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Adam and Eve- family life and everyday city chat

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On 15 August, we are having a get together.

We are doing plenty of programmes. One portion we are assigned is to act as Adam and Eve ( gayathri and me)after being sent out of paradise.

Now we have to imagine what they could have discussed and how they chatted with each other. So, start imagining and start writing. (Maximum time i think we will be spending for this is ten minutes.)

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Hi Brother Dilip,


Maybe you could record your "Adam & Eve" part so that we could see it here on JWtalk?

We would all enjoy seeing this! :)


Also, below are some interesting points that I thought you would like that give an idea of the mentality of Adam & Eve after being disfellowshipped from the Garden of Eden.



> Adam & Eve felt alienated from God

> Their sin now caused them to feel anxiety, insecurity, shame.

> They became “hardened by the deceptive power of sin.”

      So likely this resulted in each one blaming the other and also making excuses for what they had

      done, justifying their actions.

> They also had to deal with death for the 1st time, their son Abel.

    But they also to deal with the devastation that the death of their son was due to murder,

    murder by their other son!

> They suffered many consequences for their disloyalty and betrayal to Jehovah

                - They were experiencing physical and emotional pain for the first time

                - They learned that Jehovah's words came true:

                   (Genesis 2:16, 17)

                      . . .Jehovah God also gave this command to the man:

                           “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.

                             But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it,

                             for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.. . ."
                    And so not only did they experience the effects of dying but likely realized that from the

                    day of their rebellion that due to Jehovah's judicial decision, they had already "died" in

                    Jehovah's eyes, even though they would still live for another 900 years or so.



*** it-2 p. 964 Sin, I ***
Effects of Sin.

Sin put man out of harmony with his Creator. It thereby damaged not only his relations with God but also his relations with the rest of God’s creation, including damage to man’s own self, to his mind, heart, and body. It brought consequences of enormous evil upon the human race.
The conduct of the human pair immediately revealed this disharmony. Their covering portions of their divinely made bodies and thereafter their attempting to hide themselves from God were clear evidences of the alienation that had taken place within their minds and hearts. (Ge 3:7, 8) Sin thus caused them to feel guilt, anxiety, insecurity, shame. 

*** w95 6/1 p. 6 Although Grieving, We Are Not Without Hope ***
Death Enters the Human Family
3 Sin and death have reigned as kings for some six thousand years of human history, ever since the rebellion of our first human parents, Adam and Eve. (Romans 5:14; 6:12, 23) The Bible does not tell us how they reacted to the murder of their son Abel by his brother Cain. For more than one reason, it must have been a devastating experience for them. Here, for the first time, they looked human death in the face, reflected in the face of their own son. They saw the fruitage of their rebellion and of the continued misuse of free will. Cain, in spite of warnings from God, had chosen to commit the first fratricide. We know that Eve must have been deeply affected by Abel’s death because when she gave birth to Seth, she said: “God has appointed another seed in place of Abel, because Cain killed him.”—Genesis 4:3-8, 25.


*** w86 4/1 p. 23 Beware of Sin’s Hardening Effects! ***
At Hebrews 3:13 the apostle Paul warned that one could “become hardened by the deceptive power of sin.” This proved to be true with our first parents, Adam and Eve. Called to task for his disobedience, Adam gave this callous excuse: “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so I ate.” How Adam had changed from that day when the first sight of his lovely bride had stirred him to say: “This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” Now Eve was “the woman whom you gave to be with me.” Eve weakly blamed the serpent.—Genesis 2:23; 3:1-13.


*** w90 7/15 p. 4 Soon—A World Without Pain! ***
Sin brought groaning and bondage to pain upon mankind. True to God’s word, on the very day of Adam’s sinning, God pronounced the sentence of death on the transgressors. Judicially, from Jehovah’s standpoint, Adam and Eve died that day. (Compare Luke 20:37, 38.)

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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I can't end it saying that they both regretted they had sinned.

I once tried to discuss with my study conductor that Adam and Eve would have or could have regretted committing sin. But since bible doesn't say that, the discussion couldn't proceed .i imagined that after they felt the effects of aging and sickness, they may have come and requested Jehovah God to forgive them, but because of His standards he couldn't help them. So pls suggest some happy moments to end.

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Maybe for the conclusion of your programme, Adam & Eve can finally acknowledge that every single thing that Jehovah had ever told them was true or came true. This way what is remembered most about your programme is that Jehovah is exalted! :)


Adam & Eve, after being cast out from the Garden, could have later acknowledged that Jehovah was right about everything and yet still not be truly repentant. For example, when elders have been involved with judicial cases, they have seen some who acknowledged that Jehovah's word is true and that they believe very much in Jehovah, yet they still didn't show repentance.

So a person can still acknowledge the greatness of Jehovah and yet not be repentant of their sins.


For example, during a judicial case, some have decided to continue on with an affair they started even after admitting their actions were wrong. They even agreed with everything the Bible says and agreed with the counsel from the elders.  Yet they were unrepentant because they did not really have a change in heart as to what they did or were still doing. 


So more is involved in repentance. A person has to first start by at least admitting and confessing that they were wrong and that they have sinned. Adam & Eve never apologized for their sins in any way, but instead made excuses.

But worse, what Adam & Eve did was on purpose, they were perfect, so their actions were willful and deliberate! So they were actually beyond repentance. Yet years or even months later after leaving the Garden, Adam & Eve could have still acknowledged that Jehovah was a God of "Truth" and that He is great in wisdom as He was never wrong about 1 thing He ever said!


