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What is True Love? Drama

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Who remembers that Drama that highlighted, among other things, the danger of marrying out of the truth?

I really enjoyed that drama it was cheesy but thats partly why I loved it so much.

Would be great if they made it into a DVD one day.

It had some powerful scenes in it too, like when the sister stood with her friend looking into the mirror.

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Who remembers that Drama that highlighted, among other things, the danger of marrying out of the truth?

I really enjoyed that drama it was cheesy but thats partly why I loved it so much.

Would be great if they made it into a DVD one day.

It had some powerful scenes in it too, like when the sister stood with her friend looking into the mirror.

Some versions, recorded by viewers, can be watched on youtube

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Seldom have I thought that dubbings in other languages work out as well as in English. But I think this particular drama was an exception. I heard the voice track in both Finnish and English, and I also remember thinking why cheesy the American girl voices sounded :)

Other than that nuisance I did think that the script seemed really realistic and was filled with small cues and tidbits much alike a commercial/worldly production. I liked among other things how the youngsters were going to use the bathroom/possibly drink water DURING THE SONG, and how the young couple had their pet peeves such as leaving dirty laundry lying on the floor :)

I thought the drama mentioned as well as These Words Must Be on Your Heart (?) of 2011 were extraordinarily good as they made practical applications of the lessons learned. At the time it felt like the HQ had been able to find some gems of brothers/sisters to do the script.

The 2013 dramas did not leave me with such strongly positive and moving reactions where the Friday drama about Job and a modern-day parallel hit a bit too close. Just a couple of weeks prior to seeing the drama in Swedish I had been part of a potentially very serious car accident. The Esther drama was good but to me it seemed like an "ordinary" drama set in Bible times.

Looking forward a lot to this year's "productions". Going to an English convention this weekend (although apparently having to hear the soundtrack in Americano, blegh :P), and perhaps a Swedish one in four weeks or so.

But yes please, What Is True Love on DVD! Pretty pweeeezzz!!

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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I wish they would add more drama's to download to listen to on jw.org. It's been the same 14 since the website began. I'd especially like to listen to many of the recent ones. Some of the ones before 1982 would be fun to hear again too (the Bible ones). Can't get enough of the "Jehovah's NameTo Be Declared in all the Earth" drama - I've listened to it hundreds of times and can listen to it hundreds more. The first line in the drama always gives me shivers and delight! "Jehovah - the name of Almighty God!"

Edited by shali

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I love all the dramas our brothers do. It takes so much work for them to put them together for us to enjoy them. I hate seeing them being picked apart. It is MANA from Jehovah in our time. 

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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I love all the dramas our brothers do. It takes so much work for them to put them together for us to enjoy them. I hate seeing them being picked apart. It is MANA from Jehovah in our time. 


Greg, all dramas are excellent spiritual food, but I think you can like one more than the other, don't you? I like some talks, publications and even Bible books more than others. For example, this week I am rediscovering why Leviticus is not in my list of favorites. :innocent:

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Thats true but I don't like to see how some complain about one over the other. It just reminds me of the Israelites saying "This despicable Mana."


Just like one sister I heard at the Annual Meeting complaining about the parking. Yes it was congested. But did you have to find something to complain about after such an awesome show of Jehovah's love for us? I was so taken aback by it. 


I don't mean to say that the ones someone doesn't like as much is a big deal its just can we watch how we show our appreciation for all of them? Maybe I am being too sensitive. I am sorry if I am coming across that way.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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Greg Dent, I suppose you were aiming at me despite not using the Quote function and instead saying "some" when you probably meant me.

Sorry I come across overly critical to you. But please keep in mind that I'm not criticising for the sake of critic.

I truly want to see things improve continually and since things such as writing, dramas and audio recordings are close to my heart I want to voice my opinion what could be possibly improved upon.

I for one don't like the all mushy nothing's ever done wrong world. At least I never have been living in that world.

And I hope you're not comparing my comparisons to general complaints about facilities that some might have, as in connection with an annual meeting. I feel that's a completely different matter, especially if there are only complaints and no suggestions for improving.

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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I don't think there is any need to say that there need to be ‘improvements’ on the story lines of our beautiful dramas, because they are gradually getting better each year! :)

The fact that some clips may remind some of a worldly production is because those clips are realistically portraying life in the world or how some may gradually slip into doing wrong things (Refer to the Prodigal movie)

They are meant to be realistic and touch our hearts, as did last year's dramas.

I did actually enjoy this one mentioned.. “What Is True Love?” because I have seen similar experiences in the congregation perfectly portrayed in this drama. Remembering that illustration of the sister encouraging her friend to look at the mirror and applying that to peering into Jehovah's Word was a highlight of the drama for me.

So, simply said, I love all the dramas and can't wait for this year's.

Edited by Kingdomproclaimer1914ce
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Thats true but I don't like to see how some complain about one over the other. It just reminds me of the Israelites saying "This despicable Mana."


Just like one sister I heard at the Annual Meeting complaining about the parking. Yes it was congested. But did you have to find something to complain about after such an awesome show of Jehovah's love for us? I was so taken aback by it. 


I don't mean to say that the ones someone doesn't like as much is a big deal its just can we watch how we show our appreciation for all of them? Maybe I am being too sensitive. I am sorry if I am coming across that way.


I agree it's irritating when we receive a wonderful spiritual feast and then complain about insignificant nuisances. It's easy to fall in that attitude if we are not careful.


I was thinking why some dramas leave us a lasting impression while others are not especially remarkable. It often doesn't have to do with the drama itself but with our own personal experiences. A drama that deals with a problem you are suffering personally can be extraordinarily moving as food at the proper time, while it can be just one more drama to someone else in different circumstances.


Another impression that I have is that current dramas are much more realistic than the ones we had thirty, twenty or fifteen years ago. The characters are no longer heroes, but normal people that speak and act the same way we do, and with the same problems we face. The questions they raise often don't have a yes/no answer. I have noticed (with some worry) that in several dramas I felt convinced by the arguments of the bad guys, which seemed quite reasonable, until their real intentions were unmasked. I'm afraid I'm an easy guy. :lol:

Edited by cvillarrubia
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I worry that if little things people say (in complaining about menial matters) causes this much distress, that it will also wear on you spiritually.  In this world, there will always be comments and things people do that we just have to let roll off our backs.  You don't think Jehovah listens to millions upon millions of complaints everyday from his faithful servants?  Yet, he knows we are mere dust and that soon, all he will hear from us is nothing but praise and honor!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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