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Armageddon...Let's Talk About It

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Yes, and things like nuclear power plants and similar that can cause big damage when unsupervised/damaged... There will also be a need to dispose of thousands of nuclear bombs and missiles... Jehovah will probably take care for some of those things in some ways that are hard to imagine today.

Edited by Osprey
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Antimatter, David?  As near as I can tell, that article in 1960, a comment in the Your Will Be Done book in 1958 and and article on particle accelerators in 1986 Watchtower were the only times we have ever discussed this subject.  It is a sharp eye to detect (and/or remember) this rare subject.



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There is a brief mention of it in the Know Jehovah book (KJ 1971):


"Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way." --- kj chap. 20, p.377, par. 22

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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This is interesting, I definitely remembered the reference to antimatter in the Know Jehovah book, my dad has all the old books and l had the opportunity to read them. 


Thank you to everyone who has commented, this has given me a lot of good for thought along with reminders of points I had heard on the past but forgotten.


No matter what method Jehovah uses, we know that it will be administered with LOVE being the dominant force behind it. I look forward to the time when we will be able to move past Armageddon and the great tribulation from our thoughts and minds... once we are on the other side of the thousand years.


At that time, we will be staring at true and full eternal life... having passed the final test.


But even beyond that, I simply want to make it to the new system.


To witness every human alive being ACTIVELY taught the truth... coming to a full understanding of who Jehovah is and all he has done for us...that will be amazing. After all he has done for me, he deserves all glory and praise...he deserves to be known and understood. That's how I feel... it's that simple.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is a little fiction allowed?  How about a story about the year after Armageddon?


The sun had just risen over the serene valley, casting a gentle light over the new world. The air was fresh, free from pollution and the chaos that once plagued it. It was the first year after Armageddon, and life for Jehovah's Witnesses had taken on a profoundly new meaning.

Anna stepped out of her modest home, a structure built with the help of her fellow Witnesses. The community had come together in the months following Armageddon, pooling resources, skills, and strengths to build a new society based on the principles found in the Bible and the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. The love and unity that bound them were palpable, a stark contrast to the divided world they had left behind.

She could see Brother Johnson tending to the community garden, a project that had quickly become the heart of their new settlement. The garden not only provided sustenance but also a sense of purpose and collaboration. Anna joined him, her heart swelling with gratitude for the paradise they were now privileged to live in.

"Good morning, Anna," Brother Johnson greeted her with a warm smile. "The tomatoes are coming in nicely. We should have enough for everyone soon."

Anna nodded, admiring the robust plants. "Jehovah's blessings are evident everywhere we look," she replied, thinking of the many ways their lives had improved. The health problems that had plagued many of the community members were gone, and there was a renewed sense of vigor and energy among them all.

Their conversation turned to the day's tasks. The Kingdom Hall, which they had begun constructing, was nearing completion. It would serve as a place of worship and community gatherings, a central hub for their spiritual and social activities. Brother James, a skilled carpenter, had taken the lead on the project, ensuring that every detail was crafted with care and reverence.

As Anna worked in the garden, her thoughts wandered to the changes in her personal life. Her family, once fragmented by the trials of the old world, had found a new unity. Her children, now free from the distractions and dangers that once threatened them, were thriving in their studies and their spiritual growth. The teachings from JW.org and the publications they had relied on for so long continued to guide them, offering wisdom and encouragement.

Later that day, the community gathered for a meal, sharing the bounty of their labor and the joy of their newfound peace. Brother Thompson read from the Bible, his voice steady and filled with conviction. "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." (Revelation 21:4)

These words resonated deeply with everyone present. The pain and suffering of the old world were indeed gone, replaced by a harmony they had only dreamed of. The prophecies they had studied and the promises they had held onto for so long were now their reality.

As the sun set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Anna felt a profound sense of peace. The first year after Armageddon had been a time of rebuilding, not just physically but spiritually. It was a testament to their faith and the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises. She looked forward to the years ahead, confident that with Jehovah's guidance, their new world would continue to flourish, a paradise on Earth where love, unity, and righteousness reigned supreme.

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