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On 11/7/2022 at 1:46 AM, Thomas Walker said:

Most of us deal with the thought that we haven't "done enough". Like offering prayers, or text messages of support, or writing a few letters doesn't mean much.


Well, you know what? You're right. It isn't much.


It's also a whole lot more than the world bothers to do.


The Society doesn't put us under any quotas. Not for anything. A text message? That was an effort you made to be nice, and supportive, and to show another brother that they matter to someone. A prayer? Nobody at the Hall is going to check how often you pray. Nobody's even going to know, except you, and God. You're telling Jehovah himself that you appreciate his teachings, or His creation, or His mercy, or the others in your brotherhood.


Writing letters instead of knocking on doors? Knocking on doors is scary, especially now. If you feel like you're scraping by with the bare minimum in the Ministry, just remember that you're not. The minimum you can do is nothing at all, but every week, every month you make it your business to contribute your energy; your time, and your effort. Nobody forces you to do that. But you always do it.


An answer at the meeting? Another thing that isn't done by quota. Every answer you give offers your perspective. I remember hearing about one brother who couldn't read. Because he couldn't read, he attended meetings, and only followed half of the paragraphs, because he got caught on words. But the answers that others gave taught him more key points.


It isn't much. It's 'two coins of very little value'. But the value is relative. Compared to pioneers, it's not much. Compared to the world, who actively oppose every point, or talk trash about God every day? It's a lot. Jehovah is aware of every positive thought you think towards Him, the ministry, or the brothers. He's aware of every effort. Every time you help a sister with her email account, or share an experience in a car group on RV's that they can use.


If we do it for them, we do it for... Someone else; who doesn't forget these things.


And if nothing else, you're here. You're part of the number. The number of Witnesses in the Great Crowd. You're part of the Global Report, just by being here.


If it ever bothers you that you seem to be doing little, please remember that its never the least you can do, because the least you can do is nothing at all; and that's what most people in the world do. But not us.

wow!! Thank you.  This was my precise prayer, "am I doing enough"? And then, your input.  Thank you brother.  Yes, going door to door is dangerous but, I do whatever I can do along with my husband.  I do alot of informal witnessing, talk to my doctor (who is a trinitarian) great doctor but, locked in the falsehood of the teachings of paganism.  We do alot of letter writing my husband and I on zoom.


However, there are 95 pioneers along with their elder husbands and, I guess if you are not a pioneer well......you know how that is.  :(


My husband is an elder and a focused one. Shepard indeed! We used to pioneer but, when Warwick came on board he was there for 5 years until the project was complete.  He was wiped out.....literally.  Life got in the way.  We felt we were traveling on a fast lane.  Our congregation grew by leaps and bounds (because of Warwick).  Now Ramapo.  When we go to meetings it feels like a convention.  Intimidating indeed!


However, I do have a library that I go to every Friday and with another sister we do well there.  Door to Door seems to have been a challenge for many.


When the Judgment Message comes I will go door to door.  That I will do because, that will be a message from Jehovah that needs to be delivered.  Come what may, I will be among the throngs of preachers for that message.


Thank you my brother.  Stay faithful!

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