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"Covid: Rich states 'block' vaccine plans for developing nations"

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Wealthy countries - including the UK - are blocking proposals to help developing nations increase their vaccine manufacturing capabilities, documents leaked to BBC Newsnight show.


Many experts say equitable access to vaccines is essential to prevent cases and deaths and to contribute to global population immunity. But the global capacity for producing vaccines is about a third of what is needed, says Ellen t'Hoen, an expert in medicines policy and intellectual property law. These are vaccines that are produced in wealthy countries and are in general kept by those wealthy countries.


"Developing nations are saying we need to have a share of the pie, not only the share of the vaccines, but also the share of the right to produce these vaccines", she adds.

Seems greed is at it again. Always a profit to be made somewhere.

Edited by EccentricM
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It's being sold at cost to those countries that can't really afford it. What that means in practice, who knows. Just not all about greed.. 

It should be allowed to be manufactured by them if possible though. It is what it is.


The coronavirus vaccine produced by Oxford University and AstraZeneca will be available on a non-profit basis “in perpetuity” to low- and middle-income countries in the developing world.



Edited by Mykyl
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6 hours ago, EccentricM said:



Seems greed is at it again. Always a profit to be made somewhere.

I'm not taking the side of the drug companies by any means, but this is satan's system and it isn't always as easy as just giving over the patents so poorer countries can manufacture their own.  That's never going to happen because it erodes the drug companies' ability to profit (they are businesses after all), and they have put in a lot of money over the years to research these drugs and need to see the payback (however obscene that is - remember satan isn't fair).


From the article:

"But the drug industry argues that eroding patents would hinder its ability to invest in future treatments for Covid and other illnesses.


"Eliminating those protections would undermine the global response to the pandemic," they wrote, including ongoing efforts to tackle new variants.

It would also create confusion that could potentially undermine public confidence in vaccine safety, and create a barrier to information sharing, the representatives said.

"Most importantly, eliminating protections would not speed up production," they added.


Others agree. Anne Moore, an expert in vaccine immunology, worries about what impact undermining patents will have on future research.

"Over time we see fewer and fewer organisations and commercial companies being in the vaccine field because there's so little return on it," she says.

Drug companies point out they have also donated financially and given medicines to help tackle the pandemic."


So, as we already know, this system is too entangled to be able to solve this or any other problem.  One "solution" creates problems somewhere else.  Of course it would be fairer and morally right to allow poorer countries to manufacture their own supplies.  That just isn't realistic in satan's world.  

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10 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Of course it would be fairer and morally right to allow poorer countries to manufacture their own supplies.


Of course, there is the question that, if the country is "poorer" can they even manufacture said vaccine safely? Think about the ramifications if one of the poorer companies did not follow (or were unable to follow) proper safety protocols while manufacturing the vaccine and people died. It would not be the "poor country" that would be blasted in the news - it would be the manufacturer of the vaccine, undermining the confidence in their vaccine in places where it is being manufactured safely.


I'm sure there are other valid concerns that are practical and reasonable - not just the financial gain/loss of "sharing their patent" 


Like @hatcheckgirl says, this is Satan's system - there are no real solutions. The only sure cure is Jehovah's Kingdom.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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