*** w11 12/1 p. 24 “A Time to Love and a Time to Hate” ***
When a person practices a grave sin willfully, the wickedness can become so firmly entrenched that there is no separating it from the person. He may become depraved, incorrigible, irreformable. The Bible compares such a person to a leopard that cannot change its spots. (Jeremiah 13:23) Beyond repentance, the individual commits what the Bible calls “everlasting sin,” for which there is no forgiveness.—Mark 3:29.
This was true of Adam and Eve and also of Judas Iscariot. Since Adam and Eve were created perfect and since God’s command to them was explicit and understood by both, it is evident that their sinning was willful and deliberate and therefore inexcusable. God’s words to them afterward offered no invitation to repent. (Genesis 3:16-24)

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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1 hour ago, dilip kumar said:

I can't end it saying that they both regretted they had sinned.

I once tried to discuss with my study conductor that Adam and Eve would have or could have regretted committing sin. But since bible doesn't say that, the discussion couldn't proceed .i imagined that after they felt the effects of aging and sickness, they may have come and requested Jehovah God to forgive them, but because of His standards he couldn't help them. So pls suggest some happy moments to end.

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You could approach it from the angle that being the first family in the world they had to figure a lot of things out in how to function with everyday concerns.

Everything they did was for the first time. Think of all the inventions in those first few hundred years.



experimenting with different recipes

Building a shelters. Tools. Cain built a city.

the wheel for moving things etc....

writing/reading. Adam may have written the early history that was passed down.



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I always wondered what Eve might have said to Adam as they were leaving the Garden...

"Honey, did you pack my fur?"

"Yes dear, did you remember to turn off the iron?"

"What's that?"

"I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since....you know..."

" See! I knew you would blame me for that!"

"Who else could I blame.....?"


Just another day outside of paradise....


CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Have you ever wondered how far away from the garden they traveled?



"Adam, I'm tired, I wish we could stop"

"Not until I can't see it anymore"

"Hey, I can see our house from here!"

"Don't look back, I have a funny feeling about looking back..."

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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"Adam! Adam! Come look!"

"What? What is it?"

"Its...its...it's a wrinkle!"


"That stupid snake didn't say anything about wrinkles,  if I could do it all over again we'd would have had snake for dinner.."

"But we can't eat meat.."


CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 hours ago, Pjdriver said:

You could approach it from the angle that being the first family in the world they had to figure a lot of things out in how to function with everyday concerns.

Everything they did was for the first time. Think of all the inventions in those first few hundred years.

I wonder how long it took Adam to make wine...:)

Did Eve use a frying pan?

Did Adam have to make her new shoes to match her furs?

Did they have pets that followed them out of the garden?

Did Adam continue to name things outside of the garden?


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13 hours ago, dilip kumar said:

I can't end it saying that they both regretted they had sinned.

I once tried to discuss with my study conductor that Adam and Eve would have or could have regretted committing sin. But since bible doesn't say that, the discussion couldn't proceed .i imagined that after they felt the effects of aging and sickness, they may have come and requested Jehovah God to forgive them, but because of His standards he couldn't help them. So pls suggest some happy moments to end.

Sent from my C6802 using Tapatalk

There you go brother Dilip, you have your material. :lol1:

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"Yes dear..?"

"The grandkids are coming over today"

"....how many of them...?"

"All of them..."

"...sigh...I'm getting too old for this.."

"Can you make some games or something for them to play with?"

"I'll go find some animals for them to play with"

"Ok, just keep them out of my garden.."

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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"Adam, what's that smell?"

"Abel is cooking dinner for the family again, it's his turn"

"What is he making?"

"I'm not sure, he calls it Lamb Chops"

"Hmmm..it smells delicious, check with Cain and see if he has any mint to go with it.."

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 hours ago, Pjdriver said:

There you go brother Dilip, you have your material. :lol1:

Brother Dilip, is that what you had in mind?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Something we have come up with.......

What was that sound( sneezing)

What is that coming out of your nose( catches cold)

What is that bad breath when you speak?( Starts to brush with leaves and twigs later)

Why is that your stomach is growing bigger and bigger( when Eve becomes pregnant)

So still thinking how to project their day today life..😝😕😕

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We had a wonderful gathering .

we did a drama in which Gayatri and me go to a studie's house. Gayatri is supposed to take the study but I interrupt and keep on speaking. meanwhile we had made two brothers stand behind on a bench and act as angels .

this angels would keep on passing comments. the second scene of the drama had two sisters going to a study and they ask hot water and when requested to have something, they mildly demand a Mini lunch. at this junction also the angels commented .so it was hilarious .

next in the drama about Adam and Eve we did a 5 minute demonstration of the day today fights. then there was a balloon breaking game by sitting on the balloons .

Then we called on stage ,unmarried sisters and asked them to show how to tie a necktie.

we asked unmarried brothers to explain how the Biryani is made .

for married couples, in one instance, we asked 1 sisters to act as if she is in need of a costly dress from a store which is running a discount but the brother makes excuses and postpones the purchase.

in another situation we made one brother propose to his wife as if they were on a date. In another act a brother was called on stage and a the name would be written on a paper of a Bible character and shown to the audience buy it would be not shown to this brother.

and he would have to ask questions related to the name on the paper and find out who it was ,like whether the character lived before Christ or after Christ whether he was a prophet or and apostle.

All in all, we had some loving memories.....86185da354fa760aaa762c3da4593a9b.jpg7ca30587f703680993456ec63245fd7e.jpg

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