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We have 2 RVS 1 that others gave up on as non progressive.  The other that  we were  told we shouldn't  study  with due to being not living  in our territory. ..

Bussness  preaching

One man had this huge  dictionary   and reading  it .

I told him I have a better  book for him and showed  him the bible  on my phone. .. the reply was ...... i want  thst on my phone  ..can you put if there ..so yes we put jw.org on his phone  lol drained all.my data .....but it ended  in a regular  study ..

This man asked every conceivable  question about jehovah  organization  from how we work with out pay to the elders and disfellowshiping.

He wanted to know  everything. 

Every  time it was study day  we had a 100 questions  as he had been pre studying  thd puplicaion. 

He realized  that Jehovah  ask us to tell of the good news ..ans ask for tracts  at his place of employment   to tell others  of what he him self   has learnt. 

He attends meeting  and now wants to go on the minitry school ..he has said all along  ..I want to be one of you people.  This was all with in a few months  of 2 studies  a week. And now progressing spiritually well.




One lady had been studying  for some time  with others but they had stopped  as they could not see any  progress  ....the importance of being regular ...we took over this study  ..she had a few issues  but progressively we worked them  out  ..buf she was still not sure  .until  her husband  who  had been on the side lines was listening  to all the studies  and joined in on the studies.

She was in the apastolic  and invite  me to her memorial  ..

We had already  talked  about association  and the effects  .

We told her that by this time she well new I wouldn't  go and again  said ..jehovah requires us  not to associate  with the things  that thd bible clearly say is not acceptable. 

We were serprised  when her husband  announced to his wife  ..you need to change you life !!!!!!!

She  and husband came to our memorial  and attended   thd curcit  assembly  and continue  to progress 








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I enjoy a great experience also. 


As an elder and Pioneer, however, I feel the need to point out that "Home Bible Studies" are a part of the organized worship of the congregation.  These activities fall under the auspices of the Service Committee (especially the Service Overseer).  When a study is about to be stopped, a publisher should consult the SO.  If it is agreed that it should stop, the SO makes a note of this in the records.  No one is supposed to restart a "stopped" study without consulting the SO for directions (not even the person who stopped it).


We have had different ones place literature in the territory and want to help the householder progress to a study.  Someone will point out that it used to be Sister X's study some time before.  Our new publisher feels that if she isn't studying now, it is OK for the study to begin again.  But we need to check with the brothers having oversight of this. This was stressed very strongly in our Pioneer School, everything by arrangement and respecting God's Organization. Since these are congregational meeting, they need direction.  Just a reminder....☺️

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1 hour ago, jwhess said:

I enjoy a great experience also. 


As an elder and Pioneer, however, I feel the need to point out that "Home Bible Studies" are a part of the organized worship of the congregation.  These activities fall under the auspices of the Service Committee (especially the Service Overseer).  When a study is about to be stopped, a publisher should consult the SO.  If it is agreed that it should stop, the SO makes a note of this in the records.  No one is supposed to restart a "stopped" study without consulting the SO for directions (not even the person who stopped it).



It sounds to me like you are discussing the old Bible Study Servant. He did keep records of all Bible study activity. In those days we did turn in a monthly study report with comments and number of times the study was conducted. These activities are not currently the purview of the Service Committee or the Service Overseer.

Service Committee, at according to current instructions (See information for elders, page 22, Para. 19,20) 

In the listing of Service Overseers (See page 20, para. 17 and 18) such responsibilities as you address above, though noble, are not cited. Please correct me if I am overlooking something.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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1 hour ago, Old said:

It sounds to me like you are discussing the old Bible Study Servant. He did keep records of all Bible study activity. In those days we did turn in a monthly study report with comments and number of times the study was conducted. These activities are not currently the purview of the Service Committee or the Service Overseer.

Service Committee, at according to current instructions (See information for elders, page 22, Para. 19,20) 

In the listing of Service Overseers (See page 20, para. 17 and 18) such responsibilities as you address above, though noble, are not cited. Please correct me if I am overlooking something.

See my PM.  Thanks.

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On 5/9/2018 at 3:22 PM, jwhess said:

I enjoy a great experience also. 


As an elder and Pioneer, however, I feel the need to point out that "Home Bible Studies" are a part of the organized worship of the congregation.  These activities fall under the auspices of the Service Committee (especially the Service Overseer).  When a study is about to be stopped, a publisher should consult the SO.  If it is agreed that it should stop, the SO makes a note of this in the records.  No one is supposed to restart a "stopped" study without consulting the SO for directions (not even the person who stopped it).


We have had different ones place literature in the territory and want to help the householder progress to a study.  Someone will point out that it used to be Sister X's study some time before.  Our new publisher feels that if she isn't studying now, it is OK for the study to begin again.  But we need to check with the brothers having oversight of this. This was stressed very strongly in our Pioneer School, everything by arrangement and respecting God's Organization. Since these are congregational meeting, they need direction.  Just a reminder....☺️

This is something  I did not know  bro 

Is there any written information  on this please 

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