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Friday, March 16 The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword.​—Heb. 4:12.

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"Even experienced servants of God need encouragement."

Reminds me of this study Watchtower I really enjoyed "Keep On Encouraging One another Each Day"


Jehovah also sent an angel to strengthen Jesus when he was in anguish on the night before his death. (Luke 22:43)


Edit: That was the quoted watchtower anyway.. but still a lovely point :):P 

Edited by Paddle
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Tuesday, February 20

I will show you the judgment on the great prostitute who sits on many waters.—Rev. 17:1.

The Bible Students understood that it was not enough for them to inform relatives, close friends, and church members of their stand on false religion. The whole world needed to see Babylon the Great for what it is—a religious prostitute! Accordingly, between December 1917 and early 1918, the few thousand Bible Students zealously distributed 10,000,000 copies of a tract featuring the subject “The Fall of Babylon”—a hard-hitting indictment of Christendom. As you can imagine, the clergy were furious; but undeterred, the Bible Students kept right on with this important work. They were determined to obey “God as ruler rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) What can we conclude? That far from becoming enslaved to Babylon the Great during the war, these Christian men and women were breaking free from its influence and were helping others to do so. w16.11 5:2, 4

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Wednesday, February 21

Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the spirit, on the things of the spirit.—Rom. 8:5.

Some might imagine that this is a contrast between those who are not in the truth and those who are, between those who are not Christians and those who are. However, Paul was writing to “those who are in Rome as God’s beloved ones, called to be holy ones.” (Rom. 1:7) Thus, Paul was contrasting Christians who walked according to the flesh with Christians who walked according to the spirit. He linked “living according to the flesh” with “the sinful passions” that were then “at work in [their] bodies.” (Rom. 7:5) So when speaking of those who “set their minds on the things of the flesh,” Paul was referring to people who are ruled by or focused on their desires and leanings as imperfect humans. In the main, these are ones who follow their cravings, impulses, and passions, whether sexual or otherwise. w16.12 2:5, 7

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Thursday, February 22

Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned.—Ps. 32:1.

Some anxiety may be caused by a person’s past actions or failings. At times, King David felt that his ‘errors loomed over his head.’ He admitted: “My anguished heart makes me groan aloud.” (Ps. 38:3, 4, 8, 18) In that situation, what was the wise thing for David to do? What did he do? He trusted in Jehovah’s mercy and forgiveness. (Ps. 32:2, 3, 5) At other times, you may become anxious about the present. For instance, when David wrote Psalm 55, he feared for his life. (Ps. 55:2-5) Nevertheless, he did not allow anxiety to destroy his confidence in Jehovah. David made his problems a subject of fervent prayer, but he also understood the value of taking practical steps to deal with the cause of the anxiety. (2 Sam. 15:30-34) Learn a lesson from David. Instead of allowing anxiety to overwhelm you, take what steps you can to deal with the situation and then confidently leave matters in Jehovah’s hands. w16.12 3:14, 15

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Friday, February 23

I have sinned against Jehovah.—2 Sam. 12:13.

David accepted correction from Jehovah’s representative, the prophet Nathan. David also prayed to Jehovah, confessing his sins and expressing a sincere desire to be restored to Jehovah’s favor. (Ps. 51:1-17) Instead of being paralyzed by guilt, David learned from his mistakes. Indeed, he never repeated those serious sins. Years later, he died faithful, his record of integrity firmly sealed in Jehovah’s memory. (Heb. 11:32-34) What can we learn from David’s example? If we fall into serious sin, we need to repent sincerely and seek Jehovah’s forgiveness. We must confess our sins to him. (1 John 1:9) We also need to approach the elders, who can offer us spiritual help. (Jas. 5:14-16) By availing ourselves of Jehovah’s arrangements, we show that we trust in his promise to heal and forgive us. Thereafter, we do well to learn from our mistakes, move forward in our service to Jehovah, and look to the future with confidence.—Heb. 12:12, 13. w17.01 1:13, 14

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Saturday, February 24

Hold your servant back from presumptuous acts.—Ps. 19:13.

