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Real reason the pope resigned last year

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I saw it last night too, hiding the money in the CEMETERY.....Really.  Did I understand correctly that  the mob would have "taken care of" the pope if he tried to make ANY changes to the  banking system at the Vatican? The Vatican is a country within a country, they answer to NO ONE... that's deep. I thought it was a little spooky too.

Man, when  Jehovah puts it in their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought..... :popcorn:  :ecstatic:  

Thank you Musky for posting this, I will watch again.

Edited by 1gemstone
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Chuck, thank you for posting this video.  This is what I got out of it from the people speaking in this story:


Sexual Abuse, Monarchy Absolute Power, Supreme Judge, Corruption, Fraud, Lies, Secrets, Prison, Bank, Smuggling 20 million Euro's, Caught, Human Kingdom.  


I recall my own father tell me horror stories of kids his age back around in the 1920's, when he was a little kid, he was not sent to Catholic schools, his mother, my grandmother was a public school teacher.  But he had child hood friends who were raped and molested by these so called country priests.  Some of these grew up and became sadistic when WWII broke out.  They helped the Nazis, murder, butcher, rape, people of different races, not just the Jews, and even some of our brothers and sisters in those concentration camps.  Some even became priests themselves, moved from one parish to another, raping and sodomizing other children.   My father had tears in his eyes when he told me these stories.  He had stopped being a Catholic many many many years ago.  The best story he ever told me was when in the 1960's, they found two churches across from one another.  One was a seminary for priests, and the other one was a convent for nuns.  Under ground tunnels lead to each others church.  Babies born were put to death by the superiors, and their tiny bodies were put into crypts under the ground where those tunnels were.  They found skeleton remains of over 1,000 tiny bodies.  I thought he was lying to me, but then several years later a story broke and I saw it with my own eyes.  It was true.   


Looking forward to when Jehovah puts it into the heart of the Wild Beast (Rev. 17:17), Vatican Sovereignty will look like the Temple in Jerusalem, at the time of 70A.D.  When Titus' armies burned it with fire, and destroyed it 100 percent!   No trace of it will ever be found again. 


Thanks again Chuck, great post, it was graphic in some parts, but it had to be said. 

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All I could think of when they were talking about the homosexual activity within the Vatican was Sodom and Gomorrah. Talk about uncontrolled sexual urges. If the common view of "hell" is that it's the opposite of heaven, and considering what we have learned about the Holiness of heaven (in the CBS) I think the Vatican can aptly be described as "hell on earth."

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Guards at the entrance of the Vactian in the strip clothes, what is their purpose I wonder.

Swiss Guards, Italian Guardia Svizzera,  corps of Swiss soldiers responsible for the safety of the pope. Often called “the world’s smallest army,” they serve as personal escorts to the pontiff and as watchmen for Vatican City and the pontifical villa of Castel Gandolfo.

The guards, who are independent of the Swiss armed forces, are employed by the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of the pope, to whom they swear fealty in a ceremony at Belvedere Court. As is common with any elite military corps, competition is intense for inclusion in the Swiss Guards. New recruits must be unmarried Roman Catholic males with Swiss citizenship, between 19 and 30 years of age, and at least 5 feet 8 inches (1.74 metres) tall; they must have a professional diploma or high school degree and must complete basic training with the Swiss military. (Historically, new recruits also had to prove they were free of physical deformities, and commanding officers were traditionally of noble lineage.) The guards normally wear blue doublets and blue berets, but on ceremonial occasions they don the colourful Renaissance-era uniforms for which they are famous. They are among the oldest uniforms in continuous use, though Michelangelo, contrary to legend, probably did not design them. The tunics are striped in the colours of the Medici family: red, dark blue, and yellow. White ruffs and high plumed helmets (with ostrich feathers coloured to reflect different ranks) are also worn, as, on occasion, is armour. While in traditional dress, the guards carry pikes and swords, but they are also trained in the use of modern weaponry and counterterrorism techniques.


Medici Family, French MédicisItalian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and, later, Tuscany, during most of the period from 1434 to 1737, except for two brief intervals (from 1494 to 1512 and from 1527 to 1530). It provided the church with four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV, and Leon XI) and married into the royal families of Europe (most notably in France, in the persons of queens Catherine de Médicis and Marie de Médicis).

