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Other Religions are starting to recognize that God's Name is Jehovah

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Jehovah's Witnesses have been declaring God's name for more than 100 yrs and the mainstream religions are just now recognizing that God's name needs to be put back into the Bible where it belongs. 


A new King James Bible has broken a centuries-old tradition and is following in the footsteps of several Bible translations that restored the Divine Name to its original place in the Old Testament.

The Divine Name King James Bible is raising eyebrows in the world of Bible translators for replacing the capitalized GOD and LORD with the English translation “Jehovah” in 6,972 places.

In Hebrew the four letters representing the Divine name, also called the Tetragrammaton, is YHWH. To this day no one is certain of its exact pronunciation.

Translators of the Divine Name King James Version are following the pattern of other Bible translations, including Young’s Literal Translation, Darby Translation, The New World Translation, The American Standard Version and The Bible in Living English, in restoring the Divine Name where it was originally written.

Read more: Cleveland Daily Banner - WRIGHT WAY A New King James Bible 


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“You are worthy, Jehovah* our God, to receive the glory+ and the honor+and the power,+ because you created all things,+ and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”


And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,+ and then the end will come.



They will have to know, I am Jehovah.


We can see the end is JUST around the corner. Thank you for the article Deenna, I will be sharing this with some people I know who just loves the KJV.

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The Divine Name King James Bible authors state that they have no religious affiliations.  They paraphrase our reasons for Jehovah belonging in the Greek Scripture-but they didn't do it. The reason -the original KJB didn't have it. Faulty reasoning. :loopy:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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A sister had this New KJB, so I borrowed it for a bible study.  She saw it, we read a couple of scriptures from the TB, and they had Jehovah's name in it, except in the NT, but in the reference margin, it had the name Jehovah in it.  But she just couldn't bring herself to say Jehovah's name.  She said she didn't care for the New version of the KJB, that she liked her's better.  She insisted that LORD is God's name.  So eventually, a little bit down the road, her pastor got involved with her studying, and she stopped.   The man of lawlessness jumped right on in there!   I was not surprised!  So I left it up to Jehovah to find another sheep like person, who doesn't get upset over his personal name - Jehovah!

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Ezekiel 5:13 And my anger will certainly come to its finish and I will appease my rage on them and comfort myself; and they will have to know that I myself, Jehovah, have spoken in my insistence on exclusive devotion, when I bring my rage to its finish upon them.



Hebrews 8:11 “‘And they will by no means teach each one his fellow citizen and each one his brother, saying: “Know Jehovah!” For they will all know me, from [the] least one to [the] greatest one of them. 12 For I shall be merciful to their unrighteous deeds, and I shall by no means call their sins to mind anymore


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Having gone through this,  a thought comes to my mind.


- Taking name of Jehovah does not mean that they started to give glory to the True God.  Even in Bible we read  people took name of Jehovah and indulged in false worship.   So there can be some reverse effect.   

- We know many came to the Truth after hearing the name of God from the Bible.  Now when we  meet some people and wanted to show them from the Bible about the name of God, some of will start saying, "yes   yes we know that the name of God is Jehovah.  Now our religion is also teaching what you preach. So we think we need not study from you people....etc.etc...

-Do you think it may be Satan's another cunning attack to turn away people as he gives advance information....?"

-just a thought..


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Having gone through this,  a thought comes to my mind.


- Taking name of Jehovah does not mean that they started to give glory to the True God.  Even in Bible we read  people took name of Jehovah and indulged in false worship.   So there can be some reverse effect.   

- We know many came to the Truth after hearing the name of God from the Bible.  Now when we  meet some people and wanted to show them from the Bible about the name of God, some of will start saying, "yes   yes we know that the name of God is Jehovah.  Now our religion is also teaching what you preach. So we think we need not study from you people....etc.etc...

-Do you think it may be Satan's another cunning attack to turn away people as he gives advance information....?"

-just a thought..



Of course, it is a misleading reasoning from Satan.


Concerning the fact that many translators have removed the divine name in the Scriptures, it was foretold by Jehovah himself :


Jer 23:27

27 They are thinking of making my people forget my name by means of their dreams that they keep relating each one to the other, just as their fathers forgot my name by means of Ba′al.

החשבים להשכיח אתעמי שמי בחלומתם אשר יספרו איש לרעהוכאשר שכחו אבותם אתשמי בבעל


בבעל = בַּעַל


n° Strong H1168

בַּעַל (ba.al): Baal



Baal = "lord"

from H1167


n° Strong H1167

בַּעַל (ba.al): master



1) owner, husband, lord

1a) owner

1b) a husband

1c) citizens, inhabitants

1d) rulers, lords

1e) (noun of relationship used to characterise-ie, master of dreams)

1f) lord (used of foreign gods)


Even in the Septuagint :

των λογιζομενων του επιλαθεσθαι του νομου μου εν τοις ενυπνιοις αυτων α διηγουντο εκαστοςτω πλησιον αυτου καθαπερ επελαθοντο οι πατερες αυτων του ονοματος μου εν τη βααλ Βάαλ (baal): Baal, "master, owner, lord"



Baal, (Hebrew for Master, owner, lord)


So, interestingly, when the people pray God using just the "name" "Lord", instead of "Jehovah" they are doing what Jehovah foretold concerning the wicked ones, being misled by their dreams, their philosophy.

