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Good things to watch on Netflix

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Me and my mother just recently got a Roku box in order to watch JW Broadcasting on TV as well as enjoy the other benefits it has and save some money on cable. We just created and now share a Netflix account and I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations on good shows to watch on there.

There's so much content on there and I already added quite a few things to the Watch List but I'm always looking for more. It's kind of hard when like 50% of the shows and movies are rated R/TV-MA or just plain bad. I just recently checked out the documentary section and a good percent of it was smh-worthy stuff. I did find a few docs I wanted to see like "Being Elmo" and "20 Feet from Stardom". Anyway, recommendations from any genre would be nice but I just mentioned docs for example. Thanks!!

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I love Midsomer Murders. It's a British Murder Mystery series. Sometimes they have some 'ghost' stuff but it's proven to be of no account. I like it a lot. And Inspector Morse is also one of the same type. Either of these are ones I turn on when I'm doing a cooking day, which usually ends up being about 6 hours, I have good entertainment for the whole time.


I also watch the different movies with Tom Selleck, Jesse Stone Mysteries, I think there's 5 movies?


Foyles War is absolutely unbelievable. I LOVE it. Michael Kitchen is an incredible actor.


Animated: The Nut Job- so cute, Escape From Planet Earth is so funny, 


John Wayne, McLintock is a wonderful movie and on 'MY List" as is "Hatari!"


Of course I love all the Mission Impossible movies, a huge fan of Tom Cruise. And one of my very favorites of his is  Knight and Day, I've seen that movie around 5 times and am never tired of it.


Comedians are: Jim Gaffigan and John Pinette, I love both. John died recently but his work is hilarious!! "Get outta da line!!" Wait till you see him. Makes your face hurt. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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We watched Tiny Houses and Being Elmo.  Those were cute.  We've been working our way through the different Muppet movies on Netflix.  We showed my niece the old TV series "Dinosaurs."  There are some old series on there.  We're working our way through Coach and Cheers.  We've also got Magnum PI in our lineup.  My wife watched Murder She Wrote and Columbo.  We had (maybe still have) Andy Griffith Show and Leave it to Beaver in the queue.  


Once you start adding shows like this that you enjoy, Netflix will begin suggesting other similar shows you might like.


The easiest thing I've found is to log into your Netflix account on a PC or laptop and brows the movies that way.  It's easier and faster to view the entire list and see what you like.


From the Roku side, we have the following apps:


JWBroadcasting, CNN International (from Nowhere Man, a private channel), HuluPlus, Netflix, PBS, Lifetime, Plex (which allows you to watch videos you download to your PC), A weather channel app, IHeartRadio, NHL network

Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Netflix also has the Hercule Poirot series staring David Suchet (on of the best to portray Poirot) - these are all based on stories from Agatha Christi and they are handled with great discretion.


If you enjoy a great mystery without "fast action" and "graphic violence" but WITH intrigue and subtle "red herrings" you will enjoy these.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  • 3 weeks later...

I miss BBC being on there, my favorite was Keeping up Appearances. 


That being said, the best thing to do to get more of what you want and less of what you don't want to show up is use the star rating. Rate what you like as 5 stars and what you don't like as 1 star... it will start giving you better selections suited to your likes.

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As far as Roku channels. 


JW Broadcasting of course, Netflix, PBS and PBS Kids, and a lot of free channels for homeschooling and children's education, and Amazon Prime. I am seriously thinking about Hulu. Also because we do not get any local channels where we are in the sticks (no signal), we paid for a life time membership of PlayOn.. that gets us most of our prime time shows, and it was a one time fee.

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  On 2/25/2015 at 5:51 AM, PrairieGirl said:

As far as Roku channels. 


JW Broadcasting of course, Netflix, PBS and PBS Kids, and a lot of free channels for homeschooling and children's education, and Amazon Prime. I am seriously thinking about Hulu. Also because we do not get any local channels where we are in the sticks (no signal), we paid for a life time membership of PlayOn.. that gets us most of our prime time shows, and it was a one time fee.

Don't take this the wrong way, how did the people in your area watch TV without a signal, lets say in the last century, like 1999 going backward? Just curious.
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My Father's family lives in southern Colorado, not far from the New Mexico state line. Back before Satellite, Cable and Internet the people from that area could not get TV reception because of the mountains.


They got together and pitched in as a Community, not a "government" project - just a joint effort. They purchased TV reception equipment and got permission to place it on a mountain. This equipment included a repeater that sent the various TV signals into the area they  lived. They then had TV reception - as long as the repeater kept working.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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When my grandparents lived here in the 80's they had a satelite (the big old bathtub kind! lol). 


