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Warwick ready to start

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Warwick OKs Watchtower site
By James Walsh
Times Herald-Record
July 19, 2013 - 2:00 AM

WARWICK — The Watchtower Tract and Bible Society has won Planning Board approval for a new world headquarters in a semi-rural section of town off Long Meadow Road.

The property, which formerly contained International Nickel offices, will provide space to replace the society's headquarters in Brooklyn.

Plans on file with the town show a series of green-roofed buildings for worship and offices, as well as others providing laundry, cooking/dining, infirmary, storage, vehicle maintenance and recreation services. Plans include four residential buildings with a total of 588 one- and two-bedroom units to accommodate about 1,000 residents.

Planning Board approval granted Wednesday evening was conditioned upon the society supplying the town with the final site map including all of the agreed-to conditions.

The property previously belonged to King's College, an evangelical school in New York City, which decided against building a new campus. It will remain off the tax roll as the property of another religious group, the Jehovah's Witnesses.

"It was already off the tax roll and they (the Jehovah's) do bring an economic benefit to the area," Warwick Supervisor Michael Sweeton said Wednesday before the meeting. "They're known to help municipalities with projects, and when their members come here, they'll be shopping, eating, patronizing local businesses. We think it's an overall positive."

Watchtower has already stated that no children will live at the complex, Sweeton added, so local schools will not be affected.

The site totals about 253 acres, of which about 41 acres will be used for the project. The property lies within the Tuxedo and Greenwood Lake fire districts and the Greenwood Lake Ambulance District.

As part of the project approval process, Watchtower agreed to state Department of Environmental Conservation requirements for the installation of barriers to keep the endangered timber rattlesnake away from the construction site. Land-clearing will be done during the snakes' hibernation period. The snakes have dens less than a mile away.

Watchtower spokesman Richard Devine was not immediately available Thursday. He previously said the Brooklyn complex of buildings had grown inefficient over the years. The society was looking to consolidate its administrative functions in Warwick. It has a farm and printing plant in Shawangunk.

Watchtower has bought the 48-unit Suffern Commons apartment complex on Chestnut Street in Suffern to house construction workers who will build the Warwick project.



Article Source: http://t.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130719/BIZ/307190342/-1/NEWS&template=tabletart


Edited by Dismal_Bliss

Added article contents, and moved the the News forum since it is a topic for discussion built around a piece of journalism.
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I was reading this and a certain sentence peaked my interests. "The site totals about 253 acres, of which about 41 acres will be used for the project."


What are the other 212 acres going to be used for, if the actual building site is only going to take up 41 acres?


I sometimes wander if when it's called "world headquarters," if they're getting an early start on making Paradise/park conditions. :wub:

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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Cool, wow so Jehovah's people are truly living in harmony with animals. :wub: Who else would be willing to take the time to save a species like snakes? ^_^

 About two days ago I saw a woodchuck in my backyard and somehow I suppose to live in harmony with it. I hope he live in harmony with me. :indian:

Edited by dustparticle
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Woodcucks live in harmony with you more than you know. You plant a garden-they eat the lettuce and maybe some other delectables :flowers::clover::chef: What's in your garden menu?


Reminds me of a brother -he planted some young apple trees near his pond then went in for lunch. The beavers had lunch too on the newly planted apple trees. Yum

Then the brother stocked his pond with trout -gourmet meal for a blue heron and seagulls. :lol:

Edited by pnutts

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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I sometimes wander if when it's called "world headquarters," if they're getting an early start on making Paradise/park conditions. :wub:


Long Meadow Road to Paradise ... sounds sooo romantic..... :wub:

...absolute rubbish...

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We have squirrels and raccoons, and possum used to live under our deck.  Not sure if she is still there or not.  Babies used to be really cute.  They would be so tiny, but would rear up and show you all their teeth if you got near them, as if to say, 'Look at how ferocious I am!'  LOL.

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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:wub: You brothers & sisters are blessed to have so many animals. So far we have a lot of birds & squirrels in our yard, and if you go out certain roads, there will be deer everywhere close to the city. It's really nice to think about how things will be one day. ^_^

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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:wub: You brothers & sisters are blessed to have so many animals. So far we have a lot of birds & squirrels in our yard, and if you go out certain roads, there will be deer everywhere close to the city. It's really nice to think about how things will be one day. ^_^

 Believe me I love animals alot even woodchucks. The problem is that they migh carry diseases and that is why I have to be careful with them.

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Every once in awhile, we are blessed with seeing a deer.  Lately, though, it is turtles that I see everywhere, usually crossing the road.  I try to stop when possible and get them out of the road.  Fortunately for me, most people where I live are very understanding, and also love the wildlife.

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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How nice to read a postive and factual report without the usual subtle snarkiness that often creeps in. 



Yes indeed.  It seems the City leaders know a good result when they see one.  (A)  Was already off of the tax roles.  ( B) Watchtower is known for doing things like building a park for the community, paving a road now and then.  ©  Tourism !  No doubt the brothers gave the City a sense of how many visitors already come in to tour Brooklyn/Wallkill/Patterson, from all parts of the globe.  Now, Warwick will get a share of the hotel and restaurant spending, sales taxes and JOBS.


Our exemplary reputation serves us very well at times like this.



Must be my keyboard giving me a happy face instead of a capital 'b'.  It's just such a happy report !!

Edited by Doug
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