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Just A Question...And A Personal Thought



The question: What personal private thoughts about the new system would you be willing to unveil and share with all here on this site? It can be anything, it doesn't have to be "cool" or "inspiring", I am just genuinely curious to see how much time my brothers and sisters spend thinking about the new world.


I often find myself daydreaming about it, I sometimes imagine that the Bible is my personal "tourist guide", so to speak. I try to picture in my mind's eye the landscape, the flora and fauna...I try to envision myself there...sitting in the warm sunshine holding my wife and enjoying the company of all of you...and the rest of Jehovah's clean society. 


I look at the qualities that I find in the Bible...love, humility, kindness, joy...I could go on and on. 


When I am in that place mentally...I can almost feel Jehovah's arms start to wrap around me...it's like he's thanking me for taking time to think about Him and his promises. I do not reveal this to many people, not because I'm ashamed of it...but because I feel it makes others ashamed if they cannot experience the same thing...and I do not want to see anyone feel sad because of something I expressed.


I will sometimes sit back early in the morning on weekends and listen to gentle music with my eyes closed...letting my thoughts drift with the pulse of the rhythms. I don't get to do this often, but every single time I do...it helps me mentally and emotionally. (Yes, sometimes I fall asleep, but that's okay too, I wake up feeling refreshed😂).


So, now that I have asked my question...I will share a personal thought that I had about the new system...and especially about one particular facet of it.


Every year, we watch spring turn into summer, we watch the trees, flowers and other plants blossom and bloom...we watch as things turn from green to brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow before slowly fading into brown and dropping from plants of all shapes and sizes.


We notice these things because they happen every year, and we live for maybe 100 years...for now.


But in the new system...we will live...forever...and so even though we will probably never stop noticing the change of seasons...other changes will start to enter our minds and our viewpoints will start to expand and widen.


For instance, please consider Isaiah 65:22: "They will not build for someone else to inhabit, Nor will they plant for others to eat. For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full."


From this single verse, after meditating on it for some time...I came to the following conclusion that left me nearly speechless: Just as we watch the grass turn green and grow until we have to cut it in our yards...so too, at that time...we will watch entire forests arise around us...and we will eventually have to cut them down only to watch them grow for several more thousand years. 


So please, friends...if you would like to share a personal thought or more of your own...please do so...because I firmly believe in the power of personal expressions...they have the power to move us...and more importantly...such expressions can move even Jehovah, his Son and the millions upon millions of angels watching us with keen interest.






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Every time I have to fill out a form, I envision a world where red-tape will be a thing of the past.


No more worrying about whether or not I filled out the form right, or if I've forgotten to fill out some forms.


Every time a scammer calls to harm me, I envision a world where Jehovah's loving laws will be written on our hearts.


No more worrying about how identity theft could leave me homeless,

with a zillion and one more forms to fill out to 'try' to get my identity back.


It's the ugly HORRORS of this world

that prompts me to envision the unfathomable WONDERS of the New World. :D 


I am eternally grateful for the Kingdom Hope...every moment of every day 💜

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Looking forward to the joyful challenge of helping in earthly restoration and assisting those coming back in the resurrection by:


* Sharing in the great rebuilding work, learning skills for gardens and homes, for forests and grasslands.


* Learning to care for the great diversity of life, and what our interactions with different creatures should be.


* Taking part in the grand education work, as we teach others the things we have learned and continue to learn 


* Receiving instruction on how the information found in the new scrolls will add to our understanding of Jehovah, our great God

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Again, thank you!


And I can also relate to each of those thoughts in different ways. It's amazing to see how we all have similar lines of thinking yet with our own personal touch added into the mix!

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Absolutely!!! I cannot tell you how many times I have envisioned the same thing...and sometimes I go even further and think about having a deep personal conversation with Jehovah in the new system...and I cannot help but wonder if Jehovah will answer me directly!!


Thank you for sharing, my dear sister!

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Of course I can't wait to experience the 1st day, the 1st week, the 1st month in paradise, when Jesus has just chained Satan and his disciples. Will we physically feel its sudden disappearance? Will something physical transform into us?


