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High rate of Divorce

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8 hours ago, Dages said:

It feels very rare in the org. I know only one case in almost 40 years.

We are more stable.

It may depend on the area. I've known many, many divorces in the congregations. Most weddings I've attended were second marriages - former spouses were Witnesses. 


Satan is breaking all the families he can. :(


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19 hours ago, Asele said:

Why are so many marriages failing even within the organization.


It‘s almost the same as: why do people leave the Truth and fall away? That depends.


How many marriages that broke up that you find out one or both were not keeping their relationship strong and active with Jehovah? Letting a person‘s relationship weaken leaves a person vulnerable to weaknesses, temptations of different sorts. Being in the Truth constantly readjusts our thinking. So if a person isn‘t reading their Bible, nor studying or praying, nor attending meetings regularly, or hardly goes out in service, it makes them more prone to desires of the flesh or incorrect thinking. Even if it’s just one of those areas mentioned is missing, the rest can eventually become mechanical or routine, and slowly be negatively affected, too.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Just like we are all individual targets for Satan, and Jehovahʼs organization helps us, “shore ourselves up”. 
Thing is, our marriages are also individual targets for Satan. Again, Jehovah gives us the means to, “shore up our marriages”. 
We just need to pay special attention, as would anyone out there, being hunted and targeted. And stay safe, by drawing close to Jehovah.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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My first marriage fell apart when my now ex-wife chose not wanting to serve Jehovah. She also chose to be unfaithful not just to Jehovah, but me too. There was no saving the marriage. My ex is an apostate who puts down all who serve Jehovah. I did not expect to get married again after this divorce, but I did after 5 years from the divorce. I am happily now married for almost 24 years to an incredibly kind, loving and faithful woman. 

"Looked up in wonder at the same moon
And wept when it was all done
For bein' done too soon "-Neil Diamond

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Divorce always boils down to failure to apply Bible principles, either by one spouse or both. This wicked system (and especially during these last days) has also poisoned a lot of folks minds and warped how they view marriage and each persons role. That definitely doesn’t help either.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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The cause of divorce is not always a poor attitude toward preaching ministry, personal study, meeting preparation, or spirituality. Outside influences, influences in meetings, parents, friends, coworkers, TV shows, TV series, books, internet. Modern society is very influential in Christian thinking. To give you an example: I was talking to a single pioneer and he was the first to bring up the subject of divorce in a meeting. We got to talking and I heard his opinion: "If I'm married, if my marriage partner doesn't agree with me in thought, I'll get divorced!" I asked: "Why so oppressive and categorical?" The answer was, "Why would I want such a partner?" I thought, "I haven't even gotten married yet, and I'm thinking about divorce." Often the influence comes from the people we interact with. 

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Andrey, that sounds like a person has to shore up more his view towards Jehovah‘s thinking on matters, and completely hating what He hates. If a person is being influenced by entertainment, etc., then we know what the Bible says about bad association. It‘s not about just disliking the bad, but really hating the bad. So it could be that time for tv or entertainment trumps study and/or bible meditation. We need that, as all of us are confronted with satanic propaganda - people we are surrounded with in the world (as you said even parents, I can relate), media and entertainment, billboard advertising, etc. that are always trying to propagate satanic thinking, and only by filling up our individual spiritual gas tanks can we avoid thinking similarly.


But after some time, even people who once said such things mature and and come to realize that a marriage is simply not just a one-sided relationship in thought and decision. That comes also from understanding properly the Bible‘s view on the role of marriage mates.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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Ever since sex outside marriage has been normalized in the 60's and 70's, there's been a non-stop war in society against marriage. I mean, you watch TV shows from childhood on that portray people going on dates, and having sex after a few dates, and, sometimes, eventually, getting around to getting married at the end of the series. You end up shipping couples hoping Mr. X and Ms. Y get together by the next season, and you sometimes have to back up and ask yourself 'what does "getting together" actually entail?' Over the years, you can be easily conditioned to see a major sin that could be a criteria for destruction at Armageddon as simply no big deal. 
We try not to let it affect us, but, if you live in a muddy town, you can clean your car as much as you like, but, sometimes mud will end up in the car. Likewise, we can clean our minds and pray for holy spirit to protect us from the world's influence, but no one is 100% free from the world's influence.  Of course the world's view on sex and morality is going to affect our brothers and sisters, and we're living in a time where the people who have been influential over the sexual revolution are saying the quiet parts out loud and the influence of sexual immorality has gotten worse: School curricula contain books and assignments that either expose children to sexual material or involves children in sexual conversations. Media for children features LGBTQ representation, in attempts to make "alternative" sexual mores normalized at a young age. Many magazines and journals, some targeted towards young adults try to normalize "open marriage" and even will present the idea that someone is a bigot or a prude if they don't approve of people engaging in polyamory. Activists are trying to normalize paedophilia, and, last of all, celebrities, influencers, pod-casters and even counsellors often recommend people to have affairs to spice up their love lives or to leave their spouses when "the glitter is gone". 

When you think on it, it's easy to think that simply cheating on your spouse and ending up in another monogamous relationship as a result or simply divorcing one's spouse might easily be viewed as not so bad, particularly in comparison to the things the world is doing and promoting. 

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