Before the introduction of HD and all that, you could use a high powered antenna and get fuzzy/lined channels, and that was ok. But, now they will not allow you to get analog any more. Since it went digital, the tv will not allow us to watch anything fuzzy or with lines, instead it says that it can't get a lock on the channel, so after a few seconds of letting you see the fuzzy channel, it puts it black and says can't find signal. If it was still analog and not digital I would be fine with watching it fuzzy, but it just will not let me in this digital age! ARG... stupid laws! STUPID laws! And I'm not going to pay for a satelite or cable service for it. I could do that, but I just am not going to pay those rates just for that. We tried the strongest antenna and it just didn't work here. To be honest, my grandparents in the 80's were of the minority with their satelite. (I remember it being novelty) my step grandfather LOVED tv, and had a good paying job. They just rented a house here, on a farm. Where almost every one else back then in this area were farmers... to be honest, til the last 10 or so years, they just didn't care about TV. They got up early and worked on the farm til it was dark and went to bed... no time for TV. Not as many farmers here now. In fact, the "farm" my grandparents lived on... is now a new development! I went past it several times, and thinking I was sure that was the street, but this big mansions... and no farm... I just couldn't be sure. So I finally asked my dad to take me to the farm they lived on (really it was shack houses! lol) and sure enough it was where I thought.... but now no farms and all mansions! haha... 

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oh and before my grandparents got the big satelite (I still remember when they got it). They just listened to the radio. Which now when I think about it, the times that I visited the owners of the house they lived in, they didn't have a tv at all, just a radio they listened to. 

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This area has not been developed long... when I was growing up no running water even in my grandparents house... yeah kind of hard to imagine, we were still using a outhouse when we visited them. And yes they had electric, but not running water-had a hand pump out the front door for water. They didn't have very good priorities looking back now. lol I guess that is why the people thought it was so funny they had a big old satelite. And they still had the big old propane tank instead of gas too. We used to ride it like a horse! lol haha

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  • 4 months later...
  On 2/3/2015 at 4:38 AM, bagwell1987 said:

Comedians are: Jim Gaffigan and John Pinette, I love both. John died recently but his work is hilarious!! "Get outta da line!!" Wait till you see him. Makes your face hurt. 

I LOVE Jim Gaffigan...have you viewed his new tv show?  I did a search to see who likes Gaffigan! 

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  • 1 month later...

I've become a Netflix fiend recently.  I'll share some goodies I've found:




  • Arranged - an orthodox Jew and Muslim women are teachers in Brooklyn. the story of their dealing with having their marriages arranged.  very good
  • Hava Nagila -  documentary. I like Jewish music.   :)
  • Casting By - documentary about the influence of casting directors in film
  • Scapegoat - based on a Daphne DuMaurier novel about two unrelated men who look exactly alike... one forces the other to live his life.  fascinating
  • Music of the Heart - Meryl Streep, based on true story of a teacher bringing music education to inner-city NY schools.  it's fantastic!
  • Children of Heaven - if you like foreign films (I do), this is a beautiful one from Iran.. a sweet story about a brother's love for his little sister.
  • Broadchurch - one of many British detective shows I enjoy
  • An Idiot Abroad - OH MY GOODNESS... it's chokingly funny!  It's a British travel show with a regular bloke who isn't quite sure he wants to be there... I love it.
  • The Sapphires - based on true story of a girl group from Australia.  Great story, funny, good music
  • Phantom of the Opera (musical) Anniversary -  speaks for itself!
  • Happy - a wonderful examination of the emotion.  good reminders in it for everyone
  • Sherlock - just... watch it!!!
  • Mrs Brown - Judi Densch, Billy Connolly.  Story of Queen Victoria and her beloved manservant
  • Quartet - excellent... Billy Connolly, Maggie Smith... retired opera singers and musicians... brilliantly done
  • A Five Star Life -- foreign; Italian.  A single woman is a secret shopper for hotels all over the world.  A great job... but she's lonesome....
  • The Bletchley Circle - BBC series about the women who decoded messages for the Allies during WWII.  Nice detective series.
  • Call the Midwife -- Story of those delivering babies in post-war London... beautiful stories.. not as sappy as it may sound.
  • Firefly -- if you like sci-fi with a bit of the old West thrown in... and good humor... you'll love this.  A series sadly not extended beyond its first year.  But I've watched each episode many, many times... it's classic!
  • Haute Cuisine - foreign; French..  I love food movies... this is a good one.  Based on true story of the cook for the president of France.  
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I just watched "The Kennedys."  8 episode drama from History Channel about JFK and RFK.  Starred Katie Holmes as Jackie.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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