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Calling others by their first name?

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"running a brothel"   LOL  :lol2:   another laugh at your word pictures Leslie  :D


... know what you mean about the 'Miss' title... a sister in our KH says every time people call her Miss it makes her feel like a maid...  :S

she said it's from her background, folks called the maid/ housekeeper/ cook/ gardener... hired help was referred to by title with first name. 

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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"running a brothel"   LOL  :lol2:   another laugh at your word pictures Leslie  :D


... know what you mean about the 'Miss' title... a sister in our KH says every time people call her Miss it makes her feel like a maid...  :S

she said it's from her background, folks called the maid/ housekeeper/ cook/ gardener... hired help was referred to by title with first name.

I always think about Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke-- the red haired woman who owned the

'Saloon' and was a shoulder for the sheriff to cry on...yes, then there were all those dance hall girls she oversaw



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Yes! I remember her... now I see the connection... still funny ~ enjoy your descriptions Leslie   :D  

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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I will have to say that the expression "Miss Leslie", as in your case, here in my neck-of-the-woods in Florida would just be considered "Southern". It is somewhat common to here that type of address used around here.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I will have to say that the expression "Miss Leslie", as in your case, here in my neck-of-the-woods in Florida would just be considered "Southern". It is somewhat common to here that type of address used around here.

True. Some of my bible students have called me like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mind someone calling me by my first name, if Ithey know me.   Jehovah and Jesus have first names, in the new world, am not going to call anyone brother/sister so and so. Just their first name, because Jehovah doesn't expect me to use his titles,  Almighty God.  LORD.  I could be wrong, but I recall reading an article (WT) that in reign of Jesus, after we all make it through the 2nd test, we will all by youthful and there will be no need to call one, "dad", "mom", uncle, aunt, grandmom, great great great great great great... no.  Just by our first names, and an exception if one has the same name but with a diffrent initial.  Plus, we won't be speaking our languages, but one language, the one that Jehovah will chose for us so we can call each other by name, and understand what we say to each other.  

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I don't mind someone calling me by my first name, if Ithey know me.   Jehovah and Jesus have first names, in the new world, am not going to call anyone brother/sister so and so. Just their first name, because Jehovah doesn't expect me to use his titles,  Almighty God.  LORD.  I could be wrong, but I recall reading an article (WT) that in reign of Jesus, after we all make it through the 2nd test, we will all by youthful and there will be no need to call one, "dad", "mom", uncle, aunt, grandmom, great great great great great great... no.  Just by our first names, and an exception if one has the same name but with a diffrent initial.  Plus, we won't be speaking our languages, but one language, the one that Jehovah will chose for us so we can call each other by name, and understand what we say to each other.  


Doesn't He call the stars by their own individual name!  That's alot of names to recall!



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Leslie, your funny.  I just read the post of Ms. Kitty of Gunsmoke! LOL   All this stuff is on this side of Satan's world.  If my brother and sister are elderly,  I always respect them, and use their last names, somethings that includes some of our elders too.   Infact, our new C.O., told us to call him Andrew, not Andy, but Andrew.   He said, that's my name.     What's in a name?  Penlty!

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Because our congregation is so loving and caring, we all call each other by first names. Even the brothers who conduct WT and other meeting parts. refer to us as Sister Jane Smith, even though there is only one Sister Smith. My brother is still blown away, after three years, that the elders are all so friendly and unaware of positions. Humility at its best! We are also known as the 'huggy' congregation. We truly love each other and it shows. Many from other congregations have commented about the prevailing atmosphere of love.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are all first names here, except from the platform when we are commenting - then it's Sister or brother with their surname. Children refer to older ones as Auntie or Uncle. In fact there are 3 Helens in our congregation so we are referred to as Helen G, Helen T and Helen R. Off the platform, if someone calls you brother or Sister it's for a funny rebuke, such as if a brother says he is doing something and it seems a bit harsh, another brother might say "Worrying the sheep, brother?" or somebody's comment gets misconstrued in a funny way someone might say "Ooh sister, you shouldn't say that!"


In a real/fleshly family we wouldn't go around saying brother and sister of our siblings endlessly, so we don't at our Hall either. Some cultures, I notice, refer to everyone as brother or sister outside of the Truth/faith, so they are probably more used to saying that of each other in the K Hall.


One of our Bible studies found it hard to cope with people calling each other brother because he only heard that at Trade Union meetings and the Union was very militant and dictatorial and communist in it's leanings and not very brotherly at all and he felt it was hypocritical there, so it took a while to learn that we take our spiritual family status serious and are personally responsible to making sure we are not hypocritical in our brotherly love for one another.

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I think that there was a recent study article that brought out how we need to get to know our brothers and sisters on a personal level and this would include using first names with each other. We have to remember that the faithful slave is helping us to be prepared for both the tribulation and Armageddon. We just don't know what Jehovah has in store for us. Let's all put our faith in Jehovah and wait on him.

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I almost exclusively use first names, I find it to be much more personal. I also prefer others in the congregation use my first name, though if they prefer to call me brother and use last name, that is fine too...although then it makes me think how can I improve my personality so others are comfortable around me :-)

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