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Super Typhoon Haiyan

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Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of strongest storms ever, hits central Philippines

By Jethro Mullen, CNN
November 7, 2013 -- Updated 2342 GMT (0742 HKT)

(CNN) -- Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever observed, made landfall Friday morning in the Philippines, the country's weather service reported.

Thousands of people in vulnerable areas of the central Philippines were evacuated as the monster storm spun toward the country.

With sustained winds of 315 kph (195 mph) and gusts as strong as 380 kph (235 mph), Haiyan churned across the Western Pacific into the Philippines.

Its wind strength makes it equivalent to an exceptionally strong Category 5 hurricane...


Earthquake survivors vulnerable

...Some of the most vulnerable people are those living in makeshift shelters on the central Philippine island of Bohol.

Last month, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the island, which lies close to the typhoon's predicted path. The quake killed at least 222 people, injured nearly 1,000 and displaced about 350,000, according to authorities.

Edited by Wren
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Thank u for posting our son and family are in Cebu ...... We are on pins and needles waiting the final outcome ! Poor brothers have been hit so hard there. Earthquake now this . We will be going in a month we are scheduled to visit the brothers in the English congregations including Bohol island ( famous for its Chocolate Hills) . Plans are to work with the brothers in service , try to encourage and comfort the friends . My husband is scheduled to give a talk providing there is anything left standing in Bohol, it was the epicenter of the recent earthquake ! Brothers from branch in Manilla were scheduled to visit this week to asses damage but due to the storm have no doubt had to postpone .

Thankfully this is hitting now ( daytime ) how terrifying if it was arriving in the dark of night !

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"MANILA -- Typhoon Yolanda has claimed two lives Friday after a man was reported electrocuted to death in Surigao Del Norte while another was crushed after being hit by a falling tree in Cebu.

In Medellin town, Cebu, the victim, also male, was hit and killed by a tree toppled by strong winds caused by Yolanda."





Its now here in the Philippines, the eye of storm will hit Mindanao, Cebu Area. Thanks for everyone.

Here in Manila, we have small amount rain, I think it will be hit at afternoon.


We know in the near future - Jesus will said to all storm  Hush! Be quiet!’ - Mark 4:39

Edited by dennisdg
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What organization would worry and pray for ones in other lands?  As servants of Jehovah when tragedy hits - we immediately express heartfelt prayer for ones related to us by faith, no matter what land or island. There is nothing like the love.  We will continue in prayer for the friends within and share updates.

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A sister who used to be in my congregation is back in the Philippines now, recently married to a circuit overseer. Their home base is Tarlac City though, out of the danger zone.


How many lives will finally be claimed by this typhoon? The estimations certainly vary. Now, the Huffington Post and the BBC News are saying 10,000 casualties could be expected! I hope they're wrong.

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Thousands likely dead after Philippines typhoon  (Fox News)

My prayers are for our brothers, I feel devastation in my own heart, just like the earthquake that hit Japan in 2011.  The mass amount of deaths is as overwhelming as war and its destructive forces.   Longing to hear reports through the slave of our brother's well being and how much was lost and found.  Jehovah will take care of them, as he takes care of all of us during the wee hours of the end of this wicked world.  Just breaks my heart to see these pictures, not just of our brothers but the people who are poor and only had huts to live in.   Oh please Jehovah "let you Kingdom come." 

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Thank you Suzie we just got word this evening they are ok. Traumatized but ok . They even met for the meeting Sunday and gathered for a meal after. They couldn't even speak about what they had been through so sang songs and just stayed together to comfort and console each other just waiting to hear news of family and friends of surrounding Islands . Sadly he told us that 25 of our brothers and sisters perished who had sought shelter in a KH ......we are heartsick for them they simply did not understand the concept of "storm surge" .

Jehovah urges his people to be generous and we can be confident our brotherhood will open their generous hearts to help .

Hebrews 13:16 " .....do not forget to do good and share what you have with others, for God is well pleased with such sacrifices".

Yes Lisa " please let your Kingdom come" .......hopefully soon.

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Thank you for the update Wendy. Glad your family are okay. My heart goes out to all who have lost their lives, loved ones, homes and everything else. Just hope aid can get to where it is needed.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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So hurt after hearing the news above of the friends...tears!  So - I went to jw.org to look up prayers...and on the home page today is...

THE WATCHTOWER DECEMBER 2011 - Natural Disasters why so many?

So I read it again - and after going over the articles within....I found it comforting!  I hope many that are not JW's find it comforting as well.



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I'm very sad to hear that our brothers and sisters have suffered loss of life Wendy. Such an unimaginably powerful storm striking those least able to prepare for it. I'm glad your son and family have come through it. 

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I know that all of us in here are praying for our beloved friends in the country and around the world.  I heard on the news this morning, That the people are so desperate, they are looting food from any place they can get it and even of the dead, not only that, but they are attacking the trucks bringing aid and food to them.  I think the President of this country should install Martial Law.    Am at a loss, feeling crushed that so many of dear friends had to parish in this storm.   I just can't imagine a storm with winds at 280 miles an hour.   So what does that mean when the Angels unleash the 4 winds that they're holding back from the earth at Jehovah's great day?   Oh am so sorry, I can't hold back my tears, they hid in a kingdom hall.  

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This was the report on Typhoon Bopha that hit the Philippines last year . Now this an earthquake and Typhoon back too back .....

We are starting to feel like Habakkuk " how long oh Jehovah "

Words can't describe our feelings . .

How timely KN # 38 .........

It was comforting to read the WT again on Natural Disasters .

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I received this message from one of our sisters who lives in the Philippines and does the Filipino translating work for Meekspace. It is basically the same sad news that Wendy already posted.


Early this morning we got verified info from my sister in law (Leel's sister), a member of Bethel Philippines, there are 26 confirmed dead and many are still missing. :( 


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Good news just got off Skype with our son in Cebu he told us that 3 trucks are heading into the worst hit area with supply's from the Branch in Manila. The Airport in Cebu is being used for a hub for brining in supply's and the brothers are giving everything they can spare and it is being collected at the Kingdom Hall in Cebu and surrounding KH to be distributed to those hardest hit .

What a beautiful thing we have in our " brotherhood

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