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gaza/israel conflict

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wanted to start a thread on this topic;


tensions escalating.......perhaps leading to a future cry of "peace and security?"......i know we are't supposed to speculate but aren't we all wondering about how this cry will be of significance? maybe a major conflict that draws other countries in and the UN will have to step in? just sayin'........

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wanted to start a thread on this topic;


tensions escalating.......perhaps leading to a future cry of "peace and security?"......i know we are't supposed to speculate but aren't we all wondering about how this cry will be of significance? maybe a major conflict that draws other countries in and the UN will have to step in? just sayin'........

.....same feeling......and not alone with this....

all starts in this area.....will it come to an end also in this area? I wonder!

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UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has called for an immediate ceasefire to end the Gaza-Israel conflict.

Speaking in Cairo after talks with Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby, he said a ground invasion of Gaza would be a "dangerous escalation" that must be avoided.

"Immediate steps are needed by all to avoid a further escalation, including a ground operation which will only result in further tragedy," Mr Ban, who is to meet Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, said.who knows where this could lead to the un are now involed.

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I can’t see the connexion of peace and security between Israel and Gaza with the one mention by Paul at 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

In biblical terms Israel always refers to people, not to a country. Genesis 32:28, Jeremiah 31:33, Galatians 6:16.

As for the city of Jerusalem in the Middle East, I can’t see any connexion either.

Matthew 23:37- 38, Galatians 4:26.

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We know that it will be at a time that we do not think it to be.... I also wonder will it be in a way that we do not think it to be ??

I can’t see the connexion of peace and security between Israel and Gaza with the one mention by Paul at 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

In biblical terms Israel always refers to people, not to a country. Genesis 32:28, Jeremiah 31:33, Galatians 6:16.

As for the city of Jerusalem in the Middle East, I can’t see any connexion either.

Matthew 23:37- 38, Galatians 4:26.

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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w Morsi suddenly taking over power in egypt, ive been wondering about the possibility of them joining forces w iran. perhaps all these islamic states will join together? that could be bad or good for peace and security. what will israel do?...

i did a quick search on "morsi egypt iran join" and see morsi is following iranian plans, maybe.

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From September 15, 2012

No matter who will share in saying “Peace and security!” that development will indicate that Jehovah’s day is to begin. Paul could therefore state: “Brothers, you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves, for you are all sons of light.” (1 Thess. 5:4, 5) Unlike mankind in general, we discern the Scriptural significance of current events. How exactly will this prophecy about saying “Peace and security!” be fulfilled? We must wait and see. Therefore, let us be determined to “stay awake and keep our senses.”—1 Thess. 5:6; Zeph. 3:8.

For God's people this will be like rain falling to Noah and his family. We will know what is happening (I get shivers just thinking about this).

February 1, 2004

Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see. It is of interest, though, that Paul compared the sudden destruction following the cry of “Peace and security!” to the birth pang of a pregnant woman. Over a period of about nine months, an expectant mother becomes increasingly aware of the baby that is growing within her. She may be able to hear her baby’s heartbeat or feel its movements in the womb. It may even kick her. The signs often become more and more pronounced until, one day, she feels a sharp pain, a pang, indicating that the hoped-for event—the baby’s birth—has arrived. Hence, however the prophesied cry of “Peace and security!” may be fulfilled, it will lead to a sudden, painful, but ultimately blessed event—the destruction of wickedness and the beginning of a new world system.

How eager we all are for this wicked, debased and evil world to be replaced by God's Kingdom. Come Lord Jesus, please come. What are we to do?

February 1, 2004

When will all these things occur? We do not know the day or the hour. (Matthew 24:36) We do know, however, that “the time left is reduced.” (1 Corinthians 7:29) It is vital, then, that we make wise use of the time that remains. How? As the apostle Paul explains, we must ‘buy out the opportune time’ for the more important things at the expense of what is nonessential and make every day count. The reason? “Because the days are wicked.” And ‘perceiving what Jehovah’s will is’ for us, we will not waste the precious little time that is left.—Ephesians 5:15-17; 1 Peter 4:1-4.

Study, Prayer, Meetings, Service (repeat). And if in anyway you can make room in your life for greater service? Make room!