What are “presumptuous acts”? By definition, when someone rashly or impertinently does something that he is not authorized to do, he is acting presumptuously. Because of inherited sin, we all act presumptuously at times. But as King Saul’s example illustrates, if we develop a pattern of pushing ahead, sooner or later we will find ourselves in serious trouble with God. Psalm 119:21 says of Jehovah: “You rebuke the presumptuous.” Why is that? Presumptuous acts are more serious than innocent mistakes. First, when we act immodestly, we fail to honor Jehovah as our rightful Sovereign. Second, if we act beyond the scope of our authority, we are likely to get into conflict with others. (Prov. 13:10) And third, when it becomes clear that we have acted presumptuously, we may be embarrassed or even humiliated. (Luke 14:8, 9) Presumptuous acts do not turn out well. As the Scriptures show, modesty is always the right course. w17.01 3:4, 5

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Sunday, February 25

They are the ones who have acted corruptly. They are not his children, the defect is their own.—Deut. 32:5.

No longer perfect, Adam could not reflect God’s qualities perfectly. He not only lost a marvelous future for himself but also handed down to his children imperfection, sin, and death. (Rom. 5:12) He deprived his offspring of the prospect of life without end. Furthermore, Adam and Eve could no longer have a perfect child; neither could any of their children have a perfect child. After turning Adam and Eve away from God, Satan the Devil has continued to mislead mankind until today. (John 8:44) God’s love for humans, however, endures. Despite Adam and Eve’s rebellion, Jehovah wants mankind to enjoy a good relationship with him. He does not desire any to die. (2 Pet. 3:9) So right after the rebellion, God made arrangements to enable humans to restore their friendship with him while he at the same time maintained his own righteous standards.—John 3:16. w17.02 1:12-14

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Monday, February 26

Wisdom belongs to those who seek advice.—Prov. 13:10.

Appreciation for our role in Jehovah’s service will grow as we, in imitation of our God, look for the good in others. Instead of seeking the spotlight or always stepping in to take over, we will more often find ourselves modestly seeking the advice of others and yielding to their suggestions. We will rejoice with them when they receive privileges. And we will praise Jehovah as we see how he blesses “the entire association of [our] brothers in the world.” (1 Pet. 5:9) Also, we will develop good judgment by modestly learning to see things from Jehovah’s viewpoint. Through regular study, prayer, and application of what we learn, we can gradually strengthen our conscience. (1 Tim. 1:5) We learn to put others first. If we do our part, Jehovah promises that he will ‘finish our training,’ helping us to develop modesty and other godly qualities.—1 Pet. 5:10. w17.01 4:17, 18

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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"Also, we will develop good judgment by modestly learning to see things from Jehovah’s viewpoint. Through regular study, prayer, and application of what we learn, we can gradually strengthen our conscience.  (1 Timothy 1:5) )"


Everyday we fall short of these important reminders! Oh how Jehovah servants love him and strive so hard 

to follow through - we are admonished many times and fall short - but Jehovah servants keep striving forward. 

I am having issues with family members - and fall short over and over again...trying to keep up with 

prayers to Jehovah for patience and guidance.   When we see some issues - not looking at the person,

but when you see the person "see Jehovah." as we adhere to scriptural advice.   It is early am for me...please excuse

Edited by CyreJay
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Today's text mentions "modestly" or "modesty" three times. It's all about modesty, which requires humility, and is the opposite of presumptuousness. Modesty is an indication of wisdom.


"When presumptuousness comes, dishonor will follow, But wisdom is with the modest ones." --- Proverbs 11:2


"6 Modesty and humility are closely linked traits. In the Bible, humility refers to being free from pride or arrogance. It is described as “lowliness of mind.” (Phil. 2:3, ftn.) A humble person is generally also a modest person, able to estimate accurately his own abilities and achievements, to acknowledge his mistakes, and to accept suggestions and new ideas. Humility greatly pleases Jehovah."

"7 In the Bible, modesty similarly refers to having a proper estimate of ourselves and an awareness of our limitations. In the original language of the text, the emphasis seems to be on how that awareness should affect our behavior toward others."

"8 When might we start to think or act immodestly? Consider a few of the warning signs. We might be taking ourselves or our privileges too seriously. (Rom. 12:16) We might be drawing attention to ourselves in inappropriate ways. (1 Tim. 2:9, 10) Or we might be advocating strong opinions solely on the basis of our position, connections, or personal thinking. (1 Cor. 4:6) Often, when we act like this, we may not even be aware that we have crossed the line from modesty to presumptuousness." --- w17.01 18:6-8



"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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