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Typhoon Haiyan class 4 heading to Philippines

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Another super storm heading to the central part of Philippines just 3 weeks ago they were hit with a 7.2 earthquake with hundreds of strong after shocks . Now this ....... Br. Are directing our brothers to prepare for the worst. Take all important documents food and water to KH or another well chosen safe place. Please pray for our dear friends.

( tried attaching the google file of the storm but I'm not too tech savvy..... )



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A brother and sister from our hall flew out to the phillipines this week to visit relatives they landed the day before the storm hit , so all in our congregation are praying they are safe ,all we can do now is wait til the phone lines are up and running again so we can try to contact them

With headlines like worst storm in history yes you would think it would make some people sit up and listen

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A brother and sister from our hall flew out to the phillipines this week to visit relatives they landed the day before the storm hit , so all in our congregation are praying they are safe ,all we can do now is wait til the phone lines are up and running again so we can try to contact them

Vicki do you know where the friends went .......perhaps someone can get you information from this forum.

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Our Canadian news reported this morning that over 10K dead in just one city.  It also showed many safe in shelters so knowing our brothers and sisters had advanced warning, are obedient and would have been told to go to the shelters I am hopeful they are ok.  Our special needs this week was on our disaster kits...so this certainly makes that hit home and makes me double check everything.

Amos 4:12, in part: ".....Get ready to meet your God, O Israel."

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All we can be assured of at this time is that our organization is doing all we can to get aid to our brothers and set everything up. Its just what we do. Once we have made sure they are ok we will be able to help the local people. This typhoon was massive though. My prayers go out to everyone in the disaster zone.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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I received this email this morning from a sister I know in the Philippines:


Early this morning we got verified info from my sister in law (Leel's sister), a member of Bethel Philippines, there are 26 confirmed dead and many are still missing. :( 


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It's really really too bad!!!

Needless to say will keep

them in our prayers.

After I saw the devastation from the typhoon in the Philippines.....I said to my daughter..."How do you think we would be able to cope with that degree of destruction in the USA...how do you think the friends would contend with or handle it?" " She said "Not so good."


I'd like to hear others thoughts and opinions.

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Someone in a neighbouring congregation here, has a friend out in the Phillipines... she said that they found 37 witnesses that had been sheltering in a KH... they didn't make it and are now in Jehovahs memory :(

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Someone in a neighbouring congregation here, has a friend out in the Phillipines... she said that they found 37 witnesses that had been sheltering in a KH... they didn't make it and are now in Jehovahs memory :(

  Thank you Annie for the update....I feel so sad that it wasn't better news, but with such destructive winds and the horrible storm surge...authorities have said many, many,

people drowned.

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Good news just got off Skype with our son in Cebu he told us that 3 trucks are heading into the worst hit area with supply's from the Branch in Manila. The Airport in Cebu is being used for a hub for brining in supply's and the brothers are giving everything they can spare and it is being collected at the Kingdom Hall in Cebu and surrounding KH to be distributed to those hardest hit .

What a beautiful thing we have in our " brotherhood "

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Yes...I have thought of this also...my thoughts call to mind the many TV shows on "Doomsday Preppers, i.e. Survivalist all over the globe - bunkering down for what the feel is coming very soon!  Because it does frighten me, I constantly pray to Jehovah for  strength and courage not to be afraid and lean on him in prayer in ALL things, no matter what! ....I know many of us will be very frighten...but ALL we have and know is Jehovah.  And, I am diligent in prayer for ALL my love ones and most of all those related to me by faith.   It is hard to look at the devastation on TV - cannot even imagine in the U.S.


BTW...Children at times have wonderful insight! I work with them everyday and I am constantly learning from them.  :)

Edited by CyreJay
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