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If you have a cat - have you downloaded an game app for them?

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After watching one of those funny home video shows and they showed some clips of cats, I wondered to myself "I have two cats, why haven't I ever downloaded a game on my tablet for them to play? Better yet, would they be interested at all?"

So I looked at a few apps for cats and downloaded "Cats Alone" and "Cats Alone2". One Cats Alone2 there is a butterfly game that one of my cats really likes (although she's always pawing underneath the tablet thinking the butterflys are under there when they go off the screen) but she will still swat at them.

My question is - has anyone else ever tried one of these games on their tablet for their cat(s) to play and if so, was it successful? What game did you use that you had the best success with?

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Yes! she likes the dotty ones, the spider ones she reacted for the first few mins then got bored. The mouse one she just watched like tele ... probably her equivalent to a block buster movie. This is her a three legged Bengal. Who is at present trying to sit on my hands while I type.


<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Oh yes Brigette she's a character ...... She reached out and smacked me when we went to the SPCA to find a cat lol it was like she was saying " pick me pick me" we brought her home and she was immediately on top of the fridge I almost had a nervous break down training her the kitty house rules eventually she got it except for pinning I have had a lot of cats but never one like our Miss Mouse ! We got her a good scratching post but there is one stuffed chair she goes to its covered with sticky tape looks terrible but we have no choice.. She is 7 now we thought she would settle down but she's still one wild n crazy cat ,.....she chases those fake mice around and she is grey like a mouse that's how she acquired her name.

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My cats are just the opposite.  It's hard to get them to play, that is why I was surprised they took an interest in some of these cat games we can put on our tablets.  They mostly just stare at us playing with the toy we are trying to get them to play with.  They never crawl on anything and cause any destruction (except for scratch marks in our pleather couch).  They are two of the laziest things I've ever seen!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Rosanne, YouTube has many videos on how to teach your car to use the toilet! P.S.I was just in your part of the world in August for "The Mini on the Mack" to set the record for the most Mini coopers in one place! It was so much fun!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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They sure do yours is real pretty Mandi.....Mouse has Bengal markings and longest tale I've ever seen !! Bridgette count your blessings docile cats is not all bad my cat tares around like the village idiot! LOL

She sits on the back of a chair and swipes at me when I go buy she's always looking for attention ....we take her camping and she walks like a dog on a leash it's hilarious ......

Roseanne that's not pleasant I've seen Briggetes suggestion on utube lol but it's lots of work best wishes with that one .....ha!

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A sister here breeds Bengals -which is how I got my little girl .. she was born with a deformity ... incredible cats, clever and feisty - it's the wild jungle cat gene. She also had a few bengal crosses like yours and they were almost feral ... three brothers and sisters had the crosses and they were extremely hard to handle.

My brother woke up one day to find my cat sitting on his chest staring him down he locks her out before he sleeps now. haha - Mandi's revenge.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Check out the "Cat Alone"cap apps - there are six games in each app and one or more of them is bound to amuse your cat. Everytime I take out my tablet to use it now, one of my cats rushes to my side hoping i'll start the app for her! She's a cat app junkie now. Friskies has a free game you can download from their website where you cat can chase a "virtual" string. I'll have to see if I can get a pick of my cat(s) playing one of the apps and post it in here.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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My cat brings me her toy when she wants to play. She will pull it off of the door knob and drag it into the room and then wait for me to pick it up.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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  On 9/20/2015 at 4:43 AM, Tortuga said:

attachicon.gifHershey Toy.JPG


My cat brings me her toy when she wants to play. She will pull it off of the door knob and drag it into the room and then wait for me to pick it up.

Richard, this sounds familiar to me. Romeo knows exactly, that his beloved string is inside our sideboard in the living room, so he sits down in front of it when he wants to play and scratches at the knob.

Chrissy :wave:

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  On 9/21/2015 at 8:32 PM, shali said:

Richard, how did you train you cat to act like a dog?!!!


We have a male Russian Blue that is bigger and younger than her, but is afraid of her. She owns the bedrooms and he owns the living room. The kitchen is neutral territory. He gets very vocal when he wants attention and will come into the bedroom or TV room and cry until you follow him into the living room to pet him.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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