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  On 8/15/2022 at 4:02 PM, Bruceq said:



We offer over 1000 books, over 200 photos and many other historical writings as well as Biblical Museum artifacts and many original items that are related to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and Jehovah's Witnesses. We have had happy and satisfied customers from every corner of the earth including countries under ban or restrictions as well as many Bethel Branches and members at World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Feel free to browse our selections and ask any questions.

WatchtowerArchive is a Star seller on Etsy with 100% positive feedback on eBay, and have been a seller for over 20 years.


Just to point you into the right direction this is direction from the Kingdom Ministry June 1977 Question Box:


*** km 6/77 p. 4 Question Box ***
So it is best not to exploit theocratic associations by either initiating or advertising the sale of any goods or services for commercial advantage in the Kingdom Hall, at congregation book studies and at assemblies of Jehovah’s people. This will aid us to give spiritual interests the full attention they deserve and to keep commercial activity in its proper place.


While your business does not take place at theocratic events, you still have to ask yourself the question do I use theocratic contacts for business purposes? It is not a good optic when on a site that has as its primary purpose to build each other up in love and encourage one another to offer historical items for sale.


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Just to add to my prior comment here is a later reference that hopefully will help you to find an answer to the question I posed.


*** w84 7/1 p. 25 Greed Can Be Deadly ***
Christian Contacts
A number of sales organizations encourage their representatives to view everyone they know as a prospective customer—including those in their church. Fellow believers become a natural market for whatever is being sold. This is one trick the selling business uses to expand its base of customers. But would a true Christian want to take commercial advantage of his Christian contacts, his brothers and sisters in the faith?—1 Corinthians 10:23, 24, 31-33.

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  On 8/16/2022 at 12:14 AM, More4me2do said:

Fellow believers become a natural market for whatever is being sold. This is one trick the selling business uses to expand its base of customers. But would a true Christian want to take commercial advantage of his Christian contacts, his brothers and sisters in the faith?


What about Stoops, Madzay, and the various Book Binders (if these still exist)? Are they not doing the same thing?


I used to be a collector of vintage theocratic items. I would visit a local store called "The Book Seller" that picked up used books from estate sales. Often times I would fine old books from the Russell and Rutherford eras there. I don't bother much anymore, because I never read them anyway and they just take up space. 


I can see the value of being able to find all those collectibles in one convenient place. There are probably very few friends who are actually into collecting these ancient artifacts, lol. Who cares where they get it from?


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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  On 8/16/2022 at 1:06 AM, Brother_Bliss said:

What about Stoops, Madzay, and the various Book Binders (if these still exist)? Are they not doing the same thing?


I used to be a collector of vintage theocratic items. I would visit a local store called "The Book Seller" that picked up used books from estate sales. Often times I would fine old books from the Russell and Rutherford eras there. I don't bother much anymore, because I never read them anyway and they just take up space. 


I can see the value of being able to find all those collectibles in one convenient place. There are probably very few friends who are actually into collecting these ancient artifacts, lol. Who cares where they get it from?


Ministry Ideaz also is mentioned as well as many others in this blog. I have no problem buying from any of these websites as long as it is not at the Kingdom Hall that it is being promoted. Of course No one should dictate to others what their conscience may say to them so I would never say do not do this or that. Also the Divine Name museum at Warwick has purchased both original and facsimile books from other businesses owned by the brothers and some have also donated what they can. If it was wrong for all these brothers and sisters to sell these items then why would brothers at Warwick buy them?

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  On 8/16/2022 at 1:06 AM, Brother_Bliss said:

What about Stoops, Madzay, and the various Book Binders (if these still exist)? Are they not doing the same thing?


Not really, first of all they are not in the sales of collectables, second and I thought you would know better, as the forum title says "websites produced and maintained by other Jehovah’s Witnesses" to best of my knowledge neither of their websites are maintained by JWs, they are legitimate businesses and again as stated in the 1984 article each one of us has to decide to what degree we use our theocratic contacts to generate business and profits. Just because a business does a certain practice will you use that as a justification to do the same?


Now the watchtower archive site sells the "Laodicean Messenger" which is shown in the Warwick museum as a negative example. When Russel died there were those who wanted to perpetuate his legacy and this publication was produced. In the museum there is a circle on the floor stating "What would you have done" and it refers to the time after Russel had died and it is a circle because that is what happens when you follow a man.


Nice going there $140.00 for a copy of a book produced by individuals that perpetuate the following of a person rather then Christ and advertised in this forum. The truth is progressive and spending time in the past over 100 years ago does not strike me as "Making the best use of your time" Eph. 5:16



Edited by More4me2do

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  On 8/16/2022 at 3:50 AM, More4me2do said:

they are legitimate businesses and again as stated in the 1984 article each one of us has to decide to what degree we use our theocratic contacts to generate business and profits.


I view things differently, James. This brother sells old publications and items some JWs might be interested in. The logical place to advertize them is a site where there are many Witnesses but at the same time is not a theocratic event. We're fine with that.


