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Jehovah's Witnesses lead in language ministry

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Aww, this article is amazing.  And I love how they took the time to explain how we work.  I'm currently personally learning sign language and have been visiting a local sign language congregation.  There aren't many people there;  just about 15-20 brothers and sisters. But it's amazing how much you can feel the love with such a small group.  They have two tv screens by the stage so if you give a comment you stand up and the camera puts you on the screen.  Although, last week the cameras were malfunctioning, so a brother stood on the stage to act as the camera, so to speak.  He would mirror you as you commented so the other friends could see your answer.  Everyone works really hard to make the ASL group possible.  And they give me a lot of encouragement since I'm new and still in the learning process.  I have to literally draw out my answers for the meetings so I don't forget a sign.  Oh!  And last week, we had a deaf mother come in with her 5 little children.  The kids were so well behaved, and the woman was so happy to be there AND understand what was being said.  That was really awesome! 

Like the article said, if we didn't have the means to learn this language, and at least communicate something about Jehovah, these people would be ignored.  That's so heart breaking to think someone, let along a group of people, are forgotten and ignored.  But Jehovah breaks those barriers, and extends his love to all!


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No-one will regret learning sign language at the very least being able to greet your brothers and sisters adds a depth to those we get to know. At the most we can be used in amazing and unique ways. It also helps you be more expressive in every day conversations ... and you learn how to break down difficult words as signs are often the meaning of the word rather than the word itself. Ie: In NZSL - (sub-dialect) my study did not know what the word alcoholic meant, so i explained one that 'drinks a lot' and he got it. Incredible language SL and easily adapted too if you know one you can pick up the other and many use American alphabet as a base.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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5 hours ago, Tcvancoops said:


Like the article said, if we didn't have the means to learn this language, and at least communicate something about Jehovah, these people would be ignored.  That's so heart breaking to think someone, let along a group of people, are forgotten and ignored.  But Jehovah breaks those barriers, and extends his love to all!

Wow Van such a privilege to be a part of an ASL congregation. Jehovah's organisation is flourishing spiritually. Isa. 60 :22  Of the 87 world-wide sign languages the fastest growth is in Spanish. In Cuba the brothers are using Cuban sign language with excellent results, along with Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Columbia, Spain and Costa Rica.


Also tragically 0.38% of the population or roughly 1,000,000 people currently in the U.S. are technically considered "functionally deaf".  Half of the figures are those 65 and older.  Jehovah is definitely breaking barriers and extending love to all.  You are to be commended dear Sis.   >:D<

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