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1500 Year old Bible in Turkey Written in Syriac Aramaic.

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Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

The Huffington Post | By Laura Hibbard

The Bible of William Hannay of Tundergarth, Dumfriesshire. No Photos of the Turkish Bible are available at this time.

The Vatican has allegedly issued an official request to examine a 1,500-year-old Bible that has been held in Turkey for the past 12 years, the Hurriyet Daily News reports.

The Bible reportedly contains early teachings of Jesus Christ and is written in gold lettering on animal hide in Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, which was the native tongue of Jesus.

According to a report by National Turk, the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives.

Today's Zaman reports that the Bible is under high security and that a Turkish daily newspaper, the Star, claims the book could be a copy of the Gospel of Barnahas -- a controversial text which Muslims claim is an addition to the original gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- that was suppressed.

In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

Due to its value as a cultural and religious artifact, even photocopies of the pages could be worth between 3 and 4 million Turkish Lira, or about 1,703,233 U.S. dollars.


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In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Vatican has allegedly issued an official request to examine a 1,500-year-old Bible that has been held in Turkey for the past 12 years, the Hurriyet Daily News reports.

I agree...lets have this Bible examined...because I do not think many people of any faith...must think it is real!

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Turkish daily newspaper, the Star, claims the book could be a copy of the Gospel of Barnahas -- a controversial text which Muslims claim is an addition to the original gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- that was suppressed.

Muslim newspaper... hahaha.

The gospel of Barnabas is a famous fraud.

But this is a very interesting news.

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What a plagiarised conglomeration of Spanish/Italian language style writing and Medieval European philosophy/Muslim thinking of the 1400's in the guise of a gospel of a man who was never one of the 12 apostles anyway this is!!:perplexed::?

So the book in the picture cannot be the so-called 'gospel of Barnabas'.Therefore, what is this book that is supposedly written in Aramaic and supposedly dating to much earlier than 1400's and in such good condition for it's so-called age? It needs further investigation.

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The 1500 year Bible in question would be an earlier edition that substantiates a myth of wether Jesus foretold the coming of "the prophet" Mohammed. This is a part of more false teachings and apostasy that riddle the world. Mohammed was born in the year 570 AD and was witnessed/preached to by an already apostasy filled Christianity. Upon that witnessing the orphan Mohammed whom was a part of a nomadic tribe. After learning of Jesus he retreated to the mountains whereby he said "he was visited in the year 610AD by the angel Gabriel and was shown heaven and hell and so on".

He went on to further sully the teachings of Jesus with more apostasy than the catholic church by adding a new set of lies and interjected himself blasphemously and sacrilegiously into a self promotion campaign to insight his own idolatry by proclaiming himself a prophet. He proved himself a liar by savage and bloody war campaigns and the accumulation of riches, certainly not the actions of a true prophet, until his death in 632 AD.

Smith did the same with the Mormons, Mary baker Eddy with Christian Science, Ron L. Hubbard with Scientology, and so on. Satan's handy work no doubt in order to cloud the MIGHTY truth of salvation which is only and exclusively available through Jesus Christ. The coming of the Messiah, as we all know, was foretold clearly throughout the entire first OLD testament as the bringer of the definitive solution to sin and death. Now, this 1500 year old Bible pops up, the pope wants it in order to study. The whole mystery and allusion of the Bible's existence is Satan's handy work and another stall tactic to attempt to halt his destined and foretold demise. /size]

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PS: He owned slaves, he had 13 wives. Consummated a marriage with a 9 year old girl. He was considered an ominous destroyer and Mohammed was labeled a PROPHET OF MURDER.

Owning a slave is not that bad. Slavery was ok at that time, practiced and legalised in Israel in the Ancient times. Salomon had a 100 wives. More evidence are showing that in the past, woman were marrying really young. 9 years old may be too young but who knows and Jesus was labeled with bad names also.

Let's stop this Propaganda. I do not believe in Mohammed but trying to put him down like that is not the way.

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PS: He owned slaves, he had 13 wives. Consummated a marriage with a 9 year old girl. He was considered an ominous destroyer and Mohammed was labeled a PROPHET OF MURDER.

Owning a slave is not that bad. Slavery was ok at that time, practiced and legalised in Israel in the Ancient times. Salomon had a 100 wives. More evidence are showing that in the past, woman were marrying really young. 9 years old may be too young but who knows and Jesus was labeled with bad names also.

Let's stop this Propaganda. I do not believe in Mohammed but trying to put him down like that is not the way.

Yes, lets just stick with false prophet for now and let Jehovah sort out the rest.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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PS: He owned slaves, he had 13 wives. Consummated a marriage with a 9 year old girl. He was considered an ominous destroyer and Mohammed was labeled a PROPHET OF MURDER.

Owning a slave is not that bad. Slavery was ok at that time, practiced and legalised in Israel in the Ancient times. Salomon had a 1000 wives. More evidence are showing that in the past, woman were marrying really young. 9 years old may be too young but who knows and Jesus was labeled with bad names also.

Let's stop this Propaganda. I do not believe in Mohammed but trying to put him down like that is not the way.

Yes, lets just stick with false prophet for now and let Jehovah sort out the rest.

Thank you very much for agreeing with me!!! People always jump unto conclusions when they do not consider that the same arguments can be used against them. HE WAS A FALSE PROPHET and that is it!!!!