Obviously you disagree with the idea of selling this kind of items, but as you mentioned, "each one of us has to decide to what degree we use our theocratic contacts to generate business". It's ok to express an opinion but we cannot tell others what they have to do.

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"each one of us has to decide to what degree we use our theocratic contacts to generate business" This statement made me think of Jehovah's people in the first century who also had businesses. Like Paul, Joseph,  Jesus. I wonder who there primary customers were? People of their religion or others? Would people have counseled the Apostle Paul on his contacts when selling tents or Jesus when he sold his carpentry items? 

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  On 8/16/2022 at 3:50 AM, More4me2do said:

I thought you would know better, as the forum title says "websites produced and maintained by other Jehovah’s Witnesses" to best of my knowledge neither of their websites are maintained by JWs


I thought it was pretty clear this was @Bruceq's site. He's certainly a Witness.



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Anyways, brother and sisters, I just want to ask if there is someone here who wants to collaborate with me / who wants to post his/her written articles to my website 😅


It's free. But I want a well-written articles if possible 😅 Hehehe .. It is just to lessen/avoid the adjustments in the original articles that they've written, and to makes it easy for me to post it on the website ..


Thank you 😊

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  On 8/16/2022 at 12:36 PM, Brother_Bliss said:

I thought it was pretty clear this was @Bruceq's site. He's certainly a Witness.



Was referring to Stoops & Madzay and not WT archives, sorry if that wasn't clear enough stated.

  On 8/16/2022 at 8:24 AM, carlos said:

I view things differently, James. This brother sells old publications and items some JWs might be interested in. The logical place to advertize them is a site where there are many Witnesses but at the same time is not a theocratic event. We're fine with that.


Obviously you view things differently but I include in my opinion the principle from 1 Cor. 6:12 “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are advantageous”. How can it be advantageous to those we call brothers to sell them for $140 a publication produced by those who perpetuate the adulation of pastor Russel.

  On 8/16/2022 at 10:49 AM, Bruceq said:

Would people have counseled the Apostle Paul on his contacts when selling tents or Jesus when he sold his carpentry items? 


From the same 1984 article:

*** w84 7/1 p. 25 Greed Can Be Deadly ***
The apostle Paul, after spending three years with the congregation in Ephesus, could state with a clear conscience: “I have coveted no man’s silver or gold or apparel.” (Acts 20:33) Not only did Paul refuse to lust after another person’s material possessions but he was also unwilling to use the truth for personal financial gain.


The apostle Paul had a fine tuned conscience and didn't need counsel because he didn't want to stumble anyone nor use his contacts for financial gain or business. Your use of the example of Paul in this discussion is telling, since he refused to give rise to any situation that could stumble anyone.


Paul offered a service and made it available to others who wanted it. Why do you think that most of that memorabilia is not included in the resources available to us "lawful but not advantageous". How will some of the products being none inspired publication and based on the truth known 100 years ago will help us in this trial some time build our faith to pass through the climactic event just ahead of us. Again lawful but not advantageous.

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  On 8/16/2022 at 8:24 AM, carlos said:

I view things differently, James. This brother sells old publications and items some JWs might be interested in. The logical place to advertize them is a site where there are many Witnesses but at the same time is not a theocratic event. We're fine with that.


Obviously you disagree with the idea of selling this kind of items, but as you mentioned, "each one of us has to decide to what degree we use our theocratic contacts to generate business". It's ok to express an opinion but we cannot tell others what they have to do.


I do not wish to argue with certain ones. I will Pursue Peace. Romans 14:19

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My final comment on this and I include an example that is admirable.


The overall governing principle for any Christian is this:

1 Corinthians 10:24
24 Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.


In the 2021 convention "Powerful by Faith" brother Jackson said that theme was chosen because of the catastrophic events that all of us face and we need to build our faith and make it strong. To what advantage is it to our brothers building a strong faith by selling them publications that are outdated truth wise, under the guise of being material for JWs with understanding that is 100 plus years old?


@Jwanon If he uses this to support his Pioneer ministry what does that tell you about his faith in Matt 6:33?


Here is an example worth imitating from a brother that used his own resources to compile 28GB of past publications done by "the society" with originals scanned in as PDF or JPG files and compiled in the Tower Archive. A work of love by a brother passed on for free to those who wanted it. Yes it is not a real book but the PDFs are searchable. Here are his condition and he realized what possibly could happen to his labor of love:


We are pleased to provide the Tower Archives to you at no charge. This Archive has been assembled as a historical archive in accord with U.S. Copyright laws that pertain to archives. As such, Tower Archives is NOT FOR SALE. It is on loan to you for as long as you abide by the terms and conditions listed below. It may be subject to recall at any time. Much work and expense has gone into the creation of Tower Archive and it is copyrighted by Kelly Gillespie. This copyright is essential to prevent third parties from taking Tower Archives and trying to sell or redistribute it.


Lawful YES, Advantageous YES, Looking out for his own interest NO, looking out for the interest of others YES an example worth of imitation YES.


It does have the Laodicean Messenger but under the category Society Related.




