem to help a lot, they can even be distressing.


At least, that is how I remember things.


If you are referring to personal friends- which I assume you are- well, I have enjoyed times with friends, and times without.  Making friends can be a difficult thing, but don't equate it to your worth, one way or the other.


You probably already know that steady activity in service, and steady prayer, is your best means to cultivate friends.


A lonely brother- who later became my best friend- would show up at my meeting, regularly, and talk to me. He wanted to be sure I was a solid brother, of course.  But he asked me to watch a movie with him, until I agreed, and he consistently approached me, until we were spendng Friday evenings together, and spending more and more time together.  At first, I exerted myself, because I felt he needed me.  Eventually, I realized that I was the one who was fortunate to have him, for a friend.


Hang in there, Sister!


Don't let sorrow traumatize your life, you're too precious for that!


(I used to listen to music, also.  It was the 80's, life was ahead of me, and the hours slid by, next to the JVC speaker.  I relied on the TV set, also.  Thank goodness for the TV set!)

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  On 7/23/2015 at 1:22 AM, Tortuga said:

Here is another rhetorical question, how long was Eve alive before Satan acted? Did he wait for her to tell Adam she wanted children before he acted?


There isn't an answer, just something else to keep me awake at night...


I expect that children were not in play, yet, since Satan did not want any righteous children to be born.


But if Satan did suspect that such an event was approaching, he certainly would've acted immediately!


And perhaps that is what prompted him.


He couldn't wait indefinitely, he had to act before Eve became seeded with child.

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@ Sister Taylor


 Quote: 'I relied on the TV set, also.  Thank goodness for the TV set!'


Naturally, TV has not gotten cleaner and less violent- the violence is completely out of hand- so being selective is more important than ever.


...as you know.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 7/22/2015 at 11:24 AM, shali said:

I have a lot of trouble shutting my mind down at night, it's the worst part of the day for me because I dread going to bed and then lying there awake all night.  I run "lists" through my head, forward and backward - books of the Bible, the judges of Isreal, the 12 tribes of Isreal, the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve apostles, the fruitages of the spirit, etc.  I keep hoping I'll get bored and finally fall asleep but it never happens.  What is even worse is if I forget a name in any of my lists, that can keep me up for hours and many times I just have to get up and find the answer so I can get THAT off my mind!  It's a constant vicious circle.


In the meantime, my husband is fully asleep 2 minutes after his head hits the pillow - literally!  That bugs me.  I've asked him how he does it, how does he get to sleep so fast?!!  He tells me that he just lets his mind go blank.  HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!!!! My mind is constantly "on" - there is no "off" switch.  The dumbest things will pop into my head and then if I can't think of the answer, it really drives me nuts.  Poor Jehovah gets the brunt of things most nights - I pray a lot about pretty inane stuff I'm sure to him.

It takes your husband two minutes to fall asleep. My wife and I were at her relatives house once. The guy showed me the bedroom. As he was walking out the door he asked if I wanted the light on or off. I had already lay down still fully clothed and fallen asleep before he could even ask.

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  On 8/14/2015 at 5:51 PM, Witness1970 said:

It takes your husband two minutes to fall asleep. My wife and I were at her relatives house once. The guy showed me the bedroom. As he was walking out the door he asked if I wanted the light on or off. I had already lay down still fully clothed and fallen asleep before he could even ask.

Blessed art thou among men! :)

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/22/2015 at 7:50 PM, Tortuga said:

I wonder why automobile manufacturers don't make cars that will automatically cool a car interior to prevent killing babies and pets.


My car has a remote start that will lock the doors and start the car, if the A/C is in 'Auto' then it will come on too.


If the auto manufacturers put an interior temperature sensor in the car and program the car to use the seat sensors to determine something is in the car, then when the interior reaches 100F, have the doors lock, the engine start, the A/C come on, cool the interior to less than 90F and then shut off.


What's so hard about that?


I imagine most cars could be retrofitted with an interior temperature sensor and reprogrammed for the less than the cost of a broken window or funeral....

Or maybe just have a sensor that detects someone in the car, detects high temperature and sounds the alarm. Could still have a broken window unless owner gers there first.

Where I live one woman complained about an 8-year-old sitting in a parked car.

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My wife has the habit of turning on the TV at night. She says it helps her get sleepy. I can fall asleep with the TV on but the light causes me to wake up shortly and not be able to sleep. I turn the TV off and go to sleep then a while later she turns it back on.

The worst part is one night they had Showtime on for free temporarily. She turned the TV on a Showtime movie and fell asleep. When I woke up a different movie was on. There were two men and two women on the screen without clothing. I immediately turned the TV off.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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I can't sleep right now due to pain levels and my husband goes to sleep right away but from time to time he will toss and wake up and see the computer light on and that irritates him to no end. 


I try to put the covers over the laptop but then I get too stuffy and can't breathe. 


I need blinders on the side of my laptop to keep the light from bothering my hubby. I don't think it's the light so much as that he feels that I should be sleeping at the same time he is. lol

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@ kejedo

Our bodies were created to produce melatonin when it is dark. Melatonin helps us sleep. Bright lights stop the production of melatonin and we do not sleep as well. Women do not seem to be affected as much as men so women seem to be able to tolerate light at night more than men can.

This is also the reason totally blind people have trouble with what is called non-24. Their bodies do not know when it is night and melatonin production gers confused.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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  On 8/30/2015 at 1:13 PM, Witness1970 said:

@ kejedo

Our bodies were created to produce melatonin when it is dark. Melatonin helps us sleep. Bright lights stop the production of melatonin and we do not sleep as well. Women do not seem to be affected as much as men so women seem to be able to tolerate light at night more than men can.

This is also the reason totally blind people have trouble with what is called non-24. Their bodies do not know when it is night and melatonin production gers confused.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

I was replying to Horsejump, but I accidentally put "@kejedo" on it it by mistake. Bear with me because I seem to keep making errors in my posts.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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  • 1 year later...
  On 7/22/2015 at 7:50 PM, Tortuga said:

I wonder why automobile manufacturers don't make cars that will automatically cool a car interior to prevent killing babies and pets.


My car has a remote start that will lock the doors and start the car, if the A/C is in 'Auto' then it will come on too.


If the auto manufacturers put an interior temperature sensor in the car and program the car to use the seat sensors to determine something is in the car, then when the interior reaches 100F, have the doors lock, the engine start, the A/C come on, cool the interior to less than 90F and then shut off.


What's so hard about that?


I imagine most cars could be retrofitted with an interior temperature sensor and reprogrammed for the less than the cost of a broken window or funeral.... 


GMs solution to hot car deaths..



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