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Jehovas Witness in Egypt

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“There are 1,000 to 1,500 Jehovah’s Witnesses and 1,500 to 2,000 Bahais; however, the government does not recognize these groups.” (USDOS, 20. Mai 2013, Section 1)


„A 1960 presidential decree banned all Jehovah’s Witnesses activities. According to the State Department, there are between 1,000 and 1,500 Jehovah’s Witnesses living in Egypt. While government interference into the activities of the small community has abated somewhat since former President Mubarak stepped down in 2011, Egyptian authorities continue to conduct surveillance and sometimes impede their private worship. The Egyptian government permits Jehovah’s Witnesses to meet in private homes in groups of less than 30 people, despite the community’s request to meet in larger numbers.


„The government banned Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1960.  In 2010 the Cairo administrative court dismissed a lawsuit filed by Jehovah’s Witnesses to compel government recognition as a Christian denomination. The government attributes its refusal to grant registration to Jehovah’s Witnesses to the opposition of the Coptic Orthodox Church, which during the year criticized the group as heretical. Another factor was the government’s lingering Nasser-era suspicion of links between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Israel.” (USDOS, 30. Juli 2012, Section 2)


In his Wednesday sermon, Coptic Pope Shenouda III stated that Jehova's Witnesses ‘are not Christians,’ noting that it was permissable for a Copt to file for divorce if his or her spouse joined the sect.” (Egypt Independent, 1. Juli 2010)

being a jehovas witness seems to be ongoing struggle to lsurvive for brothers and sisters there..

when i read about this reminds me of the experiences told by a brother about egypt- i wish to upload it here but dont know how..

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Groups of 30 or less... okay, well as long as they don't put us in prison, I think we can work (read: continue to increase) with that until our Chief and King steps in and shows the Copic Pope who's Christian and who is not.


Jehovah will deal in his due time, meanwhile the Egyptian people need the comfort of the good news and nothing will stop that from being declared.  May Jehovah help our brothers and sisters stay faithful in that land until then.

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Groups of 30 or less... okay, well as long as they don't put us in prison, I think we can work (read: continue to increase) with that until our Chief and King steps in and shows the Copic Pope who's Christian and who is not.

And I think that's happening right about now!

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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  • 2 weeks later...

..Though experiences arenot the recent ones this speaks abit of how JW in Egypt worked but not sure wether things have changed as far as the religion isnot yet legally registered and recent hatred attacks against christians in Egypt..Enjoy listening this lovely and emotional expriences..

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Thank you Rachel...these were beautiful experiences.  I cried through most of them...you can see Jehovah's hand in so many ways.  Just beautiful.


I went to Egypt in 2007.  Our tour guide said he had an interesting background.  Coptic, his mom was a JW, and then he went to Mecca and saw the light, so he is now Muslim.


I wanted and tried so hard to ask him more about this...but for some reason I could speak.  I asked all kinds of other things about what we were seeing...but I could not ask him about his mom or his religion.  I felt like HS was preventing me from speaking.  I didn't know how much if any freedoms JWs had.  


I'm really glad I kept my mouth shut !!!

"Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

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Just finished listening to those amazing experiences., I had heard a couple of them before but not all...My daughters got in on it and began listening as well..,,They talked about how they take for granted the meetings sometimes by not always wanting to wake up to get dressed to go and how these brothers, sisters and new ones fight hard to know Jehovah, how they aren't allowed to have meetings like ours, or sing the kingdom songs!! Wow, we were all very encouraged! My girls have a better appreciation after listening to these experiences..;) Thanks for sharing! Agape ❤

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Just finished listening to those amazing experiences., I had heard a couple of them before but not all...My daughters got in on it and began listening as well..,,They talked about how they take for granted the meetings sometimes by not always wanting to wake up to get dressed to go and how these brothers, sisters and new ones fight hard to know Jehovah, how they aren't allowed to have meetings like ours, or sing the kingdom songs!! Wow, we were all very encouraged! My girls have a better appreciation after listening to these experiences..;) Thanks for sharing! Agape ❤

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My girls have a better appreciation after listening to these experiences..;) 

I couldn't agree with your children more than. Surely these are faith strengthening experiences and our brothers exemplary in following the instructions...so many to list from the experience but their honest in following the meeting attendance number set by the government and how service field is with both Muslims and Christians denominations hate our  brothers and sisters. Also the challenge for marriage by JW in terms of costs and other  inconveniences that might have happened in travelling to Cyprus for marriage..

Memorial and Conventions times seems to be the hard times for the 25number meetings restrictions.

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I listen once and intend on listening again!  Excellent reminders to be remain diligent in prayers about our brothers and sisters abroad.  And, it touch me when the brother stated "we worry about you in other countries as well - with materialism and other problems we are plagued with. Sure makes you appreciate the brotherhood!!!

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Excellent reminders to be remain diligent in prayers about our brothers and sisters abroad. 

All the time but especialy this tyme arround with riots going on in Egypty and harted against the christians

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 I often think about our brothers and sisters in places of societal unrest, i.e.: Egypt, Greece,

Today I came across this experiences and listen the experiences ..I feel guilty  for taking for granted the freedom we have in my country now...so encouraging!!

The experiences from Greece found on the same site by  brother Harry Peloyan titled Report on Greece 

check the report here with the name and titled above  http://www.centralprint.net/jwtalks/SpecialTalks/SpecialTalks.html


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Just listened to this talk regarding Greece.  I love to hear experiences of how the brothers handle these legal cases and see Jehovah's hand dealing with man to his glory.

"Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

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