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Catholic Church Scandal - thousands of stolen babies in Spain

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For years the Catholic Church has run hospitals in Spain and have been kidnapping babies, telling their mothers/parents that their baby died at birth and selling them to 'good Catholic families'. Some claim the incidents could run into the thousands. This seems to have started at the time of the Spanish Civil War with the blessing of the Catholic Dictator Franco - to remove children from those regarded as dissidents/opposition or enemies of the state.However, it was continued on by the church run hospitals for years after that era,Doctors, nuns and priests, selling babies on to more devout families. On discovering this scandal, bereaved parents insisted on exhumations for DNA evidence at the infant tombs they paid for, only to find coffins of just stones or other adult remains (showing again more Church collusion with priests acting the lie with false tombs/empty coffins).This has just been shown on a TV documentary in UK and here are articles:




Having this practice exposed in Spain has led to other countries looking at whether this may have happened in their Church run hospitals too, especially where children are sold for adoption.

If all the cases demand compensation through law (!!!:eek:), the Spanish government is in financial straits and so far, the RC Church is being as evasive as it was over the abuse scandals - the cost would be crippling!

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There was a great movie called Evelyn, I believe, that was about how children in Ireland were sent to orphanages and mistreated by nuns - when they actually had parents who wanted their children back. The state took them. Pierce Brosnan starred as the father. It was based on a true story.

So many atrocities, so little time! :crackwhip:

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How cruel...Babylon the Great has really contributed to the unfairness in Satan's world in so many ways. I have a nine months old baby gilr and when i think of the so many joys shes brought in my life, i really feel for the parents whose babies were taken away from them and missed out on the hapiness they could have experienced in raising thier children.

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Only Jehovah can fix this mess.

I wish I could say I am surprised, but the Church has been doing underhanded things for centuries. What surprises me - that others can't believe it.

Really, they have been lying to you and you are surprised they they are stealing from you also! Good grief.

Anyway, won't it be wonderful in the New World where we can trust the government and ALL the spiritual leaders - as they will all be worshipers of the true God and out to please Him.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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One of the commenter's to the newspaper had this to say:

"If a group of Doctors, nuns and priests join a secret society to sell stolen babies, this isn't an act of the Church, it's an act of it's members. Even if the Pope was in on this. He could say all he wanted, but it would never part of the Church until it became part of the catechism.

Maria, Braintree, England"

Lets see now, if the Vicar of Christ (earthly representative of God or Christ) was in on it and approved it that doesn't mean anything.

Take your blinders off.

It sounds very similar to the Castrati cover-up, 16th century through the 19th century. There were certainly castrati in the Sistine Chapel choir in 1558 through the 19th century.

"Get out from her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins,......." Rev.18:4

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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One of the commenter's to the newspaper had this to say:

"If a group of Doctors, nuns and priests join a secret society to sell stolen babies, this isn't an act of the Church, it's an act of it's members. Even if the Pope was in on this. He could say all he wanted, but it would never be part of the Church until it became part of the catechism.

Maria, Braintree, England"

"Get out from her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins,......." Rev.18:4

This woman seems to be forgiving the church anything it's clergy does.What of 1 Peter 5:2,3 "Shepherd the flock of God ...neither for love of dishonest gain...becoming examples to the flock":upset:

There was no single group in a 'secret society' as she says, if other countries are thinking it has happened in their Church run hospitals too. Such methods seem to have been passed about, parish to parish, country to country without much disapproval, defrocking or excommunication even when the deceptions were revealed by the legal establishment and the Church made aware of them. It was lucrative, increasing money to the Church via wealthy Catholics buying the children off the church to educate them at expensive prestigious faith schools; churching them with contributions to Church establishments where they would also marry and be buried at cost and the wronged families paying expenses for church funerals for empty coffins. This was a 'nice little earner' the Church seems, at the least, to have turn a blind eye to all the lies perpetrated to accomplish it.

