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Russia to decriminalize domestic violence.

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Yup the law is Russia is out the window. They have moved closer to  passing a bill to make so someone abusing a woman in their own home will receive a fine instead of jail time. How much further can a government go to set human rights back into the 1920's?



Edited by Greg Dent

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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 Quote from the article "Lawmakers have decided to vote for this bill because they are influenced by the Church and the government which actively promotes traditional family values," said Voskresenskaya.

"The consequences are clear: the situation for Russian women is getting worse, and little as they have felt protected before, now they won't even have that."


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11 hours ago, harmania said:

I've heard physical violence is acceptable reason to divorce. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

No, but it may be a reason to separate.


*** w16 August p. 16 par. 13 Making Christian Marriage a Success ***
Separation might at times be justified. Willful nonsupport, extreme physical abuse, and the absolute endangerment of one’s spiritual life are exceptional situations that some have viewed as reasons for separation

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I hope my memory hasn't went into lala land, but I keep thinking about this one as things continue to go, from bad to worse...and I think I remember the thought that each country has its own demon. Well, with things as they are, I bet they can't keep up with themselves. It is, "party time"! Wooo-hooo. "Lets  see what these poor humans will cooperate with next." 

The more power shown, the greater the crash, as they fall from that power. The ones cooperating with Satan. 

OT. I've wondered, as US presidents come and go, how would they react when Jehovah tells them, "the jig is up", and they start to actually reap, what they've sown. Before it is over, yes, they will know who Jehovah is. And, won't that be just wonderful? I know, throughout the earth...but, all of a sudden, this country has shifted into another category. It has provided so very much evidence on man's futility to rule man. 

Yes, our poor ones who have unbelieving matesin Russia. In truth, I imagine nothing will change. They most likely have lived with domestic violence with little protection from the authorities anyway. It will just become legal. 

We continue with united prayers for persecuted ones. As we were reminded in our mid week meeting last week. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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