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2 hours ago, Hope said:

So Jehovah knows what we can bear and what we can’t.  He didn’t prevent what was coming but he protected us spiritually . He had his organization give us G.B. updates regularly to keep us informed and reminders for staying safe.


Thank you Jehovah for sparing us unnecessary anxiety.

“I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now.”
John 16:12

I especially like this last part of the post about how we should recognize that during this pandemic, our loving Father “protected us spiritually” and also how Jehovah spared us “unnecessary anxiety”. So I would add that Jehovah also protected us in another very compassionate and loving way, emotionally!


Anxiety and stress is bad enough, but when anxiety and stress are so very high and the world around us has been in panic, losing their jobs, losing their businesses, frantically buying all the wipes, toilet paper, etc, we needed help both spiritually and even emotionally. So Jehovah calmed us, soothed us, like a loving father holds his frightened baby and then also gives the baby some warm “milk” to sooth him/her, our Father soothed us by giving us “milk” and even a personal body”guard” for each of us!


(Isaiah 60:16)

 And you will actually drink the milk of nations,
At the breast of kings you will nurse;
And you will certainly know that I, Jehovah, am your Savior,


*** ip-2 chap. 21 p. 316 par. 21 True Worship Expands Worldwide ***
 His people have sucked “the milk of nations,” using resources from the nations for the advancement of true worship.


(Philippians 4:7)

 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.

(Study Notes)

will guard: 

The Greek verb for “guard” is a military expression. The literal idea could refer to a sentry or to a garrison of troops that was assigned to guard a fortified city. (2Co 11:32) Here and elsewhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures, it is used metaphorically. (Ga 3:23; 1Pe 1:5) Philippi was a military city. The inhabitants of Philippi slept peacefully, knowing that soldiers were guarding the gates of their city. In a similar manner, faithful Christians have “the peace of God” guarding their hearts and minds, so that they enjoy peace of mind and spiritual security. They know that Jehovah cares for them and wants them to succeed. (Ps 4:8;145:18; 1Co 10:13; 1Pe 5:10) That knowledge guards them from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety or discouragement.—See study note on the peace of God in this verse.

So thanks Uani for starting this topic, our Father is so very deserving of love and praise from us for how during these severely critical times He has compassionately cared for us both SPIRITUALLY and EMOTIONALLY❤️


Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Adding to the OP:


Meeting attendance is UP.

More publishers reactivated.

Regional Convention made available in our homes at our convenience.  Hopefully it will stay that way !

And a brand new Bible Study program introduced with a new, interactive, publication.


"Look!  My servants will eat, but you will go hungry.

 Look!  My servants will drink, but you will go thirsty.

 Look!  My servants will rejoice, but you will suffer shame."   Isaiah 65:13

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@Hope I received this through a text message today as well. It was very encouraging. My favorite part is when it said “there is a reason Jehovah doesn’t give us all of the details of Armageddon ahead of time.”

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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On 6/4/2021 at 5:33 AM, Hope said:

We never missed a meeting, a Memorial, a C.A. a Convention.
We didn’t miss a month without reporting our field service.
Never missed a circuit overseer’s visit.
Elders never missed their elder’s meetings.
Even pioneer schools got re-scheduled on Zoom.
Never had to cancel our Bible studies.
Never missed a monthly broadcast, just to name a few.

So Jehovah knows what we can bear and what we can’t.  He didn’t prevent what was coming but he protected us spiritually . He had his organization give us G.B. updates regularly to keep us informed and reminders for staying safe.

I am so happy if I think about the JEHOVAH 


Thanks jehovah dad! 

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