Rev 18:5 "her sins have massed together clear up to heaven...and God has called her acts of injustice to mind" (Haven't we all!:scared:)

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One of the commenter's to the newspaper had this to say:

"If a group of Doctors, nuns and priests join a secret society to sell stolen babies, this isn't an act of the Church, it's an act of it's members. Even if the Pope was in on this. He could say all he wanted, but it would never part of the Church until it became part of the catechism.

Maria, Braintree, England"

Lets see now, if the Vicar of Christ (earthly representative of God or Christ) was in on it and approved it that doesn't mean anything.

Take your blinders off.

It sounds very similar to the Castrati cover-up, 16th century through the 19th century. There were certainly castrati in the Sistine Chapel choir in 1558 through the 19th century.

"Get out from her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins,......." Rev.18:4

This is indeed how Catholics are indoctrinated from an early age. The Church has to do this so that it can exploit its members and continue existing - notice in the bible, God doesn't predict that Babylons waters will dry up completely... she continues to exist (hold an influence over many). They are taught that the "Church" can exist seperate and distinct from the CONDUCT of its members. Like ancient Israel that believed their position as a chosen nation meant they COULD not be rejected, Catholics believe taht since they are *God's people* the church CANNOT be rejected and whatever its members do, it is still holy.

I actually had a long conversation with my mother on this subject, she was a very devout Catholic from childhood and was telling me of the horrific condct of the priests and nuns when she was a girl in Africa - systematic rape (she explained she had never heard of a Priest that had NOT raped many village girls, maybe there was one but she personally had never heard of one) sadistic beatings, extortions, corruptions the list goes on and on... anyway, I asked "So mum , why were you STILL a Catholic?! Why did you love the Church?" and she explained that you never make the connection. A Priest could rape you on the Saturday and you went to church and took *holy* communion from him the Sunday morning. That you did not associate the conduct of the Priest with the Church. "Church" thus became synonymous with "God" that which was pure and holy and could exist as such outside and above the corruption of its members.

It was years later, when a Witnesses explained that this was not the case that the scales began to fall from her eyes. So I understand ... at least I get why that poster wrote that comment. This is why God has to say in such graphic language how he views Babylon, so his sheeplike ones get the messsage and GET OUT OF HER...

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I told my wife about this story and we was APPAULED!! She was once a devout Catholic and would sing in the choir. Now she is being strengthened for baptism on December 31st in the one day assembly. Look at whats happening in Katzystan in the registration of KH. Now they are physically going after brothers and sisters. Ugghh!! :wall:

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I told my wife about this story and we was APPAULED!! She was once a devout Catholic and would sing in the choir. Now she is being strengthened for baptism on December 31st in the one day assembly. Look at whats happening in Katzystan in the registration of KH. Now they are physically going after brothers and sisters. Ugghh!! :wall:

I understand very well why your wife is appalled, David. I lived under communism and I know what means to be treated like our dear brothers and sisters in those ex soviet countries . I saw my father arrested and severely beaten...For someone who never saw or lived that, is unthinkable! We just need to pray for our brothers and wait that Jehovah brings an end to this wicked system!

I want to say something to your wife: Congratulations for your baptism! :kisscheek:

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” 

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  noun, plural -er·ies.

1. ridicule, contempt, or derision.

2. a derisive, imitative action or speech.

3. a subject or occasion of derision.

4. an imitation, especially of a ridiculous or unsatisfactory kind.

5. a mocking pretense; travesty: a mockery of justice.

Satan has used mockery (1 & 4) as a never ending tool to insult Jehovah and each of the wonderful specific creative works he has provided for mankind. Examples: Blood is the means by which mankind is saved due to Jesus' sacrifice; Satan uses it as a commodity to extend a soldiers ability to go back to battle and fight and kill, he takes that precious fluid and feeds it to hogs and other animals, puts it into fertilizers to grow things and more. Babies, an integral part of the continuation of life and humankind placed into a nuclear family for protection and care; Satan again treats as a commodity to make prophet, divide and undermine the family arrangement, and create depression, anxiety, sorrow and fear on the part of the birth parents. A few of many specific ways that he throws it back into our Sovereign's face. His time of accountability is at hand.

