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I hate this system. Mudslide in USA

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Soon I hope. It's hard to take in all the devastation. Just can't imagine how anyone would be able to deal with these things without the truth.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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In a world where 529 people can be sentenced to death after a trial lasting just two days...


What else can you expect?


Satan's power is to be seen everywhere, isn't it just wonderful that Jehovah is more powerful!



What did I miss!?



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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That's sad...Thinking back through history, can you imagine how many people have innocently died or been killed due to man's imperfection?!?!? There sure are going to be a lot of resurrected ones!!!! wow! :wub:

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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    I share the feelings of so many of the posters to this thread. And thank you Bro. Mike for the update from

the Societies website. I had not seen this news update yet. Normally I check the Societies website every

morning for the text and any new items they have put  on there. But the last two mornings I missed that.

    Like so many of you, as we hear of all of these devastating disasters all over the world, you wonder how

much more can you take. I am fortunate to live in a part of the country that escapes a large part of the disas-

ters that seem to plague other parts. ( I live in the Midwest. ) Yet we still get tornados, spring floods, and

in our cities violence and crime, like so many other places. How grateful we can be to Jehovah who promises

in his new system all of these things will not only be a thing of the past, but will "not be called] to mind."

( Isa. 65: 17 ) What a grand day that will be !



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It breaks my heart to hear of my brothers and sisters who lose their precious lives so senslessly in this system, I can only imagine how Jehovah must feel and how hard it would be not to intervene until the exact right time so that as many lives as possible can be saved.  Can you imagine how it would feel to find out you were the last person to come into the truth before Armaggedon came?!!!!  In the meantime, I console myself by telling myself that although I've lost these precious brothers and sisters in disasters such as this mudslide, they died faithful, so Satan gained no victory.  Perhaps unbelieving relatives will take solice in the hope of the resurrection and will come to know Jehovah before the end.  Then when these precious ones are resurrected, they will find out that their deaths turned out to be everlasting life for others.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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The rotten thing about this whole mess is that this area experienced a landslide a few years ago and the county assured the people that they were relatively safe. Yet they gave no warning when a logging company cut timber in an area not approved that may have contributed to the slide. Many factors involved and many fingers yet to be pointed. May Jehovah give strength to all families affected by this disaster.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Brigette... whenever I have done a memorial service it has impressed me how important this is...


The Truth being explained to a multitude of non-believers, Jehovah's plan being delivered from the bible to an audience which is, for once, captive.


Unfortunately we are surrounded by death and destruction, sometimes it affects Witnesses, this is our solace, that others not in the Truth are exposed to the wonderful hope we hold with plenty of evidence set before them as to why this is so.

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Whenever I wonder " how much longer,Jehovah", I comfort myself with Scripture. A thousand years will be as a minute in Paradise, won`t it? Thinking about how long Creation took, our time frame is a moot point, or drop in the bucket.

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