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Antarctica is About to Give Birth

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Antarctica is calving!!!

Read More About Big Iceberg Birth


A view of the rift from the vantage point of NASA’s DC-8 research aircraft. NASA scientist John Sonntag snapped the photos on November 10, 2016, during an Operation IceBridge flight. Image via NASA


A huge iceberg, roughly the size of the U.S. state of Delaware, looks set to break away from the Larsen C ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula. Satellite observations from December 2016 show a growing crack in the ice shelf which suggests that the chunk of ice, which has an area of roughly 5,000 square kilometers (3,000 square miles) is likely to calve soon. The crack has been growing for years, and British researchers monitoring the crack say that only about 12 miles (19 km) now connect the chunk of ice to the rest of the continent.


The calving of this large iceberg could be the first step of the collapse of Larsen C ice shelf, which would result in the disintegration of a huge area of ice into a number of icebergs and smaller fragments.



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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You left out details for newbies to news like this such as: is the news good or bad, this breakup? Is it caused by human interference with the environment? What are the future ramifications for planet earth? Interested in the news.

{after reading the article}

My question will have to be shelved to the dustbin of unanswered questions for now. Curiosity killed the cat.

Edited by Nnaemeka

For Jehovah is aware of the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish (Psalm 1:6).

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I'm in the opinion that global warming is a scam.  I know of no one that lives near the ocean that has said the waves have risen.


I know rev. 11;18 says ruining the earth.....  interestingly.. there are 2 earths....  physical globe and the "earth" of mankind.....  obviously both are being ruined...but i kind of doubt all the "global warming" stuff.  CO2 emissions just feed the plants and gets drawn into the oceans...  The real issue is if the oceans are dieing to polution;   that would cause co2 levels to raise though as the ocean is a huge co2 sponge when needed.

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3 hours ago, Nnaemeka said:

You left out details for newbies to news like this such as: is the news good or bad, this breakup? Is it caused by human interference with the environment? What are the future ramifications for planet earth? Interested in the news.

{after reading the article}

My question will have to be shelved to the dustbin of unanswered questions for now. Curiosity killed the cat.


There is a small amount of information on your question in the link that sister Ross put up in her post, brother Nnaemeka, though not alot.  If it isn't enough to satisfy your curiosity maybe Google could give you some more. :)   


I've put the link here for you:http://earthsky.org/earth/huge-iceberg-break-antarctic-shelf-larsenc 

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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On 1/14/2017 at 1:31 PM, vern said:

I'm in the opinion that global warming is a scam.  I know of no one that lives near the ocean that has said the waves have risen.


I know rev. 11;18 says ruining the earth.....  interestingly.. there are 2 earths....  physical globe and the "earth" of mankind.....  obviously both are being ruined...but i kind of doubt all the "global warming" stuff.  CO2 emissions just feed the plants and gets drawn into the oceans...  The real issue is if the oceans are dieing to polution;   that would cause co2 levels to raise though as the ocean is a huge co2 sponge when needed.

From the Watchtower:  https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/wp20140901/ruined-earth/


I think the scam is not the proven science of human activity induced climate change, but its the  "denial" propaganda that billion-dollar multi-national oil & gas companies spend millions of dollars on to create CC doubt among the public - which has been effective, especially with individuals who get their information from "conservative" news outlets.  You see, these fossil fuel companies and special interests groups need the population to doubt this science to ensure that their cash cow isn't put at risk. The science of global warming (The Greenhouse Effect) was reproduced in lab experiments going all the way back to 1859. Also, on the topic of rising oceans, if you're interested research what's happening off the Miami coast, Bangladesh, Isle De Jean Charles Louisiana,  Shishmaref Alaska,  to name a few. Matt 24: 22 says that " unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved". "No flesh" includes animals. 

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1 hour ago, Awakened said:

unless those days were cut short

I think we apply it to the governments attack on religion... the days of attacking all religion will be cut short giving a "interval"  for Gods people to respond to the counsel we will receive at that time.?  no?


