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You Gotta be Kidding me: Putin vows to protect Christians worldwide

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I'm open to further discussion of the neutrality issue if anyone wants to discuss where lines might be drawn.


At the meeting I'm assuming everyone else is talking about here, I remember my elders saying that its ok to have an opinion except you can't voice it. Later that day i was surprise to hear that he was voicing his opinion on a number of issues. lol 


Personally, i think one can technically voice their opinion on something and still be neutral. For me, I'm often open to fact finding and exploring ideas and wondering what might happen.  


For example, the issue that boggles my mind here in the US is how can people be so adamant about not having gun control. The only thing that I've gotten so far is that  "People kill people and guns never killed anyone," "a safe society is a well armed society," and that the fear of the government is real. 


Those arguments sound beyond crazy to me. Now the government one does make me pause but... its not the government killing people right now, its all the lunatics shooting up everything. YOu might not live to see government takeover.


I'm interested in what the other side has to say but i simply have not heard a convincing argument.


I don't think i violated neutrality except to possibly imply that Putin's actions to "protect people" were simply ruses for land grabs. I'm not sure that is controversial really. 


I understand that we have to be careful. However, is the only true line where people start wanting to take action--either yourself or those you talk to? Personally, I hate Putin because of his record on religious freedom,otherwise, I couldn't care less about him. My further words May he rot in ... might violate neutrality.

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There's human reasoning then there's Jehovah's reasoning.
were trying to keep learning Jehovah;s reasoning which helps us to have "soundness of mind".

for christians guns is a non issue.. we don't care about them.  some christians still hunt for food and use guns....personally i don't.  Its been awhile since i've read by law if a christian could use a gun for protection;  but i'm pretty sure we would choose not to.  The risk of innocent blood being spilled is just to great to risk it.  Jehovah can resurrect us if someone kills us but will he resurrect us if we accidently spill innocent blood?  I'd rather not risk it myself.

Being nuetral with governments is for our protection.  The more they know we are truely nuetral with action and tongue the more they will not care whether they should kill us or not.  I've seen watchtower examples of where military rebels have decided not to kill witnesses based on them knowing they are truly nuetral.

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The risk of innocent blood being spilled is just to great to risk it.  Jehovah can resurrect us if someone kills us but will he resurrect us if we accidently spill innocent blood?  I'd rather not risk it myself.

Being nuetral with governments is for our protection.  The more they know we are truely nuetral with action and tongue the more they will not care whether they should kill us or not.  I've seen watchtower examples of where military rebels have decided not to kill witnesses based on them knowing they are truly nuetral.


I think these two points are very interesting points!  


You I've been wondering if certain Presidential candidates who are encouraging and jerking at people to take arms to prevent mass shootings might be ominous! 


Can you imagine what people will do with all those guns as they become faint out of fear?  Furthermore, we are already desensitized by shoots. Its just numbers. We could find ourselves in a mindless war zone in the coming years.


Wow! all of this could be building into something!  America may have it coming to them after all. (This is a personal reason I also thought it might be good to serve where the need is great.)

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For example, the issue that boggles my mind here in the US is how can people be so adamant about not having gun control. The only thing that I've gotten so far is that  "People kill people and guns never killed anyone," "a safe society is a well armed society," and that the fear of the government is real. 


Those arguments sound beyond crazy to me. Now the government one does make me pause but... its not the government killing people right now, its all the lunatics shooting up everything. You might not live to see government takeover.


I'm interested in what the other side has to say but i simply have not heard a convincing argument.



I can see where some might be concerned about "my rights" to carry. An example I noticed was during the Boston Bomb event. The government basically threw out the constitution, as I understand it, by entering houses with out permission or court orders. I don't think marshal law had been declared, maybe so. During the Baltimore demonstrations no one from the government was defending anyone's property who may have been in the area of riots. And I might be concerned when I see government agencies like the department of agriculture buying sub-machine guns. I am not saying owning a gun would prevent any of this from happening, more likely to get yourself killed. I am just saying I can see where some who are pro gun would have concerns and examples of their need to have a gun.


I don't know if this is a right leaning outfit or not, seems pretty balanced about the subject. 




Disclaimer - I have NO desire to own a gun. I have seen and heard of to many accidental shootings, could not bare to live with something like that over my head. I am neutral on the subject when it is discussed in front of me by coworkers, and they have learned not to draw me into political discussions  "I don't know, haven't thought much about it. But did you know there is a government that will take care of all these problems.........."   :D It's really affected my service time  :(  


Apologize to all for getting off the thread topic. 

Edited by Your Brother
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Yeah, there seems to be come people who were taking this seriously. lol  I can't imagine why unless they were Russian themselves but even that is not a complete excuse.  Russians are completed fooled by the propaganda.

Why would you make such a statement?

People in every country are fooled by propaganda, some more, some less.


In the 60s and 70s the only pictures you saw of Russian women showed heavy set women with babushkas and dowdy clothes. Having been to Russia I found out that this was propaganda put forth by the western press. A lot of slender blondes. The one exception I noted was the border guards, they looked just like the propaganda photos, not Elton John's Nikita.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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