We will first taste Jehovah’s victory. I want to believe that the angels will cry with joy, I want to think of the joy of Jehovah, the joy that he will never have known deep down. 'Peace at last' has said the song... I want to get to know everyone that Jehovah wants to introduce to me, in heaven or on earth. It pleases me to think that my friends who will be in heaven will be able to communicate with me in some way. If this is not possible I will not be disappointed, because when Abraham appears on our TV screens, when David presents himself at an international Convention, when Moses tells us about his life in Pharaoh's palace and the rest of history...let's expect historic moments. I want to be there, and if Jehovah is willing, I will be there too. And I will meet you all.

I project myself so much in truth that I sometimes have the impression of being already there and a little less here. When I am overtaken by the reality of my condition, I wait patiently for the next dreamlike journey. So many things to say...

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Again, thank you for your comment, my sister.


I can definitely relate to those thoughts...I have often wondered how it will feel to become friends, actual friends...with those from the Biblical times.


To be very honest...I prefer those times when I am there...and not here. That may seem a little dissociative...but it's true. I cannot wait until I have the ability to take all the TIME I need and desire to get to know someone...really and truly get to know them.


Jehovah has given us so much...and not a single one of us deserve it. We are in the position because JEHOVAH sees something of value in each and every one of us...not because we personally see it.


That alone has given me so much comfort over the years...Jehovah has the ability to draw things out of us that have been deeply hidden for decades...and he takes all the bad he finds and discards it. His ability to see just one single thing of redeeming value in me...causes me to keep going. His love...before I was ever born or ever thought of...helps me be more loving...even when I am upset or hurt.


Jehovah's victory will be amazing to witness...and his ability to put things right will motivate us to continue serving him right through the thousand years...and on into the eternity waiting on the other side.




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I’ve previously been too … anxious/cautious/busy to consider looking for or becoming involved in something like this, but I came across this and just deeply connected with some of the comments.

A while back a brother was enjoying asking brothers and sisters to describe - in as much detail as possible- their paradise house. I told him I had no interest in a house - I looked to being a traveling explorer/squatter!

And when I think of a scriptural promise that I personally look forward to, I think of James 3:2 - never stumbling in word- never cringing in regret at anything that comes out of my mouth- having everything I say be in harmony with my heart’s desire to glorify my Heavenly Father/creator and be a refreshment to others.


I’m glad to be able to read what I’ve read so far & grateful for the described precautions.

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I just want to get to know the whole universal organization better. If possible have a one on one with Jehovah. Have some of my friends of 144,000 take me on a tour and tell me what they have learned since they left this little earth. Then getting down to work on whatever Jehovah wants me to do. I could care less where I live as long as I am with friends who love Jehovah.

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Thank you, Gratefulheart and Lance. My mouth has contributed to many of my downfalls over the years...and at times...it still does. 


I too want to travel...I cannot wait to see every single continent for myself...to explore and to enjoy the different environments and textures of various cultures...I want to KNOW my brothers and sisters...to understand where they come from and who they truly are!


And as far as the anointed are concerned...I would absolutely LOVE to hear their experiences...if that is possible. A one on one with Jehovah...that would be an event that would cause us to stop in our tracks and root us to a single spot...riveting us until we could no longer breathe of our own support. 


Thank you to all of you who have reached out to those in need...we love you and support you!



Tim And Cate



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Several things. 
-I just want to start walking and not worry about where I end up. Walk from one side of a land to another. Up and down the continents without worrying if I will have a place to sleep or food and water to drink. 
-My idea for save travel across the oceans is to island hop because Jehovah will cause new islands to rise up all along a route we can easily navigate with a simple sailing ship. 
-One day when I am ready I would like big Mediterranean style house with extra rooms for guests, a big courtyard full of plants and a huge kitchen similar to the one in the move A Walk In the Clouds. A kitchen where many women have room to gather and talk and work on food and projects together. 

I will leave that for now. I have lots of other plans but this is just for a start. 

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Thank you very much for your input, my sister. Jehovah understands that not all of us DESIRE to build a house and take up residence right away...be assured that he knows the innermost desires and workings of your heart. He could set things up so that your hearts desires are accomplished while still fulfilling his will in every aspect!


That ability to stretch our brain muscles and say..."one day...when I am ready"...that is EXACTLY what Jehovah wanted for us in the first place.


He never intended us to be robots...to think the same...to act the same...or else he would have CREATED robots.