Three lines of Medici successively approached or acquired positions of power  The line of Chiarissimo II failed to gain power in Florence in the 14th century. In the 15th century the line of Cosimo the Elder set up a hereditary principate in Florence but without legal right or title, hence subject to sudden overthrow; crowns burgeoned, however, on the last branches of their genealogical tree, for two of them were dukes outside Florence, their last heir in a direct line became queen of France (Catherine de Médicis), and their final offspring, Alessandro, a bastard, was duke of Florence. In the 16th century a third line renounced republican notions and imposed its tyranny, and its members made themselves a dynasty.


From the Daily Beast  report Jan 2014:


In early January of this year, a former guard told Swiss newspaper Schweiz om Sonntag that he had been propositioned dozens of times by priests who lived and worked inside Vatican City.  One, whom the unnamed guard said was particularly brazen, allegedly convinced the guard to join him for dinner only to tell him that he should be “served for dessert,” according to the Swiss paper.  The former guard also told the Swiss paper he had been manhandled by various clergy who were trying to bed him.

Edited by allabord4jah
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Went to PBS app. Saw the whole thing. What puzzles me is how so called smart, caring people not flee this rat infested ship for their very lives? Talk about being blinded spiritually! It's a matter of time, no fixing here. The die is cast, and well deserved destruction is looming. Sort of makes one sick to ones stomach. I know the UN will turn on the harlot, but I can see a huge bolt of lightening from Jehovah that takes it really out of existence. With a big zap! Gone. I know. Not that dramatic. But the end will be the same.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Went to PBS app. Saw the whole thing. What puzzles me is how so called smart, caring people not flee this rat infested ship for their very lives? Talk about being blinded spiritually! It's a matter of time, no fixing here. The die is cast, and well deserved destruction is looming. Sort of makes one sick to ones stomach. I know the UN will turn on the harlot, but I can see a huge bolt of lightening from Jehovah that takes it really out of existence. With a big zap! Gone. I know. Not that dramatic. But the end will be the same.



Miss Bea, reminded me of that lightening bolt that was pictured hitting the top of the vatican. Well Jehovah will have a bigger one hit out of the park! (I mean world)


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What I thought was really weird was that pope Benedict XVI when swearing in the man who was to be an ordained minister, the question that was asked of him was ""Do you promise loyalty to me and my successor?"

So no matter what corrupt or ugly thing the pope or his successor should do, you have to swear loyalty to them which is in affect saying "you can't do or say anything against the pope, even when going against God's Word and possibly be a part of it."

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... so... im shocked but not surprized and

i suppose that was the same reaction for a lot of us...

the sooner Our loving God Jehovah destroys this

harlot the better.

... accounts like the poir victims give in this show

underlines to me in massive bold lines how patient

Jehovah is .... he has to see this filth.... done suppisedly in the

name of god and yet he still waits for the last sheep.

wonderful you are Jehovah.

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It's amazing how many devoted young men are in the Catholic church. It has to be shaken, so more desirable ones can come out and find the truth. Truly there are some who want to serve for the greater good but are blinded. I truly don't know how they could be blinded though, at a young age I read the New testament out of the Living Bible and understood that many things the Catholic church did was not according to scripture. Many of my friends were Catholic since I grew up in a predominantly spanish area. I went a few times to the Catholic Church and found it very cold and most of what the priest said was in Latin, I couldn't stand that people would kneel down and kiss his ring(maybe he was a bishop?), I don't know how all the protocols work. But getting up and down several times is obnoxious, I guess that is their way of trying to keep people awake in their services. 

I hated that they had Jesus bleeding and hanging from a cross, it was gross to look at. 

I think when one is exposed to looking at that every week from a young age that they become numb to blood and violence which is why the majority of the mob is Catholic. Just my thoughts. 

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After watching the video and other news sources, It would hard to argue with someone if they suggested that Jehovah had a hand in the removal of his name from their Bible, Songbook and Liturgy. Would you want your name associated with that filth and corruption, much less the holy name of God?

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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