"O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and beyond tracing out his ways are!"

- Romans 11:33 -

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CHIHOWA: Choctaw

IÁHVE: Portuguese


IEHOVA: Gilbertese; Hawaiian; Hiri Motu; Kerewo; Kiwai; Marquesas; Motu; Panaieti (Misima); Rarotongan; Tahitian; Toaripi


IEOVA: Kuanua; Wedau

IHOVA: Aneityum

IHVH: French

IOVA: Malekula (Kuliviu); Malekula (Pangkumu); Malekula (Uripiv)

JAHOWA: Batak-Toba

JAHUÈ: Chacobo

JAKWE: (Ki)Sukuma

JAHVE: Hungarian

JEHOBA: Kipsigis; Mentawai

JEHOFA: Tswana

JEHOVA: Croatian; German; Kélé (Gabon); Lele (Manus Island); Nandi; Nauruan; Nukuoro

JEHOVÁ: Spanish

JEHÔVA: Fang; Tsimihety

JEHOVAH: Dutch; Efik; English; Kalenjin; Malagasy; Narrinyeri; Ojibwa

JEOVA: Kusaie (Kosraean)

JIHOVA: Naga (Angami); Naga (Konyak); Naga (Lotha); Naga (Mao); Naga (Ntenyi); Naga (Sangtam); Rotuman

JIOUA: Mortlock

JIOVA: Fijian


SIHOVA: Tongan




YAVE: Kongo

YAWE: Bobangi; Bolia; Dholuo; Lingala; Mongo (Lolo); (Lo)Ngandu; (Lo)Ntumba; (Ke)Sengele

YEHÓA: Awabakal

YEHOFA: Southern Sotho

YEHOVA: Chokwe; Chuana (Tlapi); (Ki)Kalanga; Logo; Luba; Lugbara; (Chi)Luimbi; (Chi)Lunda (Ndembu); (Chi)Luvale; Santo (Hog Harbor); Tiv; Umbundu; (Isi)Xhosa

YEHOVAH: Bube; Mohawk; Nguna (Efate); Nguna (Tongoa)

YEHOWA: Ga; Laotian; (Ki)Songe; Tshiluba


YEOBA: Kuba (Inkongo)


YHWH: Hebrew

YOWO: Lomwe

ZAHOVA: Chin (Haka-Lai)
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Let's make it an even 100:


Giê-hô-va - http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=S%C3%A1ng+Th%E1%BA%BF+2&version=VIET


And of course the NWThttp://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r47/lp-vt/1001060304


note: somehow they left Vietnamese off the list in the back of the 2013 NWT  :nope:


Always a brides maid - never a bride  :lol1:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Let's make it an even 100:


Giê-hô-va - http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=S%C3%A1ng+Th%E1%BA%BF+2&version=VIET


And of course the NWThttp://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r47/lp-vt/1001060304


note: somehow they left Vietnamese off the list in the back of the 2013 NWT   :nope:


Always a brides maid - never a bride   :lol1:


Let's make it an even 100:


Giê-hô-va - http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=S%C3%A1ng+Th%E1%BA%BF+2&version=VIET


And of course the NWThttp://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r47/lp-vt/1001060304


note: somehow they left Vietnamese off the list in the back of the 2013 NWT   :nope:


Always a brides maid - never a bride   :lol1:


They knew you would take it that way so this is a test, it is only a test..........haha

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They have know it for a long time really, in some cases like below it's all about money...


 I think Firpo Car mentioned this a while ago in one of his books. If I'm right I mentioned this to a scholar about this and didn't believe it. WHen I show him the copy of it, he could say to much abou it.

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Jehovah's name was commonly used by many churches in Europe and America until the end of 19th century.


Many Bible translations in different languages mentioned it. It was engraved or painted in religious artwork (there are some Catholic churches here in Spain that display Jehovah's name). And famous writers and poets used it in their works, which suggests their audience knew the name and who was being alluded.


Curiously enough, when Bible Students at the end of the 19th century became known for using Jehovah's name freely, some scholars came out with a new form, "Yahweh", that according to them would be more exact. Then many churches stated that, since it was not possible to know for sure what the original pronunciation was, it was better to avoid the name at all. Could it be they were avoiding the name because people linked it to Jehovah's Witnesses. I do think so!


Some Bible translations have continued to use Jehovah's name (or Yahweh) until the 1960s or 1970s. However, in the last decades there has been a growing trend to leave the divine name out of the Bible. The Vatican has officially forbidden the use of the Name in Catholic translations, and even the Bible Societies have joined the trend and are replacing it with "Lord", they say, not to offend the Jews. :perplexed: Translations made by commercial firms of course avoid the Name because it doesn't sell well.


All churches admit Jehovah or Yahweh is God's proper name, but most are looking for silly excuses not to use it. I have the impression the reason is to differenciate themselves from Jehovah's Witnesses.


If we have forgotten the name of our God
Or if we spread out our hands in prayer to a foreign god,

Will not God discover this? He is aware of the secrets of the heart.

(Psalm 44:20)

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