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  1. I think he did everything else his first day in office but that!
  2. Let not forget the International Space Station as well. It looks like a bright star and then it starts to dim and get bright and dim and get bright over and over again for a minute or two and then POW - it's gone !
  3. When I studied for the midweek meeting last week, I put all the answers in my workbook (via my computer) and when I finished studying and scrolled back up - all my answers were gone! It did this too me twice. So I finally shut down my computer and restarted it - opened up JW Library and all my notes were there again.
  4. There are usually kids acitivities, songs and other things there, I was just shocked to see it all gone today. Perhaps I never noticed this pattern before.
  5. Did anyone notice today that when everything loaded onto your homepage of JWLibrary, that only 3 things loaded on the second line of the "What's New" section? I don't think I've ever seen it that short before. Just though it was kind of odd.
  6. My computer runs Windows 11 (Home) with the following spec's: Processor AMD Ryzen 5 5600U with Radeon Graphics 2.30 GHz Installed RAM 16.0 GB (13.9 GB usable) System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor And like I said, up to a couple of months ago JWLibrary ran flawlessly with no 20 lead's on the streaming videos. So I suppose that narrows it down to Microsoft update that messed things up because my husband as the exact same computer with the exact same problem.
  7. I'm pretty sure it is none of that. It's something that just started happening. I have excellent wifi strength. It only happens through JWLibrary with video's. When I go to JW Broadcast I get the normal 2 second delay and then the video plays. I have "stream over cellular" off in my video and download settings of JW Library because I use my home internet with this computer. So it's a puzzler to me as to what has changed with my computer or JWLibrary that is now causing this delay.
  8. Since the last couple of updates with JWLibrary I've noticed (because it is super noticable) that I have a 20 second delay now before something begins streaming. (I'm using Windows 11 and my internet is super speedy). Has there been a change in how they deliver streams? Or am I the only one experiencing this? Streams used to start in 5 seconds or less but now average around 20 seconds.
  9. So far I've counted 12 brothers in my congregation growing beards. 3 elders so far and at least 3 ministerial servants. I'm an "old school" witness, who despite my age and up bringing could never understand why brothers couldn't have beards from the year 2000 on at least, so it doesn't bother me in the least, it's just weird to see now and will take a little time to get used to. I applaud all you brothers who were humble and obedient and followed the directions to not have beards if you wanted privileges even though there was no scriptural basis for it.
  10. That was a bit of a cruel joke! You should tell them, "that's funny because I just got it".
  11. I'm pretty sure New Zealand is a day ahead of us here in the States. We may not see the broadcast show up till tomorrow. I'm wasn't talking about the surprises we will HEAR in the broadcast.
  12. Whatever surprise comes along with the broadcast, we won't get until next Tuesday at the earliest. NO meeting this Tuesday because our CA is this weekend.
  13. It's 4:30 EST here and it still hasn't dropped. Wonder if they found the need to change or remove something before they posted it and are scurrying to make the changes and get it online. The hard part is that we got all this hype about it (and half a dozen notifications to watch it from the NW publisher app) and so far, no broadcast. There must be an unusual circumstance.
  14. I'm wondering if they are waiting to later in the afternoon when most family heads will be home from work and it can be watched together with the entire family.

shali last won the day on September 15 2020

shali had the most liked content!


About shali

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  • Gender
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  • Relationship Status
    Happily Married
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How I Found the Truth

  • How I found the Truth
    My mother came into the truth in 1969 when I was 6 years old. I got baptized when I was 12 in 1974 so I could "temporary pioneer" and have tried to be a faithful servant of Jehovah ever since. My prayer every day is to "endure to the end" with the rest of my worldwide brotherhood!

My Hobbies & Interests

  • My Interests
    I used to have quite a few - knitting, cross stitching, playing piano but have pretty much given everything up. Life and all we need to do to keep spiritually strong in this system takes up most of my time now! Hate to admit it but I'm an avid Classic Star Trek fan and I think "Too Cute" on the Animal Planet Channel is one of the best shows on television to date!
  • My favorite books
    God's Word of course! Don't have time to read much else. I do love all the James Herriot books too.
  • My favorite music
    The Original Songs from the broadcasts and yes, I hate to say it but it's true - disco!
  • My favorite movies
    The Adventures of Robinhood, Captain Blood, Back to the Future, Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan, Singing in the Rain, The Three Musketeers (with Gene Kelly) and The Scarlet Pimpernel.
  • My favorite quotes
    The only way to keep the truth is to give it away.

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