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I totally agree how Satan has sought to control, abuse manipulate and make a mockery of the things of Jehovah.

Regarding the churches and babies- this was how Christening originated. It made a mockery of the reason Jesus gave for baptism, by re-inventing it as a way of registering the baby immediately with the church, so it was liable for the church tithes or taxes in that Church's Parish area in later life. This made it difficult for people to move away from their homes years ago in Britain and no doubt other countries, as they were liable to the Lord of the land and the local Church for taxes, so they were stuck.

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Thank you for that information on christening. My grandmother, & great grandmother came from the old country, an area in central Europe called Bohemia which consisted of several every changing country borders under the old Empire arrangement in the late 1800's. That ingrained Catholicism was passed along to my father and aunt then subsequent to their children through infant baptism. It was only due to Jehovah's undeserved kindness that this mental & physical slavery was broken when I sent a letter and removed myself from the church roles and became a servant of Jehovah. It has been 37 years since baptism and now I am blessed that my brother is studying and attending meetings.

We had our special assembly day last weekend "Let God's will take place.". It is personally moving to see how Jehovah is taking hold of each of our hands, strengthening, guiding and comforting us as we walk into his coming day of accountability and judgment on all of those acts of mockery and all of their participants.

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Many things have been done in secret by the harlot. It was learning of one such secret thing that set me on the path to Jehovah.

I was raised 4th generation Catholic, being the oldest among my brothers and sisters. It was during my last year of Catholic high school that the church sponsored a "lay minister" named Charlie who would try to involve the young adults (older teenagers) into greater spirituality. This was my first exposure to the dastardly deeds the church had, was and continued to commit.

What Charlie did was enlighten the small group on the real goings on. The Catholic church's policy world-wide on birth control for couples was either have the child or abstain from sex. Use of any birth control methods was "forbidden". The consequence was the unwanted birth of many children. The response by women (couples) who did not want the infant was abortion, a sin by the church standards. My first steps out of the church was when Charlie told us that in the city of Rome, the church controlled all of the abortion mills to behind the scenes take care of this "unwanted" problem. I verified his statements and was "educated" so to speak on the role of the church throughout history, the blood trail it had left.

I, and several others, a handful you could say joined Charlie in trying to make changes in the church, causing a scene in the middle of a mass by walking out in a group. It took me about the blink of an eye to figure out that it would never change. So I drifted out of it. The final straw came when I bought a Truth book for a quarter at a rummage sale being held in our church basement. I went home, read through selected chapters and knew it was the truth. I asked my father about the bible passages I read, we both sat down and read them from the family bible. He said he didn't know what it meant but to ask the priest. I made the appointment and a couple days later met with him. I read the scriptures, told him of my concern of how these applied and wanted his viewpoint as the "teacher". When he started with "Now my son, and continued " you don't have to worry about what that says. Those things will never happen in our lifetime and were written for way into the future. In fact, neither your children, grand children or great, great, great, great great grandchildren will ever see these things happen." We read Matthew 24: 1-22. In the Douay bible, commonly used by the Catholics vs 3 refers to the "consummation of the world" rather than the "conclusion of this system of things". After he gave me that answer, I thanked him, left and never returned to the church. I knew in my heart this man was a fool and idiot if he could not see the direct application of those verses to our day. I later came into the truth after my ordeals in the world.

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This preview news program and the ABC channel website seems to indicate that the BBC documentary on the stolen babies will be shown in America on November 3rd:

Thanks for posting that Helen. But I have searched high and low for that programming information and apparently, Christiane Amanpour mis-spoke. It is actually to be aired on, "Assignment, BBC World Service Radio, 3rd November" rather than the TV channel, BBC America.

