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Cockroaches and Babylon The Great

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*This text is not mine, it was a contribution.


""Few things in life are as disgusting as killing cockroaches

That's why it is advised never to do it using a sandal or anything else that will squash the insect, and the reason for this is that by doing so the secretions of this pest, composed of billions of dangerous bacteria, worms, and microbes, will be exposed on the surface of your bathroom floor, kitchen, sinks, or even stove. 

You "get rid" of the cockroaches, but even after they are "dead," they still pose a danger to your health and that of your family. However, these are not the only reasons that make the cockroach an obnoxious creature. Some say that this pest can survive for days without its head and even for weeks or months without water. So the lesson is, getting rid of certain things in life is not so simple. There are consequences. With Babylon the Great, it is no different. 


"After that I saw another angel come down from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried out with a loud voice, 'Fallen! Babylon the Great is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons and a hiding place for every unclean spirit and every unclean and hated bird!" (Revelation 18: 1, 2) 

We notice here that the condition of Babylon the Great is very similar to that of cockroaches because, even after she "falls", she continues to represent danger to any individual, for it is said that after her fall, she becomes "a dwelling place of demons, and a hiding place of every unclean spirit, and of every unclean and hated bird. This answers the question of this article, for, the fall of Babylon narrated here is not the same as that described in Revelation 17:16. Why? Because her fall here gives the idea of "continuity." She falls from a position of prominence, but she is still Babylon the Great, but not with the power and authority as before. 

The fall of Babylon that we all look forward to will be quite different from this one in Revelation 18:2 because, when it happens, there will be no more shelter or hiding place for the demons. 

They will also be cast into the abyss and will no longer have any negative influence on mankind (Revelation 20:1-3). 

Thus, one could say that Babylon is the old cockroach, and the demons are the dangerous worms, bacteria and microbes from her secretions. Considering this is important because of what comes to follow. 


"I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, if you do not want to be accomplices in her sins and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4)

This is quite appropriate in the present age because the endorsement of infectious diseases is done as never before in history. No one wants to be sick, eating the horrible foods in hospitals, cooped up in a room and enveloped in a dark context of uncertainty that leads you to the feeling that every instant of life there could be your last. That's why we do everything we can to avoid illnesses. And it is no different with the "sickness" exposed here in Revelation 18:4. 

"Being there" in Babylon means practicing the sins she practices; and the consequences of that is sharing in her sins, receiving the plagues she already has and the others she will gain. But is not only this. Babylon is said to be a "hiding place of demons". 

Anyone who has ever played "hide and seek" (a kind of children's game where one child counts with his eyes closed while the others come out and hide) knows the challenge of finding someone. 
A hiding place would be meaningless if it were not a protection for those who make it their forte. That's why you won't see, or even notice, the demons in Babylon. They camouflage themselves very well, even better than chameleons. They expertly disguise the evidence of their presence there. No wonder Babylon deceives billions of people (Revelation 18:3). A place like this, which serves as a shelter and and hiding place for demons, is one that you would never want to be in. 

In "hide-and-seek" it was common for some children to get tired of looking and leave the game bored. Other children wouldn't even go in. 
-The advice is the same with regard to Babylon. 
Whoever is there, should leave, and whoever hasn't entered, better not even think about entering. The worms, bacteria and microbes are cruel and kill ruthlessly while swallowing their victims, making them feel healthy and happy. that they are healthy and happy. 

Those who have already left Babylon can glimpse a horizon of good things coming, and it is good to not even dream of going back there:

"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through barren places looking for a place to rest and finds nothing. 44 Then he says, 'I will go back to my house, from which I moved;' and when he arrives, he finds the house unoccupied, swept and decorated. 45 Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits, worse than himself, and after they enter, they dwell there; and the final situation of this man becomes worse than at the beginning. That is the way it will also be with this wicked generation."" (Matthew 12: 43-45)


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2 hours ago, Leonard Match Valid said:

The fall of Babylon that we all look forward to will be quite different from this one in Revelation 18:2 because, when it happens, there will be no more shelter or hiding place for the demons. 

Wow, I never thought of it this way 😊

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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6 hours ago, Michał said:

Nice… but the main Question remains unanswered:


how to kill a cockroach?

stomp stomping GIF

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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  • 3 months later...

From the Daily Mail:


French Catholic priests will be forced to wear scannable QR code so the public can identify if they are a sex offender.


Upon scanning, a red light indicates a priest has been stripped of their status and cannot perform various clerical duties.


An orange light will indicate that a priest has limited powers due to experience or sanctions.


A green light indicates that a priest is authorized to perform a full range of sacraments.


They should add one more  -  A  purple light asking why the h~ll you belong to this church anymore?


It says they will "wear identification tags".   Like a dog collar, I hope.

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1 hour ago, Doug said:

From the Daily Mail:


French Catholic priests will be forced to wear scannable QR code so the public can identify if they are a sex offender.


Upon scanning, a red light indicates a priest has been stripped of their status and cannot perform various clerical duties.


An orange light will indicate that a priest has limited powers due to experience or sanctions.


A green light indicates that a priest is authorized to perform a full range of sacraments.


They should add one more  -  A  purple light asking why the h~ll you belong to this church anymore?


It says they will "wear identification tags".   Like a dog collar, I hope.

Wow can you post a link?


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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6 hours ago, Doug said:

From the Daily Mail:


French Catholic priests will be forced to wear scannable QR code so the public can identify if they are a sex offender.


Upon scanning, a red light indicates a priest has been stripped of their status and cannot perform various clerical duties.


An orange light will indicate that a priest has limited powers due to experience or sanctions.


A green light indicates that a priest is authorized to perform a full range of sacraments.


They should add one more  -  A  purple light asking why the h~ll you belong to this church anymore?


It says they will "wear identification tags".   Like a dog collar, I hope.

I just checked and it's real, HAHAHA, my goodness :D 
a celebret with QR code :D 

Edited by Dages
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