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What is the typeface of S forms?

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I am just wondering, what is the name of the typeface of S forms (e.g. Field Service Report). I use every font matcher out there, but I didn't found the exact name. I'm having some experiment of my new project, and I just can't find the name of the typeface. Seems the typeface on blue box is different from the others. Look at the image below, just please disregard the input—my name and whatnot.


Noto Sans doesn't match.


Anyone knows what is the name of the typeface of this form? 



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On 12/25/2023 at 9:33 AM, Parale said:

Open the file in Acrobat.


In menu, go to 'File', then 'Document Properties', then on tabs go to 'Fonts.'


For the S-38 Form I get the following:



I guess that is for the blue box (Thanks for pointing me that out, Paul), the other wasn't, just take a look to the image below:

The sample top was an Arial, and the bottom was the original. The "Field Service Report" doesn't match to Arial, because the S and R are kind of different. Look at the encircle. Also to the E, but it wasn't quite obvious than S and R. The name of mine, "Kyle Angelo Galendez", where's located at the blue box is kind the the same to Arial.



He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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31 minutes ago, Parale said:

Take a look at the PDF you have, as above using document properties, it may have a fuller name.

I don't have any Adobe Acrobat here installed, too slow to download. I guess, Knoll is a font made by organization and is copyrighted, just like ClearTextMedium. I don't want to get any trouble, related on copyright issues. I do appreciate the two cents you give, brother Paul, that was really helpful, especially pointing out the Arial. 🤗 I'm going to use Noto Sans (and the Noto Sans Traditional Chinese), which is quite the same to the Knoll—perhaps. Only designers will notice the little changes. I will tell anyone when this project is done. Thanks everyone!

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Just now, Parale said:

They use all sorts of fonts, there doesn't seem to be a 'standard' for the S Forms...  the S-205b I have is again completely different fonts 🤷‍♂️

I think this is going to be perfect because my project is a FAUX one. 😁

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5 hours ago, Hava Saber said:



The Noto Sans Traditional Chinese is somewhat similar to the Knoll (perhaps), I guess this would be a great alternative.


Latin typeface for Noto Sans CJK uses Source Hans by Adobe. That may explain why there are differences in the fonts. See noto-fonts/noto-cjk #224.


I don’t think that’s related to what we are discussing here though. If I am correct, the font typeface displayed in the blue field actually appears differently from device to device. Which means the exact font may be dependant on the device that you are using. For example, in my device, the character ‘2’ has right angle curve when curving in the bottom, but in your picture, it is curving in an angle less than 90 degrees.


Edited by Hinata
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7 hours ago, Hinata said:


Latin typeface for Noto Sans CJK uses Source Hans by Adobe. That may explain why there are differences in the fonts. See noto-fonts/noto-cjk #224.


I don’t think that’s related to what we are discussing here though. If I am correct, the font typeface displayed in the blue field actually appears differently from device to device. Which means the exact font may be dependant on the device that you are using. For example, in my device, the character ‘2’ has right angle curve when curving in the bottom, but in your picture, it is curving in an angle less than 90 degrees.


Thanks for that, Brother Minwoo, I guess I'm going to stick to Noto Sans for the blue field for uniformity. This is just a faux form, a minor differences.

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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One of my first generated faux S-4 forms (project is not yet done). All name is fictional. You can check the code in this project. (Project is still in development. Links in README.md may not work.)


Edited by Hava Saber

Add Precautious about links in README.md

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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Guess I just don't get it ... you can just get the actual form from the Branch or pick one up at the KH and scan it if you want a copy


Our Congregation uses NWPublisher so send in the report is a simple click and send


Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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2 hours ago, Qapla said:

Guess I just don't get it ... you can just get the actual form from the Branch or pick one up at the KH and scan it if you want a copy


Our Congregation uses NWPublisher so send in the report is a simple click and send


I consider this one too. Thanks for it, brother John. NWPublisher is on our radar, but our congregation haven't actively used it. Your brothers here doesn't always connect to internet so that perhaps a learning curve. I'm also learning about web development—I try to work this faux form to know more about that skills. Most of your brothers here likes to send messages virtually through Messenger to the secretary, which is convenient to them because they can send messages (including images) even if they don't have data, all they need is network. Data here is costly so that may help.

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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1 hour ago, Hava Saber said:

they can send messages (including images) even if they don't have data

How do the friends do that? Is it through Whatsapp or some other messaging app? Thanks Br. Kyle

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2 hours ago, Imagine said:

How do the friends do that? Is it through Whatsapp or some other messaging app? Thanks Br. Kyle

As I have mentioned above, it is the Messenger by Meta, sister Ying. Here in the Philippines, you can send messages in the Messenger, or the Facebook Lite, even though you don't have any data. I don't know if it works in other country, but yeah it works here. Though in receiving, you need data to see the images sent by the sender. I think Facebook (and Messenger) is carrier zero-rating. Zero-rating meaning they don't count against your data plan, allowing us to use it without consuming data.

Edited by Hava Saber

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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  • 2 months later...

As I promised, here is the result of the said program:


📝 Faux S-4 (Version 0.9.0 - Beta) - https://jw-faux-s-4.web.app


Here's the beta version. Enjoy it everyone!


P.S. About the code, I haven't yet commit it to GitHub, maybe I'll add it next day. Not now, long weekend for Jehovah is coming. ❤️

P.P.S. You can leave a review in this forum about this mini web app. Thank you! ❤️

P.P.P.S. If you know about coding, maybe you can contribute. Just wait for the repo. 😁

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, everyone. Here is the code, you can visit it here: 

chessurisme/faux-s-4: Input your Field Service Report and turn it into sendable image (github.com)



If you use this:  https://jw-faux-s-4.web.app please disregard it and use the updated one: https://faux-s-4.vercel.app.