Edited by More4me2do

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  On 8/16/2022 at 5:48 PM, More4me2do said:

My final comment on this and I include an example that is admirable.


The overall governing principle for any Christian is this:

1 Corinthians 10:24
24 Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.


In the 2021 convention "Powerful by Faith" brother Jackson said that theme was chosen because of the catastrophic events that all of us face and we need to build our faith and make it strong. To what advantage is it to our brothers building a strong faith by selling them publications that are outdated truth wise, under the guise of being material for JWs with understanding that is 100 plus years old?


@Jwanon If he uses this to support his Pioneer ministry what does that tell you about his faith in Matt 6:33?


Here is an example worth imitating from a brother that used his own resources to compile 28GB of past publications done by "the society" with originals scanned in as PDF or JPG files and compiled in the Tower Archive. A work of love by a brother passed on for free to those who wanted it. Yes it is not a real book but the PDFs are searchable. Here are his condition and he realized what possibly could happen to his labor of love:

Lawful YES, Advantageous YES, Looking out for his own interest NO, looking out for the interest of others YES an example worth of imitation YES.


It does have the Laodicean Messenger but under the category Society Related.





Funny you mention brother Jackson he has purchased items from us several times over the years. As have many others at Bethel as mentioned before. If I were doing something improper then why does he support us by buying our items? Again try to Pursue Peace and stop attacking your brothers.

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To alleviate any misconceptions some may have here is a writeup from our eBay store [lisa.joeywit] regarding what we do:


To All Collectors of Watchtower Publications and Research Related Watchtower Books : 

        Welcome to our bookstore: "Watchtower Historical Bibles/Items and Research Publications"

   When searching Ebay and you type in "Watchtower" you get nearly 5,000 results, some of which have no connection at all with the Watchtower Society, but many do. Since the "Proclaimers" book came out in 1995 the desire to acquire Watchtower memorabilia and have a personal library or museum of Watchtower items has grown. The Watchtower Society itself now has an archive department known as "Writing Archives" which was established by the Writing Committee of the Governing Body to preserve our rich theocratic history. Many of the hundreds of items I offer on Ebay are reproductions from the original items which have been donated to the archive department. 

   We offer here on ebay hundreds of historical Bibles both original and as facsimiles such as the Gutenberg Bible, Tyndale and about 250  others. We also offer many original Bible leafs that are also hundreds of years old. We offer many museum replicas and facsimiles of Biblical artifacts and many other things of interest to Jehovah's Witnesses and others interested in Biblical historical artifacts such as those related to the Divine Name "Jehovah" going back thousands of years. We also have many of the books quoted by the Watchtower Society and hundreds of photos and reproductions of hundreds of Watchtower memorabilia from the 19th to early 20th Centuries such as the Photo-Drama of Creation items. We have items such as the Dead Sea Scrolls now on display in the Bible History exhibit as mentioned at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Many people are interested in copying to the best of their ability the Bethel Library including the thousands of books referred to and quoted from in the many publications of the Watchtower Society for research. We have books dealing with the following topics: Hundreds of Bible Translations, Biblical Reference Books, Early Christianity, History, Science, Pagan Origins, Archaeology, Jehovah's Witnesses, Holocaust, Books related to prophecy about 1914, Books by or about Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood transfusion alternatives, religious terrorism and many other subjects. If you type "Watchtower research" in the search box here on Ebay, you will get a good listing of those books that the Watchtower has quoted from throughout the years. If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I encourage you to donate theocratic historical items if you can and if you are not a Witness, then I encourage you to continue to search God's Word the Bible and related publications to guide and aid you in your search for Jehovah God your Creator.

   According to our Scriptural conscience and Biblical principle to receive free and give free  no recent new publications from the Watchtower are ever sold here on ebay which you may get for free at a Kingdom Hall. Any profits are donated to the World wide work of Jehovah's Witnesses.

"This means everlasting life their coming to know you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ" John 17:3 


"And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" Matt. 24:14. {New World Translation 2013 Edition}


{We opened our website watchtowerarchive.com to reduce costs to customers that are higher on eBay and Etsy due to fees that they charge. We currently have 1,150 items on eBay with the above statement on each listing, 57 items on Etsy and about 150 on our website as we transfer more over. If you see an item on eBay that you want you can ask us to transfer the item to our website to save you money on shipping since all our items on the website are free shipping because of extra fees on eBay.}

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  On 8/16/2022 at 3:22 PM, More4me2do said:

Was referring to Stoops & Madzay and not WT archives, sorry if that wasn't clear enough stated.


Stoops and Madzay are also witnesses. Madzay actually lives a few congregations over from me.


They are both welcome to post their sites in this thread as well. 


This matter is finished, and the Report closed. Time to drop it.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/29/2022 at 4:10 PM, Katony said:

Do any of you Brothers or  sisters know Where I can purchase  a Cover for our Public Cart Witnessing?


No need to buy it. Covers and every other element of carts can be requested from the branch by the brother in charge of Literature. He cand find them in Browse Catalog > Public Witnessing > Equipment > Literature Display Cart—Rain cover

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