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Recently my wife was approached by a sister to try a supplement that she recommends and is also distributing.

I am not against supplements and I agree that we need to supplement what is missing from our food these days.

However, I wonder if we really need to use them.

We are living in the last days and we know that the balance of nature and our bodies is right out of kilter, so no matter what we do we are fighting a losing battle.

These supplements are not cheap and can we really say that they work?

I am trying to be balanced but my wife is being persuaded ( although not aggressively) by this sister to go ahead and subscribe to the product.

I am sure the Sister's motive is good and that she wants us to benefit from what she believes is a good thing but on the other hand I can't help thinking that we might be wasting our money which could be spent on better things like higher quality food for example.

What do you think?

Do you feel that supplements are worthwhile and have you benefited from taking them?

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I use supplements and believe that they might help a person depending if they need it. For example, I worked at a health food store for about five years, while I was there, alot of people would tell me that a certain multi-vitamin was great and that it gave them lots of energy. I took it for a few months but felt no different. When I told my boss, who knew everything about nutrition, he told me that the multi-vitamin was good for people on the run who did not get their vitamins because the didn't eat well. He told me that the vitamins didn't do anything for me because I always ate home cooked meals and I got my vitamins that way. So it depends if she needs it and if she can absorb the vitamins. I suggest that she do her own investigation on any supplement that she might be thinking of taking. As you mentioned, sometimes just eating better can be just what you need. Well this is my two cents. Take care.:scooter:

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I am not against supplements and I agree that we need to supplement what is missing from our food these days.

However, I wonder if we really need to use them.

We are living in the last days and we know that the balance of nature and our bodies is right out of kilter, so no matter what we do we are fighting a losing battle.

4 weeks ago LuanaGlobal posted the spot on thread titled " All good things come from above: Food."

Elsee mentioned the benefits of whole foods and spices that provide all the necessary phytonutrients, balanced omegas, I3C's, anti-inflammatories, detoxifiers, and anti-oxidants that destroy free radicals.

Over the years we have been cautioned about brothers promoting MLM based products in the congregation that for the most part only benefit the ones at the top of the pyramid. I have been offered Shaklee, Nature Sunshine, Noni, Xango, Zrii and Protandem. Products come and go, most do not prove to be healthful or beneficial. Time Magazine interviewed Montel Williams awhile back and he mentioned to listen to what your Grandmother told you, "Eat as many green vegetables and colorful fruits as possible." Dr. Oz recently interviewed Kris Carns on his program and asked her the secret of her success battling a rare form of cancer. She shared her green drink and wheat-grass recipe with the audience. This was after she unsuccessfully put her faith and trust in Alopathic physicians.

Please be very careful with fractionated supplements. As Debbie mentioned do as much research as possible. The FDA investigated Metabalife for using Ephedra a few years ago after receiving 13,000 complaints. Overusing Vita A, can cause serious health problems, Chaparral can be used safely externally, but can cause serious liver problems used internally. Large Pharmaceutical corporations are actively manufacturing and promoting fractionated supplements, some of their most profitable and lucrative ventures.

The society recently has written articles about the importance of a good diet, rest and exercise. Also there are many testimonials of people who have been told to" get their affairs in order" and have reversed serious life threatening diseases, simply by changing their diets. >:D<

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I think there are two issues here.

First, I don't think it is right for any brother or sister to promote health products among the brotherhood, especially as the sister in question is 'distributing' this product. We should not target our brothers and sisters as customers for products we sell.

Second, a product may be great for one person but dangerous for another. E.g. a sister in our congregation swears by cranberry juice and recommended that my wife drink it every day. My wife takes warfarin, and to take cranberry juice would be dangerous for her! It sounds an innocuous recommendation, but we don't know the personal details of others.

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I take calcium supplements because I don't think we can get enough through our diets. Milk is useless because it has been pasteurized and homogenized, destroying important nutrients. Other than that, I am sceptical of supplements. I take multi-vitamins just to be safe, but I get the best deal I can find, like Kirkland. It's hard to know just which brands will be absorbed efficiently by the body! I think if a person has a specific illness or problem, sometimes a certain supplement can help, like one sister takes a particular supplement to get rid of some kind of parasites that she has along with Lyme Disease, and she is certain that the supplement is working. It's a gamble, you might say! :S

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I got a blast from the past just last week. One of the mothers I knew from my homeschooling days rang me and wanted to tell me about her vitamin/supplements business. She insisted on visiting me even though I told her she would be wasting her time. It turned out to be pyramid selling. I didn't even get shown a product :eek:

I have to have blood tests regularly and I know at times my Dr has looked at whether I was deficient in any vitamins. Perhaps a check up would point to whether any supplements were necessary or not. Personally I rely on a good and varied diet.