Brother Carl - thanks for posting that amazing story of how you came to love Jehovah. The harlot's sins are truly unthinkable to us... But I'm glad it drew you to Jehovah. That made me chuckle - that you bought a "Truth" book for a quarter at a rummage sale in the church basement! :lol1:

Of all the howling ironies... that has to take the cake!

The Bee

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Brother Carl - thanks for posting that amazing story of how you came to love Jehovah. The harlot's sins are truly unthinkable to us... But I'm glad it drew you to Jehovah. That made me chuckle - that you bought a "Truth" book for a quarter at a rummage sale in the church basement! :lol1:

Of all the howling ironies... that has to take the cake!

I agree with Willow, an amazing experience Brother Carl. Thank you for sharing it with us!

I am very very glade that the impending destruction of the religious “harlot,” as well as of Satan’s entire system of things is so close!


“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” 

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The latest information about Ninos Robados - stolen children of Spain - is that they are taking their hundreds of heartbreaking cases to the UN for a ruling that the authorities reveal the true records and that there is some justice/redress.

To add to the crimes of the church hospitals an article in the Spanish Nuevatribuna says that many of the women who had their babies taken and sold were not able to pay for their hospitalization and the funerals and burials falsly arranged by the Nuns and priests, so they had to spend years as hospital cleaners, scrubbing floors, toilets - the dirtiest work - to pay off the supposed debt - even though the adoptive parents were also charged for the woman's hospitalization. Sheer greed and exploitation!

The article also reveals how TV and News reporters trying to cover these stories as they unfolded and escalated, were intimidated to stop what they were revealing or had their TV show taken 'off air'.

The articles have a poor translation from Spanish by Google, so I include the original as some of you may understand the Spanish better than the mangled English!







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this is a link to

Spain's stolen babies

it is a 6min radio interview...on BBC radio4

People in Spain have been shocked by revelations of mass baby trafficking and the theft of newborn babies over decades, up to the 1990s, involving respected doctors, nuns and priests.

Randy Ryder, tells his story about finding out about being adopted and the struggle to unravel the mystery of where he came from and the BBC's Katya Adler, who has spent months investigating the case, describes what she found out.

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for posting that information, Sian and Helen. Really appreciate it. I have a call that is Catholic and this has been very helpful to me.

I have continued to follow these reports because this whole thing is such a scandal and does not get as much coverage as other scandals, but at least it is now getting the name of 'Spain's (false) Holocaust', because of the number of likely false infant deaths occurring during and beyond the Franco era. The full horror of this may not be fully known while those responsible are covering their tracks destroying records before investigators get to them or refusing to testify in court.


I missed seeing this report when it came out, but at last a DNA match for one of the 'stolen babies' re-unites with mother after 44 years:


I believe they have so far matched six 'taken' offspring with parents, which is painfully slow, but things were deliberately slowed as church hospitals and archive records were deliberately destroyed in bonfires outside hospitals when journalists began to investigate this enormous scandal, so suspicious parents have only DNA to go on and hope some of the now grown children, who have been told they were adopted, also suspect and donate DNA for testing too.It's a narrow probability that they will all realise this on both sides and take the right action to have the chance to come together. Some really believed the lie that their baby died and went to their graves never questioning it. Some adopted children believed the lie that their real parents had died in accidents or mother's were prostitutes, so had no reason or desire to donate DNA. However,hundreds of women in Spain hope that before they die, they can be re-united with babies they were lyingly told had died in Church hospitals, with collusion of certain priests,nuns and doctors where a monetary racket of selling babies went on longer than the Policy of Franco to remove babies from those his regime deemed 'unsuitable parents'. I wonder if any of our persecuted Spanish brothers and sisters may suspect that this may have happened to them during this era?

It has been so harrowing for many women or parents calling for the exhuming graves and opening coffins to find they are empty or full of hospital rubbish or rocks and the hunt for their taken child then begins.


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