Many animals have been harmed....  Jehova will bring them back.

can mankind literally kill everything on earth now?    sadly its possible with nuclear warfare....





Ok..  i'll bite with the miami coastline.... here's one article.


The rising sea generally has crept up so slowly that it has been barely noticeable. In the Tampa Bay area, for instance, "we've actually seen an increase of about an inch a decade" since measurements began in the 1940s, said Holly Greening, executive director of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program.

Now, the rate at which the sea level is rising appears to be picking up speed.

The sea level's rise is often difficult to detect along urban coastlines because seawalls and replenished beaches can obscure or blunt the impact, said Mike Savarese, a Florida Gulf Coast University marine science professor.

But the changes wrought by higher seas are more obvious in wilderness areas such as state and national parks. In those natural areas, "we're seeing some real indications of a change out there," Savarese said.



Is that going to ruin all flesh?

If its a "fact"....  it sure is hyped more then its should be..... even if the oceans went up by feet there still is going to be enough land to support life.....



but srsly.....  find someone thats 80 years old and ask them if they personally have seen the ocean get higher.....all I'm asking.


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1 hour ago, carlos said:

The United States is the only country where global warming is a political issue. In the rest of the world global warming is an unquestionable fact. It's so sad when politics make people deny things that are measurable.


In the USA it seems to be divided along political lines. Many Republicans flatly deny global warming. When I visited Alaska (a Republican majority State) they will tell you that glacier melting is just a cycle the earth goes through and nothing to fret about.  In recent years they have lost a huge amount of their glacier ice but they just shrug their shoulders and say, "it's normal", "it'll be back in a few years."  They remind me of Harry Randall Truman who stayed and watched Mt. St. Helens blow thinking the trees and ridges would protect him.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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2 hours ago, rocket said:


In the USA it seems to be divided along political lines. Many Republicans flatly deny global warming. When I visited Alaska (a Republican majority State) they will tell you that glacier melting is just a cycle the earth goes through and nothing to fret about.  In recent years they have lost a huge amount of their glacier ice but they just shrug their shoulders and say, "it's normal", "it'll be back in a few years."  They remind me of Harry Randall Truman who stayed and watched Mt. St. Helens blow thinking the trees and ridges would protect him.

You would think that they would give the whole global warming thing the benefit of the doubt for the sake of their own lives. If I were not a witness, I would think that we should do something to change the amount of pollution we let out because if people are right about global warming we may kill ourselves. If they are wrong... we'll at least we died trying.

Edited by Brother Jack

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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22 hours ago, vern said:

can mankind literally kill everything on earth now?    sadly its possible with nuclear warfare....

Mankind is currently killing everything on the earth. Research the sixth mass extinction

22 hours ago, vern said:

Ok..  i'll bite with the miami coastline

So like the article you posted suggest, the sea levels off the Miami coast are in fact rising. Also, that article you quoted dates back to 2008.  Here's a more recent article from Miami.cbslocal.com : "Officials in the Florida Keys have approved a framework for county roads that need to be adapted to rising sea levels."  Wow, the city has to modify their infrastructure in response to rapidly rising seas!

22 hours ago, vern said:

Is that going to ruin all flesh?

Again, research the causes behind the "sixth mass extinction"

22 hours ago, vern said:

even if the oceans went up by feet there still is going to be enough land to support life.....

"Half the world's population lives within 60 km of the sea, and three-quarters of all large cities are located on the coast." - unep.org

22 hours ago, vern said:

but srsly.....  find someone thats 80 years old and ask them if they personally have seen the ocean get higher.....all I'm asking.

Anecdotal vs. Scientific Evidence: "While scientific evidence can be independently verified using the scientific method, anecdotal evidence cannot. Anecdotal evidence is often offered when there is an absence of scientific evidence or in an effort to refute scientific evidence." - study.com

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