The idea of stretching our creative muscles and exercising our rights within the limits that Jehovah set...that gets HIM excited...he WANTS to see what we will come up with.


So just know...your ideas have true merit...and Jehovah appreciates your ability to look into the future and pull those thoughts together...into a sense of reality...even now.


Thank you for reaching out and expressing your thoughts on this subject!

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3 hours ago, Timl1980 said:

Merci, Gratefulheart et Lance. Ma bouche a contribué à bon nombre de mes chutes au fil des ans... et parfois... c'est encore le cas. 


Moi aussi, je veux voyager... J'ai hâte de voir chaque continent par moi-même... d'explorer et d'apprécier les différents environnements et textures de diverses cultures... Je veux CONNAÎTRE mes frères et sœurs... comprendre d'où ils viennent et qui ils sont vraiment !


Et en ce qui concerne les oints... j'adorerais absolument entendre leurs expériences... si cela est possible. Un tête-à-tête avec Jéhovah... ce serait un événement qui nous ferait arrêter net et nous enracinerait dans un seul endroit... nous captiverait jusqu'à ce que nous ne puissions plus respirer de notre propre soutien. 


Merci à vous tous qui avez tendu la main à ceux qui en ont besoin... nous vous aimons et vous soutenons !


Bouche bée.

Tim et Cate



Thanks Tim for asking this question. I really enjoyed reading the comments, some are very moving and profound, even written in just a few lines. Hope Cate and You are doing well. Much brotherly love to both of you❤️

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I think about the things I do today... clean my house travel to work fix dinner.  All these things I do I know Jehovah had a better way for me to accomplish them.  How will I clean my home in the new world what will I discover will clean my clothes or dishes that will not be harmful to our planet. I can't wait to find out how Jehovah will teach us those simple things. 

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18 minutes ago, ChrisW said:

Je pense aux choses que je fais aujourd'hui... nettoyer ma maison, voyager au travail, préparer le dîner. Toutes ces choses que je fais, je sais que Jéhovah avait un meilleur moyen pour moi de les accomplir. Comment vais-je nettoyer ma maison dans le nouveau monde, que vais-je découvrir pour nettoyer mes vêtements ou ma vaisselle sans nuire à notre planète. J’ai hâte de découvrir comment Jéhovah nous enseignera ces choses simples. 

We too often forget the simple things in life as contributors to our fulfillment and our happiness. Thanks for thinking about it delicious @ChrisW

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27 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

Thanks Tim for asking this question. I really enjoyed reading the comments, some are very moving and profound, even written in just a few lines. Hope Cate and You are doing well. Much brotherly love to both of you❤️

Thank you for your comments on this subject! And I also enjoy the various thoughts expressed as well, they are so encouraging. Cate and I are doing okay, just taking things one day at a time!


26 minutes ago, ChrisW said:

think about the things I do today... clean my house travel to work fix dinner.  All these things I do I know Jehovah had a better way for me to accomplish them.  How will I clean my home in the new world what will I discover will clean my clothes or dishes that will not be harmful to our planet. I can't wait to find out how Jehovah will teach us those simple things. 

I absolutely agree...there are so many daily "tasks" that I'm sure Jehovah can bring so much more clarity and joy to us on. I'm personally looking forward to the ability to see if we use modern technology or not.


9 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

We too often forget the simple things in life as contributors to our fulfillment and our happiness. Thanks for thinking about it delicious @ChrisW

Absolutely!! We often consider the big things, but don't even begin to think of all the small changes that will undoubtedly come about after the new system begins!

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Loaded question.  I think about how I want a home set up for my dad before he's resurrected.  Cooking and playing guitar with him.  I love to think about all these things but, I have a problem. 


When I drift to those thoughts or, read some of the books the brothers have so talently written I can't move on.  Only because I'm in the here and now and I feel cheated that for a moment I allowed myself to wander and then come back to reality that I am still in the present.


And then the sadness overwhelms me.  The brothers and sisters here are so talented.  Wow! I am amazed and thankful.

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10 minutes ago, cme said:

Loaded question.  I think about how I want a home set up for my dad before he's resurrected.  Cooking and playing guitar with him.  I love to think about all these things but, I have a problem. 


