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Here is something that we all have seen, but we may have not heard the word for it, Contrails

Contrails are the long, white streaks in the sky that are left behind by an airplane, like this:




Contrails (“Condensation” + “Trails”) are created when the hot water vapor emitted by a jet engine after combustion cools and condenses in the Earth's atmosphere. These thin, streaky clouds are a “by-product” of airplanes, but especially at night do these contrails that are left behind in our beautiful skies leave a negative byproduct that contributes to global warming. 


Everyday, like planes, people in the world travel through the lives of others, such as their family, neighbors, workmates, etc  But when a person does not know Jehovah, does not imitate Him in love, in goodness, in kindness, often what they leave behind them is their negative words and actions, their “contrails”. And these can have a damaging effect on those they were just with, including ones that they claim to care about or love. They may go on about their day and feel fine, not realizing what they left behind, not realizing that their negative words/actions are still having an effect long after they left! Such “contrails” left behind cause damage, making people feel sad or hurt for hours or days, or even longer. 


HOWEVER… what happens when you love Jehovah and you try your best to become more like Him, putting on the “New Personality”? Then instead of being like a plane leaving behind contrails that leave a negative impact behind it, you become more like this type of plane!




Aircraft Seed-Bombers

When a plane “bombs” or drops seed pods into a deforested or degraded area, the result is so super positive, helping with reforestation and ecosystem restoration! 

This is exactly what a genuine lover of Jehovah does, he or she drops “seed bombs” as they pass through the lives of their family, neighbors and brothers/sisters. Such “seed bombs” are words and actions of goodness, kindness, and love! When you leave the Kingdom Hall where you dropped such seed bombs with your encouraging comments or your part on the meeting, or when you dropped seed bombs of love/ kindness on your family members, do you realize those seed bombs you left in your trail started a blossoming? For example, there are brothers/sisters we know that sadly have suffered at the hands of others and as result have what might be called a self-esteemdeforestation”. Or some brothers/sisters we know have a heart that to them feels like a “Wounded Woods”, which is a forest that has been harmed, ecologically damaged.


In a world where so many people leave behind them “contrails” of hurt and damage, how proud our Father Jehovah must feel when He sees you dropping “seed bombs” of goodness, kindness, and love everywhere you go! So even if you never see the after-effects of your seed bombs, Jehovah sees the “blossoming” that began after you have left.💕 


(Ephesians 4:29)

Let a rotten word (or a Contrail) not come out of your mouth,

but only what is good (Seed Bombs) for building up 


Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Hi Eric, 

When you mentioned this, 

On 11/4/2023 at 11:10 AM, Sheep said:

 Personally, I love planes (but don't tell anyone)

It caused me to think of this illustration:


TALENT - Everyone has some kind of talent, but the value of our talent depends on... what it is used for!  

PLANES - There are many different types of planes, but the value of a plane depends on... what it is used for!  

For example:

  • 1 small plane was used to fly over damaged rainforests in Brasil and seed bombs were dropped from it that greatly helped with reforestation!
  • 1 big plane, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress, was used to fly over an area of Japan and also a bomb was dropped from it, a nuclear bomb.


  • 1 person used her talent in mathematics/statistics to demonstrate that cost-effective changes like better sanitation and improved ventilation could have a profound impact on reducing mortality rates. Her efforts helped transform healthcare practices, ultimately saving countless lives! (Florence Nightingale 1820-1910)
  • 1 person used his talent as a great orator/public speaker to motivate audiences with his speeches. His passionate and captivating delivery helped him gain support for his cause.(Adolph Hitler 1889-1945)

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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