Old one may not receive updates and is longer deprecated.


Thank you and enjoy your new Field Service Report Creator.

He knows you better than you know yourself, and he wants to help. :hugs:

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  • 4 months later...

I've been in the sign business for over 50 years and have built dozens of KH signs. When we rebuilt our sign during a recent remodel, I tried to obtain Knoll and learned it wasn't going to happen, even after reaching out to a close friend who is a helper to the GB. I did receive some correspondence that said Myriad Pro was an authorized substitute, so that's what I used on our sign.


Myriad Pro has a number of different weights and italic versions, which makes eye appealing typesetting of forms and signs possible. There are free versions of it available in various iterations. At the moment, I'm redesigning our standard meeting schedule signs to move from the Optima family to the Myriad Pro family on those signs.


In recent years, the trend in typography seems to have gone from the fancier serif fonts to sans serif ones for a "cleaner" look. Many corporations have redesigned their logos to portray that, and a number of the apartments we built sign systems for have gone to plainer type on their new rebranding. In some ways, I kind of miss the old days because I would spend hours in design, finding and working with the perfect font family that would convey the personality of the business I was doing graphics for, and now it seems everyone wants to be "modern". Either that, or they want the grunge look, which I'll pass on.


Although my long misguided missal probably is too late for my brother in the Philippines, hopefully looking into the Myriad Pro type family will help others with similar questions in the future.

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3 hours ago, Grandpa said:

I've been in the sign business for over 50 years and have built dozens of KH signs. When we rebuilt our sign during a recent remodel, I tried to obtain Knoll and learned it wasn't going to happen, even after reaching out to a close friend who is a helper to the GB. I did receive some correspondence that said Myriad Pro was an authorized substitute, so that's what I used on our sign.


Myriad Pro has a number of different weights and italic versions, which makes eye appealing typesetting of forms and signs possible. There are free versions of it available in various iterations. At the moment, I'm redesigning our standard meeting schedule signs to move from the Optima family to the Myriad Pro family on those signs.


In recent years, the trend in typography seems to have gone from the fancier serif fonts to sans serif ones for a "cleaner" look. Many corporations have redesigned their logos to portray that, and a number of the apartments we built sign systems for have gone to plainer type on their new rebranding. In some ways, I kind of miss the old days because I would spend hours in design, finding and working with the perfect font family that would convey the personality of the business I was doing graphics for, and now it seems everyone wants to be "modern". Either that, or they want the grunge look, which I'll pass on.


Although my long misguided missal probably is too late for my brother in the Philippines, hopefully looking into the Myriad Pro type family will help others with similar questions in the future.


Pretty sure, with some elbow grease and the right software, you could extract the characters of Knoll from PDFs and construct a font file. I've done that for a personal project before. But I imagine you'd not be able to put together the full set. For ClearText I had a hard time finding "X." But, that's the nice thing about having the most translated documents on the planet, just cycle through languages until you find one that has those characters more commonly used. 

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I've thought of that but decided SMPW is a more fulfilling use of my time. You and I are type nerds and we see the subtle differences, but who else does?


I may still try it. For one customer, I came up with almost a complete typeface based on the nine letters of their logo, which was custom drawn by a designer I know. I made more and more letters to keep uniformity in the design of all the interior signs, and then came up with a bunch of numerals for the same. One of these days, I'll pull all the characters out and finish the project, even though I'm not doing business with that company any more. Some characters have a passing resemblence to Times Roman, which is probably what they're using now.


I won't use Times Roman or Arial on a design unless a customer makes me. They are WAY overused, and don't get me started on Brush Script, which I won't even have on my system. Whenever a customer makes me use that, I install it just for that job, convert it to curves and then uninstall the font. I guess I did get started on it, didn't I! Some others in those categories of ugly and overdone are Park Avenue, Comic Sans, and Revue, although I don't see some of those as much any more. Papyrus is one that makes many want to hurl but it doesn't bother me as much as the others I just mentioned.


I've been fascinated by typefaces since high school. Back in the day, I could pore over the Letraset Catalogue for hours, just admiring all the styles available. I don't have time for that now--too busy in the ministry, building KH signs and backpacking.


I'm not exactly retired but since I started collecting my Social Security and got on Medicare, I don't have to work nearly as hard and long as I used to and can be a bit more picky on what I do. Being in the Truth has taught my wife and me how to live simply and cheaply, which translates now into more free time.


I'm section hiking the Appalachian Trail with some brothers from Florida. We get together in the spring and fall and spend a couple weeks on the trail. When people back east ask me what a guy from Texas is doing on the AT, I tell them the Appalachians actually run through Dallas--the problem is they're three thousand feet underground when they get there! I'm a quarter billion years too late to enjoy them in Dallas, so I have to go east. Next month, I'll hike some in the Sierra Nevada in California with a brother I hiked with in the Grand Canyon a couple weeks ago.


Gotta eat supper and get ready for the meeting.

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In the early 1960s (62-64)  I used to run a small platen press.  We had drawers and drawers of lead type.  We would hand pick the letters, arrange them in a galley and assemble a printed page.  We would tape them all together and ink them and run a hand sample of the page.  Then go over it with a magnifying glass and make sure everything was facing in the right direction, the spacing was correct and all the letters used the same type face and font size.


When printing the finished project, the trick was to get your hand out of the press after you pulled the finished page (and the ink roller wet the type face and you put in the next blank sheet) but before the  press closed to make the next imprint...👍

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