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got up early in the morning, had a rushed breakfast and headed out the door to the car but wouldn't you know it, the battery was dead. Rick immediately......

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Looked under the hood and saw the cables to the sparke plugs had been taken of and the battery well a rat had chewed it so acid had leaked,he called the cab and said to Jane don't worry babe I be back to get the car fixed.....

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Hellooooo!!! my sweety I'm in the hospital have a broken Collar bone. and a fractured sternam the Cab got hit by a supersonic light........

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Story archives:

Pages 1-9

Pages 10-14

Pages 15-19

Pages 20-24

Pages 25-29

Pages 30-34

Pages 35-39 below:


They all returned to their respective accommodations late that night; Rick and Jane were staying with a delightful couple and their eight children, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a cockatiel. You can only imagine the bullet they dodged when they found out that the host family had a cozy little separate but attached apartment in the back that Rick and Jane could have all for themselves these 2 months. How delighted they were to find an extremely inviting "private cottage" completely stocked with all their imagination of foods along with an internet connection for Rick's notebook so they could log into jwtalk and chat but between the cockatiel screaming, the dogs barking and the kids playing in the back yard they could hardly handle it at first but eventually they either got used to it or things calmed down, they couldn't remember.

Rick and Jane enjoyed it greatly in there these past 7 weeks, but now begins the final week of schooling. Although they loved the children immensely, the experience did not modivate Jane's nor Rick's biological clock one bit, rather it all cemented the idea of waiting a long time for rug rats of their own. The experience with the host family while nice overall nevertheless confirmed to them that the Bible School for Christian Couples was the way to go.


Rick and Jane were eager to finish the last week of school but Jane was coming down with a sore throat and had a bad cough so she prayed and took medicine and prayed some more and thankfully this cold was one that took only a couple of days to go through. By the second day Jane was feeling better but Rick developed the same symptoms so he did the same thing as Jane - took lots of vitamin C and drank lots of fluids.

Went for some spicy Thai HMMM! they could smell the beautiful aromas coming out as they open the door of which was a big mistake for now both of them were as sick as could be and it is now questionable if they will be able to finish the school. Strangely enough, the Thai food somehow worked to cure both of them and when they woke up that Wednesday morning, they felt perfect and ready to take on their 3rd to last day of school.

--Memories and Catching Up--

So with a note book and a brain rested to take in the great information, they were ready for anything, including some funny jokes made by the conductors, cause one was Canadian and the other A USA Moderator. "Happened at my pioneer school one was German," said Rick to his table during lunch, "ah, yes, his name was Br. Achtenschmidtberg. Good times." Jane said to Rick, "Say that again real fast three times - bet you can't."

"Achtenschmidtberg, Achtensmithberg, Austensmithberg. AHH, I give up." Rick was deluged with memories of the awesome time he had when he went to pioneer school. Some of these were the most loveable, kind, caring people he had ever met; and, of course, all the food offered during that time. Many wonderful and funny moments expecially from a Bro in a wheel chair, he made everyone touched cause he found a way to serve Jah.

Out of the blue there appeared at Rick and Jane's table at the Bible School for Christian Couples a young couple Rick and Jane had not seen in years but somehow missed all these days at school. There names are Lindy Lou and Lindy Sue. They weren't in the class but they went to the congregation in the area Rick and Jane were assigned to - Huron River - but the Greenfields didn't see them because they just returned from 2 months in Mexico doing need greater work, and they decided to pop in and surprise them. They thought it would be a good encouragement to be at their graduation.

They related some good stories, like a drug lord stop selling drugs and guns and found the only way to peace is thru God's word the true power. And a retired lawyer from the United States whose interest was sparked by the 59 U.S. Supreme Court cases from 1937 to 1953 involving the Jehovah's Witnesses. Decided to attend the very special public talk, Dan 2:44, These men really wanted to see who would take control and how God would set up a Kingdom and put an end to all these other governments. He steadily progressed, and by the time Lindy Lou and Lindy Sue had served there, he and his wife had just got baptized and was already being used in their small English congregation to handle microphones. A very humble man who also gave superb Bible readings in the School.