When I drift to those thoughts or, read some of the books the brothers have so talently written I can't move on.  Only because I'm in the here and now and I feel cheated that for a moment I allowed myself to wander and then come back to reality that I am still in the present.


And then the sadness overwhelms me.  The brothers and sisters here are so talented.  Wow! I am amazed and thankful.

It's true, Carmen. Sometimes the dream is painful because our current reality locks us in a tank of emotional suffering, we can even feel lost. However, if we no longer dream, we remain with our suffering of the moment which becomes a prison and the risk is to weaken in hope.


The New World is around the corner, says the song. Without dream, hope and imagination it will be difficult to see this street, this corner that Jehovah designates.

You are tired, little sister, but I have read you many times and your faith is powerful and leaping. This kind of faith does a lot of good when it expresses itself. So in my opinion you imagine a lot more than you think.☺️🧡🧡🧡

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I was just meditating on this morning. 1 Corinthians 2:9 "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”


It made me realize that the Kingdom is absolutely mind blowing, the description of the crystal clear river like glass, all the precious stones, singing, and unity as oneness of people in love and perfection. Jehovah's level of beauty and ability to restore the earth is something I've never seen. It will be more beautiful than any thing my eyes have ever beheld. It made me wonder due to sin, and imperfect earth, are we even seeing color the Jehovah intended? Will the trees and plants be beaming with a vibrancy of colors we never seen? precious stones will be abundant and any structure Jehovah the master builder instructs will be fear inspiring. What will a sunset look like?  what color will the ocean be? For example the Aurora Lights are beautiful. Jehovah can not tell a lie, I know what ever my mind can imagine it'll be far more awe inspiring, mind blowing, and spectacular a new world, unlike anything I imagined or ever seen. But he wants me to keep on looking to his Perfect Kingdom. It blew my mind how amazing!!!

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On 7/18/2024 at 4:10 PM, cclove said:

I was just meditating on this morning. 1 Corinthians 2:9 "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.”


It made me realize that the Kingdom is absolutely mind blowing, the description of the crystal clear river like glass, all the precious stones, singing, and unity as oneness of people in love and perfection. Jehovah's level of beauty and ability to restore the earth is something I've never seen. It will be more beautiful than any thing my eyes have ever beheld. It made me wonder due to sin, and imperfect earth, are we even seeing color the Jehovah intended? Will the trees and plants be beaming with a vibrancy of colors we never seen? precious stones will be abundant and any structure Jehovah the master builder instructs will be fear inspiring. What will a sunset look like?  what color will the ocean be? For example the Aurora Lights are beautiful. Jehovah can not tell a lie, I know what ever my mind can imagine it'll be far more awe inspiring, mind blowing, and spectacular a new world, unlike anything I imagined or ever seen. But he wants me to keep on looking to his Perfect Kingdom. It blew my mind how amazing!!!

Our eyes and brains will be able to see and interpret perfectly . What a kind , generous gift our God will give us - even the color of plants might be more vibrant  with the nutrients in the soil ,water ,air . A whole new living - a whole new world - "PRAISE JEHOVAH OUR GOD !"

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Too , look at the rainbow - the colors are "soft " , not sharp but the colors  to me can not be matched by paint or crayon , very unique  shall we say "CUSTOMIZED " and our God is willing to share - good people or bad - also the rainbow was a sign that the earth will not be flooded again like the days of Noah - you can bank on it . Also smelling the air after a  lightning storm - its ozone , to clean the air  -  anything Jehovah has running can be run on perpetual  motion - to infinity  ( even us - its in the guarantee )

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Personally, there is quite a lot I’d want to see, but whom I would like to see the most, is my late mother, who died when I was young. I look forward to welcoming her back, so that she can see that she had at least 1 child who made it, who kept serving Jehovah. 

I want to tell her how sorry I am for being so stubborn and hard-hearted when I was young.


I would like for my brother and sister on that side, to join me in pure worship, but at the moment that hope appears to be dim. 

But due to the recent adjustments with the great tribulation, that proves that nothing is over, until it is truly over, and my hope for my family to join in true worship will be kept alive thru the darkest of times, and hopefully we all survive into the brightest era of human history, all three of us, together, with our mother, serving Jehovah forever as one.


That’s all I have to say.


Edited by Cool.As.Ice
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