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This is an interesting article on supplements that anyone who takes supplements should read.



My opinion, Be careful what you put in your body. Eat fresh veggies and fruit. Don't waste your money.

My opinion again. Some of these supplements cause you to have very expensive urine.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I don't have a problem with someone taking a supplement if it is something they need and their doctors recommend it. I do have issues with brothers/sisters trying to sell their products to the friends. It's one thing if someone says "my doctor says I should take this and I know you own a business and would like to discuss this with you", but it's wrong imo for brothers and sisters to promote their business.

I know someone who owns their own health food store and this sister has at times has said her products will cure you. That makes me angry. She is not a doctor, and while her supplements may help someone, saying they will cure someone really gets to me.

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I got a blast from the past just last week. One of the mothers I knew from my homeschooling days rang me and wanted to tell me about her vitamin/supplements business. She insisted on visiting me even though I told her she would be wasting her time. It turned out to be pyramid selling. I didn't even get shown a product :eek:

I have to have blood tests regularly and I know at times my Dr has looked at whether I was deficient in any vitamins. Perhaps a check up would point to whether any supplements were necessary or not. Personally I rely on a good and varied diet.

I'd say about 10 years ago my sweet daughter got sucked into that pyramid thing with supplements. She was convinced it was fabulous, and she decided to do it. She even got business cards made up. I felt so sorry for her when her business fell flat. She didn't cry but I did. The poor girl....she was so excited about her own business. It was a Witness brother who got her into it. Then he moved to California and she lost contact with him. She tried to get her money back, and I think she got most of it back. But what a disappointment. My heart just broke for my baby. (She was around 26.)

It sounds so good when you hear the sales speech. I don't have hard feelings for the brother. I just think we all have to be VERY careful what we get ourselves into, and I agree that it's not a good idea to try to get the friends involved. If you need a supplement, go to Vitacost.com !

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This is an interesting article on supplements that anyone who takes supplements should read.



My opinion, Be careful what you put in your body. Eat fresh veggies and fruit. Don't waste your money.

My opinion again. Some of these supplements cause you to have very expensive urine.

Yes! And take the money you would spend on questionable supplements and BUY ORGANIC!!!:yes:

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The issue I have is the sister using her local congregation to maybe using her fellow worshippers to further her economic means. Obviosuly we cannot judge this example and say that was her motivations. That is not our place. This thread just reminds me of a lady who used to be in my hall that started working at a company that sold a certain product. Over the course of a year she was hawking her product to many many different people from the different congregations in the area. She wasn't just doing it to the people she knew personally but she was "networking" through family and friends and cold calling people she hardly knew. I remember talking to my second cousins wife about getting a bunch of calls.

We just have to be careful we are not using the truth as our demographic. Quite obviously this is just my imperfect opinion, and if you were in this type of business as long as your were honest about how you conducted yourself than more power to you.

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Not all things sold as organic are "organic". I don't know the law about the percentage that has to be "organic" but I do know that in some products that claim to be natural, 10% is the usual rule in order to be able to advertise as natural. And usually it is the cheapest ingredient that makes up the 10 %. And then how can you trust the organization saying they're organic. Grumpy got sucked into buying into one of these company's, by a brother, whose intentions were good, he was trying to help, and in our congregation alone there were over 10 people who lost a sizable amount of money. None of whom could afford the loss. And yes, eat your veggies.


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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This reminds me of Circuit Assembly part where a brother had a reputation in the congregation for pushing people to get involved in the latest networking fad. This time, he was selling a product that would improve your 'toxa-tonin' levels. There is a Brother Toxa-tonin in my congregation that usually gets involved in a new company at the end of the school year to supplement his income.

While the point of the talk was NOT to avoid MLM businesses, (the cell company Sprint was a MLM at one time), it was to not get into thinking of using the Brotherhood as your secret to financial success.

For you Brother, continue to reason with your wife as to if this supplement is budget-worthy enough. If she has a bunch of scrapbooking materials from 2007 that still hasn't materialized into anything memorable (other than how much it cost to purchase that special die-cut (sorry, getting into personal past experiences:glare:)).... Maybe you should go to a vitamin shop or a natural food store for cheaper alternatives. I've used supplements and many don't have the same side-effects (if any at all) compared to the medical equivalent. Take care!

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We always have talks at Assemblies and Conventions about being overly concerned about our health and especially to be careful not to push our ideas onto others. There are sisters in the cong eating apricot seeds because they "cure cancer". As a family of 6 we cannot afford to buy organic, but we do our best to eat healthy within our means so that we can carry out our service to Jehovah as best we can.

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There are sisters in the cong eating apricot seeds because they "cure cancer".

Apricot seeds??? Really?