--Back to Hell--

And even though it felt like it was still Hell MI. Everyone hugged and clapped and kissed each other as Paul would have done, and said thanks for the encouragement and that was how at the end of the week Rick and Jane sadly said their goodbyes, and sure enough were assigned to the congregation they had come from - Gregory Congregation - to benefit them with their training for several months. The Greenfields were eager to get back to their duplex in Hell and see what ruckus Adam had caused. Well you believe what Adam had been up to.

The yard was totally different, now there was a rose garden and palm trees and hibiscus, really quite a transformation. Rick and Jane had to take a second look - was this really Paradise, no more hell? The flowers were beautiful and they were grateful they did not have to mow grass anymore for the entire yard had been paved/rocked like a desert garden. And they lived by a lake and could hear cascading water near by. The sun was shining and the birds were tweeting. But then they saw something real big swimming in the lake. It was the Lock ness monster, he'd come to visit MI Hell. So he started splashing and making waves and it became all too apparent that it was a beaver family having a good time. Actually, they had had the beaver, weighing approximately 80 pounds, come ashore to eat the corn that was on the yard for the ducks that lived in the pond.

Adam decided to take up gardening while Rick was gone. Adam was confused about the compost pile at first but after doing some fine googling he got the drift of what to do with it. So he spread it out over the garden and mixed it into the soil.

While Rick and Jane were gone for 2 months there was also the matter of the empty downstairs apartment. So they decided to use the spare room to as a holiday B&B to rent to the pioneers and also let the room for the CO when they come around - a beautiful picturesque, serene, good for chilling and studying. Rick and Jane thought the Bed/Breakfast room was an excellent idea so they decided to use it just for that but only for the COs and pioneers whenever they needed it. The reason for that is they really didn't want to charge rent but didn't want the apartment empty either, so offering it to help the CO and COW as well as pioneers also helped with security of the place and gave Adam some much needed company.

--Monster Truck Madness--

Adam was so happy with that idea he thought he'd cook something from his garden but the veggies had not matured so he decided to make a cake and that was a disaster because Adam still had a long way to go in his domestic skills; he was too involved in Monster Truck Madness 2 with Rick. Adam was glad he put Rick and Jane's apartment to such good use while they were gone, and he looked forward to perhaps doing so again once they left for wherever they would be assigned to in a few months. So Rick the rev head, decided to get some tickets to Aussie and go to the Summer Natz in August and catch up on the District Assembly. He took Jane along too. There was so much action and many hot wheels on display. Rick and Jane did not know how to play the video game and Adam was all too anxious to show them how when he fastened the stearing wheel to the computer table and plugged in the gas pedal and stearing wheel to the computer.

They were kind enough to let Jane go first and when she did she proved to be good at the game but eventually she went end over end and rolling the truck after completing several amazing jumps. Now it was Rick's turn, he was an expert at Monster Truck Madness 2, his favorite game, but now they were trying out Monster Truck Madness 3. "It looks exciting and a much anticipated improvement over Madness 2," but Rick had problems from the get-go from the fact that Rick is too short to use the pedals and steering wheel as the other two had used it. So Rick stood up with one foot on the gas pedal of which left him off balance and catching himself with the stearing wheel was hazardous because it was only attached with a wing nut.

So Rick thought he should stop for a moment, since it was a game and he was a shorty, he duct taped some blocks of wood to his shoes and now he could reach the pedals and he fixed the steering wheel with one of Jane's hairpins; he said "lets carry on," with a grin on his face. But the hairpin failed and the wingnut slipped and poor Rick went tumbling backward into the bosom position of Jane sitting on the chesterfield. Rick was a fighter and an improvisor he wasn't going to let nothing no some break downs stop him, show he went to the boyz shed found some toys and nuts, had a Budweiser and now clear in the head, was more determined than ever to show his stuff with the new game. He jury rigged the steering wheel so that it was more stable and started having fun with the game as it was catch-up time now. Unfortunately his video game skills were not as good as his volleyball skills, so he still came in last, but he still had fun and went to bed happy and wondering deeply what the future held for him.

