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The Bible - History Channel

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Anyone watching this?

I am just starting to hear about it. I wonder how it is doing for accuracy sake. I find I often have very interesting conversations when these shows come up - but sadly what ones like are the inaccurate parts - like in the 10 Commandments - Pharaoh surviving.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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Noticed it was on and watched part of it. hey got several things wrong about Jesus, like the "wise men" showing up at this birth and not having the spirit come down at his baptism.

When they showed him in the wilderness for forty days, they had him wondering aimlessly around and collapsing from hunger and thirst. Then, when the devil came to temp him, they showed a literal snake come, then a super-pale man in black did the tempting, then a snake slithered away.

However, during the tempting, they did have him refer to his Father as God and even Satan refereed to God as being different from Jesus. So, even thought they got many thins wrong, they inadvertently got one of the major wrongs Christendom believes right.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I watched the first part and it seems they are missing all the important info.

No mention of why Sodom was destroyed - except - "they were wicked". The 2 angels sent to get Lot - were serious with swords - why don't I remember reading that they had to battle their way out of the city :lol1: However watching Lot's wife turn to salt - looked real enough. NO mention of Lots request to go to the mountains or what happens to him and his daughters. They didn't even show them telling others to leave.

No mention of Ishmael's taunting Isaac - just that he and his mom had to go (Sarah was jealous). They made it looked like God KEPT testing Abraham over and over again - until finally he was to offer up his son. Then the next thing you know all of Abraham's offspring are in Egypt - no seeing Isaac grow up, no mention of Jacob (except that he was Isaac's son and renamed Israel), no mention of Joseph or his brothers. And they WAY don't get the story of Moses correct.

Moses - one day he is fighting with his "brother" the soon to be Pharaoh and the next he is killing an Egyptian for striking an Israelite, then they next he is in the wilderness seeing a burning bush from his tent. AND you KNOW there is NO mention of God's name. Then off to "let my people go" from the brat (now Pharaoh he was fighting with only a short time ago).

Very disappointing.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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After all this to-do about it, I watched 5 minutes of it. What a joke it is. The part I watched covered this weeks Bible reading Luke one. The angel Gabriel was a scruffy unshaven but not bearded fellow with a ragged red cape. Looked more like a troll than an angel. Back to boycotting. :S

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Back for part 2 - so No staffs into snakes, Moses gets beat up by Pharaoh's men and "secretly" turns the Nile to blood - guess he doesn't want to get beat up again. Pharaoh was swimming in the Nile when it happened. Why don't I remember reading any of this :lol1: Then they roll through those first 9 plagues pretty quickly.

Moses then tells them of the 10th plague ("the angel of death is coming" ) and that he will even kill all of the Israelites first born - unless they do EXACTLY as they are told. Boom -> "this is the Exodus" and off to the Red Sea.

No cloud separating the Israelites, but Moses STRIKEs the water and poof (cool special affects). Lots of running - whew - they make it to the other side!!! Well Pharaoh survives in this version - just like in the "Ten Commandments" movie. Oh, yeah - quick mountain scene and poof he has the Ten Commandments. No mention of disobedience, etc - just "40 years later" BOOM Joshua is in charge!

Yep, I'll have to boycott the others - WAY too inaccurate. I don't want to get the events all mixed up in my head.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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I've watched a little here and there, and also noticed the inaccuracies (or dramatic license). If nothing else, it's popularity shows that there's still an interest out there for the Bible; Hollywood always seems shocked by how popular such well-produced (if slightly inaccurate) Bible-related series/movies do. Hopefully it'll at least give us more opportunities to discuss the Bible with our neighbors.

