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How Many Husbands.

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I am curious. As to How many Husbands go out on a Friday night. Or fishing.

How many Husbands will get food elsewhere after your wife has gone to the trouble of cooking chops & a few marinated

Prawns etc.

But don't turn up. Or don't give your wife cuddles?

If I could I would love to add a poll.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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We're one flesh, and so we do things together.

Every other week we have a sitter, go to dinner just the 2 of us, and then to our favorite mostly kosher karaoke spot and will be joined sometimes by other brothers and sisters or just people we know in general.


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I don't think my husband could feed himself if I wasn't around,he eats all his meals here....he leaves for work at 3:55 am....he's back home by 11:05 am usually...he is always home...it's like he's retired.

He doesn't fish yet...but I bought him a fishing jacket last week, and I'm getting him a starter Fly fishing kit.;)

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Grumpy loves to go to a Chinese Buffet every Friday. He takes my brother with him. They go to the movies before they eat. My brother is mentally challenged and my parents never let him go anywhere. I am very grateful that Grumpy is willing to share his time with my brother. About once every other month I join them. I am not fond of going to movies and can only take his favorite restaurant once in a while.

Because I work 7 on and 7 off I really appreciate my time alone when they go out. I almost never have alone time.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Since I'm picky about what is served as food we don't go out to eat but maybe 4 times a year. 2 weeks ago I injured myself and couldn't do a thing but moan, Lew was left to his own devices but I felt ok because I had tons of goodies in the freezer- reubens, home made sausage/olive/onion pizza, corn dogs, breakfast burritos, bean/beef/cheese burritos.......but what does the man do?? Um huh...ya goes to the local taco express! Sigh, go figure!

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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When we first got married we decided that shopping together was a good idea and when we started to have kids, we took them with us shopping, too. Well, the oldest is now 30 and the youngest 23 with three of the four girls still home ... and we still go shopping together.

We do have our own schedules for work and some other activities. As I write this I and two of my girls are about to leave for RBC work but my wife is not with the RBC - not her "cup of tea", she will go out in service (invitation work, today) this morning.

There have been times when the girls go to movies without me, wife and daughters, since our taste in movies is not always the same. I also go fishing with my brother once in a while and my wife is fine with that. She appreciates the my brother and me have a good relationship. She also really likes fish!

We both cook.

However, I do not have a "practice" of going out without her or skipping meals to eat elsewhere or some of the other things you mentioned and neither does she.

We do go out to eat every-other Friday - and that is what we call "family night out" and it includes us, my brother and his wife, and my wifes parents and sometimes her brother and his daughter - like I said, "FAMILY night out".

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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It's a fact that My DH and I eat totally different. After 26 years of being married and 3 kids, we learned to compromise. I cook and I set the table, He also cooks and adds to the meal.

I usually will not touch what he has made (Usually some kind of heart clogging meats or fish), and he doesn't like what I have made ( Veggies).

But there we are, sitting together as a family and sharing a meal.

Compromise. :sunshine:

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It's a fact that My DH and I eat totally different. After 26 years of being married and 3 kids, we learned to compromise. I cook and I set the table, He also cooks and adds to the meal.

I usually will not touch what he has made (Usually some kind of heart clogging meats or fish), and he doesn't like what I have made ( Veggies).

But there we are, sitting together as a family and sharing a meal.

Compromise. :sunshine:

Yesss, this is my mate and me. Heard the childhood rhyme...Jack Sprat could eat no fat and his wife could eat no lean? That''s us- he's grease, I'm beans and chicken.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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I am curious. As to How many Husbands go out on a Friday night. Or fishing.

How many Husbands will get food elsewhere after your wife has gone to the trouble of cooking chops & a few marinated

Prawns etc.

But don't turn up. Or don't give your wife cuddles?

If I could I would love to add a poll.

Do you mean always going out on a Friday night without you, or every now and then?

Did he go elsewhere after he learned you had cooked chops and prawns, or did he just go elsewhere regardless of whether you had cooked dinner or not?

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Its Most Fridys. Its been like that for a while. He is often home late. He is not working. He will be golfing Tuesd. Or something. He had already eatten. I didnt know. I could smell garlic.

I hadnt been well & kids 2. So I prayed i could do a nice meal. I bought some candles &set the table nice. Clean house. I didn't have much doe. I found some chops in da freezer & i buy da frozen prawns. So I had pulled them up. made a marinade & grilled them.

He came home 10pm. Went to sleep. I was sooooo! Upset I often go to trouble. Make sure make is done. Parfumed you know & make sure da house is tidy & have fragant candles etc.

I was curious as too how many other guys do that.

&Bob you say you guys are 1. I wish we were that. I put 100% in.

I guess some guys werent ment to settle down. Wish to be a free stallion.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I have The opposite problem. My husband is always with me. He is always touching me, kissing me and sitting next to me. This was annoying when it was just us, now I have a four year who is just like his father. He is always touching me, kissing me and sitting next to me. I try to escape by very quietly sneaking up to my bedroom but less than ten minutes later there they are on the bed with me. And worse yet when they aren't bugging me they wrestling with each very loudly. :secret: Mama needs a timeout. Actually I am just venting because its 5 in the morning and sometime in the middle of the night my son kicked my husband out to the guest room. Elijah is now sleeping sideways (moved him twice) and I am desperately trying not to fall off of a queen size mattress. As a family we enjoy each other, occasionally we go out with friends separately. But it's rare. Also my husband would never eat something other than what I made for dinner or vice versa (he cooks too). However there has been more than a handful of times in 24 years of marriage that after the meal was over he suggested I never make that meal again. :laugh:

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Heather that's beautiful. I have a nearly 2 year old that won't leave his mama alone and right now is horizontal in my bed also. Have to get up for the ministry tomorrow so I know how your feeling. You have a lovely family.

Gabe, I think the brothers here have given you a good indication of what's respectful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wake up in between mostly. But I do let him sleep. Dont bother him.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I want to know! Do you sometimes wake up grumpy and other times just let him sleep?

I was taught never to wake up grumpy. Otherwise go back to bed. Then come back happy so all in all honestly

Thats how I live. But you ask a quest. I wait in anticipation of how he he is going to be. Its like waiting for that nuclear bomb to go. No matter the day

Or the hr. Or weather. I possed this topic to see what other guys are like. To do research & try to figure forever more how to embrass this with a different angle.

I dont give up. I fight fair go. Is the way I see it.

Men want to understand womens make up.

Well its the same for me to know the heart of the man.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Gabe, if you will go back and look at Phill's question, he was making a joke. He was directing his question to Vernalee because she is known as 'Grumpy's wife'. He was being funny about Vernalee waking up 'Grumpy'.

I intend to live forever...so far so good. :D

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Funny Phil. When Grumpy is sleeping, I leave him alone. I really never wake up grumpy. I am a morning person, Grumpy is a night person. I go to bed at 9 PM and he goes to bed much later. I don;t really know the time, because I am already sleeping.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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