Could he be a Nascar car race driver? Not! For he needed a pillow under him just to see through the steering wheel much less over it. Nevertheless his next video game purchase was now decided. "Monster Truck Madness 3, when will it be out in stores?" he queried. So keen Rick Googled and found in the next 2 months the delivery of the Monster Trucks would be out. So he found the Swamp people and asked if he could learn a new sport - hunting gators for a thrill, he was small enough, but strong & he knew he wouldn't sink the tiny swamp boat. After researching the possibility of findng a gater in Hell, MI, he decided to concentrate his time in the ministry finding a new Bible Study.


Meanwhile, Adam suggested the three of them take up ice fishing, but Rick replied that he wouldn't even consider it until Hell freezes over. While waiting for Hell to freeze over, they decided to get all the equipment they would need and to practice ice fishing - what a sight that was! Rick and Adam went out on the boat as Hell had not yet frozen over and caught a twenty-two pound Bass. It took both of them to pull in this world class Bass. Their knees where shaking, their backs were aching but they weren't gonna let this whooper put their man hoods to shame but the problem was that they forgot to bring a net so they had to drag the fish to shore where in the fun began. Rick the improvisor grabbed his spare towel and wrapped it around the fish and used the towel to wench the fish out. Adam said awesome team work buddy. They where stoked.

The guys at the nearby bait & tackle store saw it and told everyone and pretty soon all Hell broke loose and came to see the bass; would it set the world record? "Nearly" says Boss ScGags "well you did very well, you've certainly earn't some coldies on the house." "How about a round of coldies for all" said Jessie the Duke. This fish was so beautiful they decided to put it back into the water instead of eating it. But Jane showed up, camera in hand, as they were putting the big bass into the water and shouted "STOP, we need a picture first otherwise it's just a big fish story." Just as she snapped the picture, the fished slid into the water - thankful it had not been eaten. Adam had second thoughts about returning the fish but Rick assured him that it was the right thing to do and besides because of its age, it probably would not have tasted very good anyway.

Even though it turned out to be not a new world record, the town decided to print up a story in its newspaper, the Hell Gazette, with Jane's picture of the fish and Rick and Adam with their coldies, with the title, "Hell's Largest Bass Ever Caught". So here was Rickie captured with the best smile a happy man could ever display. Jane had captured this forever memorable moment, one legendary chin wag to pass on to her grand kids sitting by a campfire and a bag of toasted marshmallows. Adam was disappointed that the newspaper had chosen a photo that didn't include him since he helped in the catch but it didn't diminish his since of pride in the catch.

At that evening's meeting, Rick promised the rest of the body of elders that from then on he would shave before his picture is taken and published in the newspaper. Because that who loves his job shaves before going to work; that, who loves his wife shaves before going to bed, but those who shave before going to the Kingdom Hall love the brothers there and Jehovah.

--A Difficult Workday--

The next day Rick had to go to his job as a pilot and he got up early in the morning, had a rushed breakfast and headed out the door to the car but wouldn't you know it, the battery was dead. Rick immediately looked under the hood and saw the cables to the spark plugs had been taken off and the battery well a rat had chewed it so acid had leaked, he called the cab and said to Jane "don't worry babe I be back to get the car fixed."

Well, she had not heard from him all day and it was several hours past the time he usually gets home so she began to text some his co-workers but wasn't sure who he was flying with that day. "Surely just one would text me back, but alas nothing." Then she began to pace the floor, and decided prayer would be better for her. She no longer got the Amen out and the phone rang and rang and rang as she was fearful of picking up because "Hellooooo!!! my sweety I'm in the hospital have a broken Collar bone, and a fractured sternum the Cab got hit by a supersonic light so I never was able to fly out on the plane so when you can, come on over to the hospital and take me home!" Jane's fear was realized but not to the extent it could have been so she called Adam to help her get to the hospital.

Jane and Adam had quite the surprise when they saw poor Rick - there was no way he was coming home today! Disappointed as they were, they both settled in for the night, Jane in the bedside recliner and Adam on the waiting room chesterfield.

One of the nurses recognized Adam from one of his previous stays in the hospital...

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Rick ears perked up and a smile wiped across his face as he could hear coming up the hallway, as yet some distance away, the crumegeonally yet loveable voice of an ole friend, John the Circuit Overseer.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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