Just stop it.Romans 12:2

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I have watched it, but not for bible truths, and I started to watch it with "eyes wide open" knowing there would be inaccuracies. My reason for watching is because I am a very visual person, love the art from the society, love the dramas etc. My favorite talk that I listen to every year at the time of the memorial was given by an Australian brother who brought the bible to life in his talk - it moves me so much. The miniseries on the history channel, for me, just brings things to life for me - puts in in the setting, lets me feel and see what was going on. I realize it's not for everyone but for me, I've enjoyed it. I have had a very dysfunctional childhood full of abuse so authority figures or "men/father figures" have been a real issue for me - but I see justice clearly. This may sound silly to some but for me, the episode where Jehovah spoke...his voice (in the show) was sooo gentle, kind and loving. I never imagined his voice that way. For me it was always commanding, loud, almost scary and intimidating....I know this comes from my background and from that sense of fear (wrong kind of fear) of man, fathers and authority. BUT...when I heard that in the show, I cried. It was a real light bulb going off because THAT is what a loving and kind father WOULD sound like. I have no experience with that anywhere so if for nothing else at all, that moment in the show has truly helped me in regards to my relationship building, trust and love. I have a new viewpoint. So for me, I'm thankful for at least that first episode :-) I guess our help and answers to our prayers can come from strange things - even a TV show.

Amos 4:12, in part: ".....Get ready to meet your God, O Israel."

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Anyone watching this?

I am just starting to hear about it. I wonder how it is doing for accuracy sake. I find I often have very interesting conversations when these shows come up - but sadly what ones like are the inaccurate parts - like in the 10 Commandments - Pharaoh surviving.

Yes, we have watched them all... it could be a source of conversation since 10 million people have viewed it. Every time they get something wrong I hit "pause" and my wife and I discuss how it is wrong, and check the Bible to verify it... it seems I hit "pause" a lot... the Ark was not a boat, Abraham and Moses didn't yell all the time, Samson was not a 6' 6" tall very dark complexion black man, and apparently most of the prophets never lived, and the story about Jesus life could have been a bit more accurate, for example it was not a cross, and the nails were not placed at the palms... yes, there are a LOT of errors, however, it is expected since it portrays the world's view of the Bible... they spend 5-hours on the Hebrew Scriptures, and 5-hours on the Greek Scriptures, therefore they really don't cover much of the 4026 years of man's history before Jesus... I scratch my head at some of it because the Bible is SO clear on some things and they still get it wrong... but it is kinda nice to see something other than sex, violence, and crime on TV!

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Hello My Brothers and Sisters

After about a week now I have just finished watch all the episodes of the History Channel the Bible. When I started watching it I wanted to see how accurate the would bring across the scriptures and also have and visual as to what took place back then. Now the beginning of the first episode that helped me a lot with visual on the creative days. ( except noah being in a boat and telling teenage girls and his wife the history of man and why God brought the flood)

Now after watching all 10 episodes I have this to say it is the MOST INACCURATE RENDERING OF THE BIBLE! Most truly I say to you if you put a 100 feet target, 20 feet away and told them to hit it with a wrecking ball THEY ARE GOING TO MISS! The most they might do is graze the edge but the slimmest of margins (SMH) :nope:

But I don't regret watching it because I come to appreciate more the work that Jehovah put in to have this organisation in place to ACCURATELY teach people the world over the Bible.

Because I could of picked out every single inaccuracy in the series. I will just name a few.

1. The Angels don't look like clean and holy

2. They don't show God and his servants as having a close relationship

3. Nonsense is that Cyrus the King conquered babylon because the babylonians saw that they were no match for Cyrus and his army and just let them took over ( how I did not see read that)

4. Jesus Resurrected Lazarus by going in to the tomb and kissed him on the head

5. At Pentecost 33 CE they where only the disciples and not the 120 that the bible said were in the room and when they got the holy spirit all of them started speaking in tongues and it echoed from the room to everyone outside to here.

6. And our beloved apostle Paul apparently had the name Paul from birth.

And there are many more it is ashame.

