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Italian investigators have opened an inquiry into claims by a convicted paedophile priest that an underage prostitution ring has been operating inside the Holy Roman Church with clergymen hiring rentboys for sex inside churches.


Don Patrizio Poggi, 46, told Italian authorities that a former Carabinieri pimped boys for nine clergymen.

Poggi, who served a five-year sentence for abusing teenage boys while he was a parish priest at the San Filippo Neri church in Rome, said he made the allegations to "protect the Holy Church and the Christian community."


The boys were chosen because they were starving and desperate, he claimed, according to Il Messaggero newspaper.


The former policeman used to recruit the boys, mostly eastern European immigrants, outside a gay bar named Twink near Rome's Termini train station. He reportedly sat in his Fiat Panda - marked "Emergency Blood" to avoid parking fines - to make his selection.


He was helped in the recruitment process by a friend who ran a modelling agency. He lured underage boys into prostitution through "false work offers for modelling and acting roles", Poggi said.

The agent also looked for rentboys at gay discos, saunas and gyms across Rome. An accountant was also said to be involved.


The boys were paid €150-€500 (£130-£425) to perform sex acts in church premises across the capital.

Poggi also accused the former Carabinieri of selling consecrated hosts for satanic rites.

Poggi reportedly presented documentary and photographic evidence to police in the company of two senior Vatican clergymen who vouched for his credibility.


Poggi identified the nine clergymen, including two senior church officials and a religion lecturer. Three people have been placed under formal investigation.


The allegations were rejected by the Vatican. Cardinal Agostino Vallini, head of the Catholic Vicariate of Rome, said the priest made false claims out of a desire for vengeance and personal resentment.

The Vatican refused to reinstate Poggi after he served his term.


"The cardinal expresses his full confidence in the magistracy and declares himself full convinced that this slander will be demolished, demonstrating Poggi's claims to be untrue," Vallini said.

"God will hold everyone accountable for their deeds."

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I am not surprised!   It just seems their "SINS" are being exposed more and more.  Beyond all moral sense.  Just reading the story, reminded me of ancient cities in Italy.  Pompeii was so immoral, that fresco's were found of men and boys having sex together.  The same thing in other roman ruins.  Between the Greeks and Roman's both were beyond Sodom and Gommorah.  Prostitution florished in the ancient world, both women, men and children, oh yes, including animals too.  Demented beyond words! 

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Last Tuesday during my bible study I asked my student -'Why was Sodom destroyed?  He didn't know - so we looked up Gen 19 ( account really starts in 18 ) and after his reading it I made the comment-Today is worse than Sodom  and the next day guess what the US Supreme court did? More rights for gays.

Edited by pnutts

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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    Can someone tell me why I can only make comments under someone elses (quote) but not  under  Reply to this topic???  I will never figure this thing out, lol

And ... it's pushing a lot of people to call for the church to be taken down. Seems like almost every week there's another article on this.

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Rent boy scandal rocks Vatican: Victims picked up at gay bar called Twink for sex with clergymen inside churches, claims convicted paedophile priest

Starving and desperate victims from eastern Europe were picked up outside gay bar called Twink

Former Carabinieri officers pimped boys for nine clergymen, says Don Patrizio Poggi

Vatican dismiss allegations and accuse priest of seeking revenge

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2351535/Police-probe-claims-convicted-paedophile-priest-rent-boy-ring-Vatican.html#ixzz2XcYW6Tjw

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Gets creerper and creeper each day.  We must be close at hand for the "Day of Jehovah" to come.  I love Zephania 1:14-18, it's like a rider in battle going head on to the end.   Just to see all of us pull together, unite, stay in battle formation (spiritually).   We may all be spread out in this world, but we are united.  Let them come against his anointed and his other sheep, the battle belongs to Jehovah.  THEY WILL BY NO MEANS PREVAIL!  

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Last Tuesday during my bible study I asked my student -'Why was Sodom destroyed?  He didn't know - so we looked up Gen 19 ( account really starts in 18 ) and after his reading it I made the comment-Today is worse than Sodom  and the next day guess what the US Supreme court did? More rights for gays.

Even more disturbing was the film (shown this morning at the end of PBS's 'Religion & Ethics Newsweekly') of a huge singing and dancing celebration going on afterwards in - guess where? - the National Cathedral in Washington.

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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I grew up in surburban Maryland just outside Washington D.C. and my parents used to take me to that Cathedral..it felt really creepy..got the truth later...thank Jehovah!post-2322-0-30127800-1372725347.jpg

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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I just had to look it up! I knew the name of the bar TWINK had to mean something in gay lingo. It always does. It means slender, small boyish gay man. Disgusting when you really think about it.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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