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Arkansas Man, Fired 19 Rounds At Jehovah's Witnesses

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WOW! That guy must really be a terrible shot!!! Glad he is, though .... and now he must face the consequences of his acts.


BTW - did you notice this in the article?


Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian denomination with about 19 million members worldwide , They publish Bibles and Bible literature in nearly 600 languages , and go door to door to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ , who they believe is the son of God and not part of the Trinity.


Following their link takes you to jw.org where it actually says "19,000,000—People who attend our meetings or conventions"

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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For Sure Chuck. :wacko:


A couple of brothers in my congregation were out in the ministry when some fired upon them with a pellet gun, one of the brothers was hit twice and the other once they both had to seek medical attention this certainly doesn't compare to this whacko firing 19 rounds at the friends let's just say things are definitely going from bad to worst to just evil doings.

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Well, we should expect this from these crazies out there.  That was a long drive way, I hope there wasn't a sign up there hidden in the bushes that may have said No Trespassing/Private Property.   We have lots of these in the country territory.  Am so glad to have read none of the brothers were hurt and or killed.   This should be put on the back of the territory, not just a "Do Not Call", but "An Extremely Dangerous Do Not Call."   He was asking someone in the house to get his "9", someone had to hand it to him, he didn't go back and get it from inside his house.  The accomplice should be implicated as well, as an accessory to the crime he was about to commit.    Recall two years ago, someone in PA, did this, they shot at the friends while they were getting into their vehicle.  This nut job had a rifle.   I must say, its getting worse day by day, so dear friends, be vigilant, and keep an eye out for those No Trespassing signs and or Private Property, no Trespassing (even if the guy didn't have a sign), be careful my brothers/sisters!  People are veiled something fierce!   

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Update on that "Get my 9, get my 9" guy, his wife ran to get it where ever he had placed it in his home.  I hope, he gets what's coming to him in a court of law.  And his wife, should be implicated too, since she helped him in trying to kill our brothers/sister's.   She is an accessory to the crime. 

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I am so glad no one was hurt. Jehovah and the Angels would have been guarding them .

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I want a police taser, and tear gas.  Plus, what Leslie suggested.. a bullet proof jacket, and a helmet...oh wait, we already have some of these protection...


(Ephesians 6:14-17) 14 Stand firm, therefore, with YOUR loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and with YOUR feet shod with the equipment of the good news of peace. 16 Above all things, take up the large shield of faith, with which YOU will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles. 17 Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word,

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Gary wats up?

Feeling green.

It's just the old school ways. Lols

Its something Leslie's mum would have taught her. My Nana used to tell us when ever she went out she had to keep a spare pair of clean pants. Lols

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Gary wats up?

Feeling green.

It's just the old school ways. Lols

Its something Leslie's mum would have taught her. My Nana used to tell us when ever she went out she had to keep a spare pair of clean pants. Lols


:pistols:-  -  -  -  -  -    :scared: -->  :censored: -->  :help: -->   :praying: -->  :oops: -->  :sick: -->  :encourage: 



Is that why Nana needed spare pants?  :) 

Edited by steadfast
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Would he be considered a "do not call"?  :S


lol... I was swapping stories with my mum and she made me laugh, last weekend she was preaching with a sister in a block of flats... they knocked on a door.  In London the doors are very close together.  Anyway no one came to the door so they knocked on the next door and my mum started a conversation with a Young woman.  Meanwhile the first door opened and a man came out and started screaming and swearing (cussing) at them.  The second householder, the Young woman looked on surprised as the man yelled every time of obscenity at them, the sister walked away and my mum eventually said to the woman she'd call back and as it was best they leave.  She left her a brochure and the woman accepted and said she'd read it.


The sister was telling my mum off for not ending the conversation sooner as the man looked dangerous ... then the sister looked down at the territory... you guessed it, it was a "do not call"...lol


Funniest thing is as they were walking away, my mum (whose eyesight isn't so great) saw what she thought was a man waving at her - at least he was making some kind of gesture with his hand.  She of course cordially waved back with a smile.  It was the do not call and he started screaming and swearing again for all the world to hear.  He hadn't been waving....  I nearly fell of my chair laughing but it's a serious matter, I'm pretty sure if the angels weren't protecting them he'd have picked my old mum up, (whose all of 4"10 and 100 lbs) and thrown her over the balcony. 

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l It was the do not call and he started screaming and swearing again for all the world to hear.  He hadn't been waving....  I nearly fell of my chair laughing but it's a serious matter, I'm pretty sure if the angels weren't protecting them he'd have picked my old mum up, (whose all of 4"10 and 100 lbs) and thrown her over the balcony. 

Well now!  Perhaps down the road he will think about how this beautiful woman was still cordial and waved acknowledge him warmly through all of his obscene gestures, ...And think to himself, Wow! I was gross and obscene and this person wave and smile at me!  She truly displayed Christ Like qualities.   There must be something with these people! 

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lol... I was swapping stories with my mum and she made me laugh, last weekend she was preaching with a sister in a block of flats... they knocked on a door.  In London the doors are very close together.  Anyway no one came to the door so they knocked on the next door and my mum started a conversation with a Young woman.  Meanwhile the first door opened and a man came out and started screaming and swearing (cussing) at them.  The second householder, the Young woman looked on surprised as the man yelled every time of obscenity at them, the sister walked away and my mum eventually said to the woman she'd call back and as it was best they leave.  She left her a brochure and the woman accepted and said she'd read it.


The sister was telling my mum off for not ending the conversation sooner as the man looked dangerous ... then the sister looked down at the territory... you guessed it, it was a "do not call"...lol


Funniest thing is as they were walking away, my mum (whose eyesight isn't so great) saw what she thought was a man waving at her - at least he was making some kind of gesture with his hand.  She of course cordially waved back with a smile.  It was the do not call and he started screaming and swearing again for all the world to hear.  He hadn't been waving....  I nearly fell of my chair laughing but it's a serious matter, I'm pretty sure if the angels weren't protecting them he'd have picked my old mum up, (whose all of 4"10 and 100 lbs) and thrown her over the balcony. 



I have accidentally knocked on a DNC> fortunately they were Italiano.



The worst I have every experienced in the territory. WAs a place out at Kurrnel which is located of the Heads in Cronulla/SYdney where Captain Cook had first landed. Its the only Rural territory in that area. We meaning a bunch of Brothers & SIsters had just finished the morning & headed back to our Vehicles. This area is known for witches etc. Freaky territory. So kids like about a dozen were throwing stones & rocks at all of us.  IT did hit some friends.

We couldn't run fast enough.  The vehicles were like 4 blocks away .


Another area out the back in the HIghlands we were doing rurals. We watched this guy driving up & down following us & our friends. Someone must have called at his door. He was freaky scarey. A friend had noticed he had a shot gun. We decided to keep driving & not pull over. Stayed in contact with each other on our mobiles. 

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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