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Hello My Brothers and Sisters

After about a week now I have just finished watch all the episodes of the History Channel the Bible. When I started watching it I wanted to see how accurate the would bring across the scriptures and also have and visual as to what took place back then. Now the beginning of the first episode that helped me a lot with visual on the creative days. ( except noah being in a boat and telling teenage girls and his wife the history of man and why God brought the flood)

Now after watching all 10 episodes I have this to say it is the MOST INACCURATE RENDERING OF THE BIBLE! Most truly I say to you if you put a 100 feet target, 20 feet away and told them to hit it with a wrecking ball THEY ARE GOING TO MISS! The most they might do is graze the edge but the slimmest of margins (SMH) :nope:

But I don't regret watching it because I come to appreciate more the work that Jehovah put in to have this organisation in place to ACCURATELY teach people the world over the Bible.

Because I could of picked out every single inaccuracy in the series. I will just name a few.

1. The Angels don't look like clean and holy

2. They don't show God and his servants as having a close relationship

3. Nonsense is that Cyrus the King conquered babylon because the babylonians saw that they were no match for Cyrus and his army and just let them took over ( how I did not see read that)

4. Jesus Resurrected Lazarus by going in to the tomb and kissed him on the head

5. At Pentecost 33 CE they where only the disciples and not the 120 that the bible said were in the room and when they got the holy spirit all of them started speaking in tongues and it echoed from the room to everyone outside to here.

6. And our beloved apostle Paul apparently had the name Paul from birth.

And there are many more it is ashame.

I agree Keston, they missed the most obvious things... and yes, the angels, what was that? They were all dirty and sloppy, looking like they just came from battle, and when they fought they were using Chinese Martial Arts moves! I don't get it, it was not just doctrinal things they missed, which you would expect, it was the simple clearly explained things written in the Bible that they missed! It was as if they didn't even consult the Scriptures!

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I agree Keston, they missed the most obvious things... and yes, the angels, what was that? They were all dirty and sloppy, looking like they just came from battle, and when they fought they were using Chinese Martial Arts moves! I don't get it, it was not just doctrinal things they missed, which you would expect, it was the simple clearly explained things written in the Bible that they missed! It was as if they didn't even consult the Scriptures!

That was what drove me crazy and I only watched the first 2 episodes. "It is like they didn't even consult the Bible", but instead used some story book about the Bible and then twisted the story from there - very sad.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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I never watch bible dramtizations for just this reason, the inaccuracies drive me crazy and I can't relax enough just to enjoy them. I didn't have to watch it, I've yet to see anything produced by this world that anywhere near accurate when it comes to scripture. That said, I think there is a generation of young people (not OUR young people but just young people in general) that are not at all familiar with the bible that find these kinds of series eyeopening.

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I watched it with eyes wide open as well and did not at all expect any accuracies. My Mom simply refused to watch it! I was very concerned about the so called Angels and their 'fighting' skills who would have thought??(td) It seemed that because of the need to reduce and crunch the time frame the producers somehow got lost in translation. I'm with Bev I enjoyed the visuals and noted that Moses was quite the looker...and very surprised at the Samson character. Wowee!

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."

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I was able to catch just a few words from an interview with Roma Downey who she and her husband were the producers of this series. I have not see it but I believe it was Oprah that was conducting the interview said they must have found "the hottest Jesus on the planet!" LOL. After all, that is what it is all about, heh? LOL Hey Venus--you did not even mention Jesus!



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Oh Leslie I will forever love you because you keep me laughing and happy...And I haven't laughed like this in so many days probably weeks! Now Moses and Samson, we believe are Jehovah's residents of the dust and can't hear my thoughts or read my posts. But to me it seems blasphemous if I were to mention, even a TV 'Jesus' handsomeness or masculinity. :blushing:

I recall many years ago before the congregation split, a sister in her comment during the Watchtower study, talked about how Jesus would have looked. She went there in her comment and noted his attriibutes and far too many details about his appearance. I should also add she was very single and very actively looking for a husband at that time.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."

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Angels do kung fu !

I was done at this point. Hahaha

Me too... Loool :D

I tried to watch the show but was so nervous with all the errors I had to stop...

Every time a new film on bible appears I'm curious to see but then it's allways the same. More interess in gaining audiences by not telling the truth look to how they avoided the gay subject on sodoma, and sure they know that was an issue back then) than to make a real historic drama

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