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Keep in mind that the cry of Peace and Security is going to be BIG! It's going to be LOUD! It's going to affect the ENTIRE WORLD! People in Australia, Kenya, Bolivia, Ecuadore, Luxembourg, and Thailand will all be AFFECTED by the cry.

It's not going to be some small minor event. It's not going to be something that has no impact on the other side of the world.

It's not going to be something that we'll have to wonder "is this it?"

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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136211=7577-kaiciid-opening.jpg November 26, 2012. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger) The violent crises in Syria, Gaza and Mali show how important it is for different religions to work together to promote understanding rather than sow hatred, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said on Monday.spot the harlot they are still riding the back of the beast wont be long now.

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Keep in mind that the cry of Peace and Security is going to be BIG! It's going to be LOUD! It's going to affect the ENTIRE WORLD! People in Australia, Kenya, Bolivia, Ecuadore, Luxembourg, and Thailand will all be AFFECTED by the cry.

It's not going to be some small minor event. It's not going to be something that has no impact on the other side of the world.

It's not going to be something that we'll have to wonder "is this it?"

As I was reading this thread, this is exactly what I was thinking. Many people in our community don't really know about this Middle East conflict unless they watch World News. The local news has fluffy stories about puppy dogs and kittens to make us all feel good.

You would think it would be a major global conflict that would prompt this proclamation of "Peace and Security". As we all know, things can change in an instant. The world can be pushed to the brink by just one event e.g. the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914.

Keeping busy in Jehovah's service and staying close to the congregation will help us to not fall for this false proclamation.

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Regardless, of specific events, all these things are leading up to Jehovah's Day. I can easily see the UN crying 'peace and security' if they seemingly solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The entire world is affected by the various political/religious factions fighting supposedly for this reason. As for the masses, they are not the ones crying 'peace and security'. They will be busy 'eating and drinking, being married and being given in marriage.' What is important, I think, is that Jesus said that He will come at a time that we do not expect it. We need to keep our 'lamps' full and stay awake, not concerning ourselves with the day or the hour, knowing that it is soon and knowing that it will come when we least think it will be here.

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I can easily see the UN crying 'peace and security' if they seemingly solve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The entire world is affected by the various political/religious factions fighting supposedly for this reason

One thing we need to keep in mind is that this 'cry' or feeling will be a worldwide one, not just a local event, confined to any one locale or region...It will probably blindside us just as much as it will them....

We know its coming, and can see the signs....and I need another cup of coffee:cowboy::coffee:

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Peace between Israel and the Arab world, even it is locally, can have a worldwide effect


....the destabilisation of a region that remains critical to the security of the United Kingdom and the peace of the whole world.

So peace in the Middle east could course a domino effect.....and easily lead to the cry "peace and security" Who knows?

We know they will say "Peace, Peace" and there is no peace.

So wait and see........it can happen any day.....

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As I was reading this thread, this is exactly what I was thinking. Many people in our community don't really know about this Middle East conflict unless they watch World News. The local news has fluffy stories about puppy dogs and kittens to make us all feel good.

You would think it would be a major global conflict that would prompt this proclamation of "Peace and Security". As we all know, things can change in an instant. The world can be pushed to the brink by just one event e.g. the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914.

Keeping busy in Jehovah's service and staying close to the congregation will help us to not fall for this false proclamation.

So true. Just because UN speaks of wanting Peace - they always have that's why they are there, I see nothing different yet as no one is really taking much useful notice. There's certainly no peace where Israel and Gaza are lobbing rockets back and forth. No peace with Israel going ahead in building thousands of new homes in occupied territory against International agreements. No peace for Egypt where Morsi has taken absolute power for himself and closed the debating democratic chamber of Parliament and got soldiers on the streets where there's been weeks of rioting as people despair of getting rid of one previous dictator only to seemingly get another - Arab Spring going Wintery. No peace when the bombing in Syria spills over into Turkey and Lebanon.

In the meantime the USA sends 'Peace Envoys' and they have no 'Freedom of Speech' in Islamic Countries, who hate their drone-war strikes on areas of Pakistan, Asia and Africa, guided from thousands of miles away in America. There's mounting evidence that they strike first to kill insurgents, but then strike again when local villagers/emergency services come out to dig survivors out of rubble/bombed vehicles. It's gaining them no friends and only fueling insurgent recruitment campaigns - 'The beast with the lamb's face of Revelation strikes again!

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