Those are poisonous. As in Cyanide poisonous. :scared:

WebMD: Apricot Kernels

Its amazing to me the things people think are cures or promote health & well being sometimes. My ex-husband (df) and his mother (an elderly Witness) used to promote all kinds of crazy cures to me for a long time. I finally told them to please stop.

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There are sisters in the cong eating apricot seeds because they "cure cancer".

Apricot seeds??? Really?

Those are poisonous. As in Cyanide poisonous. :scared:

WebMD: Apricot Kernels

This made me laugh so much !

My X-mother in-law has been dying of cancer for the most part of 45 years, now in her 80's. She has frequently traveled to Mexico for her apricot treatment. Funny thing is that she has never been diagnosed by a real doctor with cancer, only benign tumors. Sad part of it is that she has cried wolf so loud for so long that if and when the real thing strikes, no one will be listening. After reading the above link, I am surprised that the cure didn't kill her. I can understand however the mentality of desperate people without anywhere else to turn, that go to these clinics, grasping at any hope. My heart goes out to them, but I think there are a lot of quacks out there taking advantage of their desperation.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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I do indeed use suppliments , we need to understand what the suppliments are intended for and then decide wether or not to use them,

A suppliment is designed to give your body what it needs that it would not normally recieve on your regular diet regimine.

I suppliment my cheesburgers with fries and the occasional shake ( for the calcium)

I suppliment my icecream with chocolate syrup , hehehe ( i highly recomend that one)

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I do indeed use suppliments , we need to understand what the suppliments are intended for and then decide wether or not to use them,

A suppliment is designed to give your body what it needs that it would not normally recieve on your regular diet regimine.

I suppliment my cheesburgers with fries and the occasional shake ( for the calcium)

I suppliment my icecream with chocolate syrup , hehehe ( i highly recomend that one)

aaaaah ! The alternative supplements.....:tea:

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We don't eat meat or dairy so we have to take suppliments according to our doctor.

I don't get upset over being offered a product by a friend .The friends are my

spiritual as well as social group,we share recipes and child rearing tips along with emotional

and spiritual support.They are my family and who I know.

I don't mind them calling me at home to offer me Avon or a new phone service or to sign up for a bank account

where they work .I've had all these experiences and more.

I don't mind spending a couple minuits listening to what they have and saying yes or no.

At our Hall theres a 93 yr old br who looks great and is active and he gives me lots of suppliment advice.

I order suppliments from where he gets them.They look like they work.He's also into reflexology and natural

medicines.I call him when I have an ache or pain.

I think the vast majority of the friends have our best interest at heart when making such suggestions.Maybe a few are just

thinking about making a buck.But as long as they don't try to sell stuff to me at the Hall I'm ok with it.

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Not all things sold as organic are "organic". I don't know the law about the percentage that has to be "organic" but I do know that in some products that claim to be natural' date=' 10% is the usual rule in order to be able to advertise as natural. And usually it is the cheapest ingredient that makes up the 10 %. And then how can you trust the organization saying they're organic. Grumpy got sucked into buying into one of these company's, by a brother, whose intentions were good, he was trying to help, and in our congregation alone there were over 10 people who lost a sizable amount of money. None of whom could afford the loss. And yes, eat your veggies.

47746=2302-Donate.gif [/quote'] I don't pay any attention to anything that says "natural." Sand is "natural." Usually if something is labelled "organic," though, it is made or grown without chemicals and pesticides and hormones, etc. It would be almost sure to be clean and nutritious. But the pyramid thing is a definite thumbs down.(td)

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Some points from search..."commerical business in kingdom hall"...WT Cdrom

"Let us be determined not to let business disputes disrupt our peace or that of the congregation. We need to remember that the Christian congregation functions to help us spiritually, not to serve as a center for commercial pursuits. Business matters should always be kept separate from congregation activities......"

"Some have used theocratic contacts to sell health or beauty aids, vitamin products, telecommunication services, construction materials, travel plans, computer programs and equipment, and so forth. However, congregation meetings are no place for selling or promoting commercial products or services...."

"Pointed counsel was given in the talk “Let Discernment Safeguard You.” Discernment is very important with regard to business dealings.

We should not carry on personal business activities in the Kingdom Hall, nor should we exploit fellow Christians for financial gain. (Compare John 2:15, 16.)

Discernment is also needed when investing in a business or when borrowing or lending money. “The failure of business ventures among Christians has led to disappointment and even to loss of spirituality on the part of some who hastily entered into risky moneymaking schemes,” noted the speaker.

Though it is not wrong for Christians to do business with one another, caution is certainly wise. And when a business agreement is made between two parties, the terms should always be set forth in writing."

this is from a thread we had on Direct Marketing...


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