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Dear Brothers Angel and Jerry, I was merely quoting wikepedia. None of what I said was an opinion but a historical fact found in all literature, history books, the Quran and the internet. The point I tried to make with slaves, wives and etc. was that Jesus would not speak of a prophet Mohammed's coming with wonderful enthusiasm and that he could not be a prophet of JEHOVAH possessing all the qualities Jehovah and Jesus him self condemned. We are talking the qualities of a prophet of God. Shouldn't we know what to say in field service to a Muslim in case they ask: wasn't Mohammed a prophet of God? Shouldn't we explain that the actions of a Prophet of God would be more god-like and wouldn't this prophet be living in strict imitation of the righteous standards that we know our Heavenly Father demands? Would Jesus have endorsed this prophet as is suspected in the 1500 year old Bible? Im not mohammed bashing for the sake of it. Im simply saying it is not possible that a man like this could have been Biblically endorsed or sent by God. Angel, I have never known that Jesus was ever named or called a Blood Prophet, or been accused of owning slaves, polygamist or started wars,lead people to battle and killed people as HISTORY and common knowledge shows about Mohammed. So, I don't know that the defense that Jesus was also accused of and labeled bad names is a little off based simplistic. .

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Although it is good to know those things about Mohammad, I personally think we would get further with a Muslim by trying to find common ground. I have spoken to only one in my entire life and that didn't go very well as the gentleman was quite argumentative.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Dear Brother Moises,

As well as i understand that you wanted to inform about Mohammed, you did not specifically stated it. As you laid it out, it was nothing more than bashing, it did not sound instructive. Sorry, if i misunderstood you. However, right at the end, you could not help but coming unto Jesus which was presented here as a mere example. The point of the Jesus' example was that even good people turned to be labeled with bad names ( i am not saying that Mohammed is good). As i was saying, the same information that you presented could be easily turned against you. Some prophets of Jehovah had been involved in killing also (mostly indirectly) and any atheist would tell you as much. Should they be labeled Prophets of blood? However, considering that Mohammed was doing things that became banned after the coming of Jesus, your information are useful in laying the lie of his Holiness. There i join you and command you. However, if you were to lay those information without any context to anybody else, i assure you brother that you will receive more outrageous responses than the ones you have found here.

May you stay in Jehovah Protection.

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I realize that I could have made my point better. I certainly did not care to qualify Mohammed as good or bad. My intention was not to judge him but to say thatt by Mohammed's actions he could not be a Prophet of God. He and his movement of Islam is the biggest apostasy that has ever lived and certainly proved to hurt not help the cause for which Jesus and his apostles had tried to cement. He is the reason why we don't see more witnesses in the middle east. Information and knowledge of these things is what we are ALL ABOUT. To not be prepared for the event whereby you might have a chance through this life saving work of preaching or to speak to a muslim by knowing their beliefs and how they have been misled is something that can only help. I'm not saying we should greet muslim people with this type of information but to be prepared to have a conversation and answer questions is not a bad thing. By the way, Mohammed was a war monger not just a killer. Angelo you act like Im attempting to spread idle gossip about Mohammed. THIS IS HIS LEGACY. The Muslims ALL revere him for everything in HISTORY BOOKS ABOUT HIM. Every read person knows. These things are not a secret hence the suicide bomber. He is not a PROPHET BY HIS ACTIONS.

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Lynn. my favorite elder and a dear pioneer of my congregation a very zealous man was at the precipice of becoming a muslim. Now he thanks Jehovah every day that he was pulled out and in to the truth by the skin of his teeth.It was done by him knowing and learning that he was about to decide on what and whom he was going to follow for the rest of his life Mohammed or Jesus. Because he saw and was shown that Mohammed could not be a prophet of God by his actions he chose Jesus. I cant even imagine what my KH would be without this very wise and caring brother.

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We're kinda getting off track topic here, people, and it's not looking pretty.

Lets think before we speak since people are starting to get agitated. We all agree Mohammed was a false prophet and that Islam is not the way to the Kingdom. Maybe we should leave it at that and return to the topic at hand, which is this antique manuscript.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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And we have one member here who witnesses extensively to those in Muslim territory. If you have those same opportunities before you, then perhaps PM Daniel Metz for some witnessing tips and tricks.

And let this topic be about the manuscript, not about Mohammed.


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I have to say that any writings from that time period are a score, any bit of history is in my opinion - they are a piece of the puzzle to fit things together with. Those of the Muslim faith believe that there was a book after the gospels and that it was suppressed. It could very well be that this writing says exactly the opposite of what they believe and could wield a killing blow to some of the current beliefs that are being held.

It seems to me that some archaeological finds can be a 'crying out of the stones' as it were. Granted this one was securely held for 12 years in Turkey......what did they have to hide?

Often I see Jehovah providing us/or those who will belong to him eventually, evidence to prove to themselves that He himself is the only one we should be looking to. Once that mindset is acquired, acknowledging that Jesus was sent by Jehovah becomes an easier pill to swallow for those who may have been taught from birth that Mohammed was the focal point. Some of us need more convincing than others.

I don't know whether it will be the case here, but I do know that someone telling me that Christ was tortured and hung up on a stake/tree as opposed to a cross like I had always believed, wasn't quite as effective as standing in the British Natural History Museum and seeing a carving of a 'saint' impaled on a tree from the 15th/16th century.....it spoke volumes to me, namely that the cross story was a sham, and that the stake/tree was the truer form of what had happened.

Additionally, reading the foreword of a bible stating that Jehovah's name had been removed from the bible, was less impacting than seeing it repeated over and over in one of the bibles from centuries prior - I want them to investigate these writings.

I have to say I'm kind of leery about the Vatican doing so. I truly don't trust that they will be honest. If anything it should be examined by a historian who is unbiased.

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It seems to me that some archaeological finds can be a 'crying out of the stones' as it were. Granted this one was securely held for 12 years in Turkey......what did they have to hide?

They may not have had ulterior motives for hiding the antiquity. Regions of Turkey are not safe due to civil unrest. Hiding the manuscript may have been for its own safety.


Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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